The Works of Mr. William Shakespear; in Eight Volumes: Adorn'd with Cutts. Revis'd and Corrected, with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by N. Rowe, Esq; to this Edition is Added, a Table of the Most Sublime Passages in this Author.., Svazek 4J. Tonson: and are to be sold, 1714 |
Vyhledávání v knize
Strana 190
... Pucel , Reignier , is't thou that thinkeft to beguile me ? Where is the Dauphin ? Come , come from behind , I know thee well , though neyer feen before . Be not amaz'd , there's nothing hid from me ; In private will I talk with thec ...
... Pucel , Reignier , is't thou that thinkeft to beguile me ? Where is the Dauphin ? Come , come from behind , I know thee well , though neyer feen before . Be not amaz'd , there's nothing hid from me ; In private will I talk with thec ...
Strana 191
... Pucel . And while I live , I'll ne'er fly no Man . Here they Fight , and Joan de Pucelle overcomes . Dau . Stay , ftay thy Hands , thou art an Amazon , And fighteft with the Sword of Debora . Pucel . Chrift's Mother helps me , elfel ...
... Pucel . And while I live , I'll ne'er fly no Man . Here they Fight , and Joan de Pucelle overcomes . Dau . Stay , ftay thy Hands , thou art an Amazon , And fighteft with the Sword of Debora . Pucel . Chrift's Mother helps me , elfel ...
Strana 198
... Pucel . Come , come , ' tis only 1 that must disgrace thee . [ They fight . Tal . Heavens , can you fuffer Hell fo to prevail ? My Breaft I'll burft with ftraining of my Courage , And from my Shoulders crack my Arms afunder , But I will ...
... Pucel . Come , come , ' tis only 1 that must disgrace thee . [ They fight . Tal . Heavens , can you fuffer Hell fo to prevail ? My Breaft I'll burft with ftraining of my Courage , And from my Shoulders crack my Arms afunder , But I will ...
Strana 199
... Pucel . Advance our waving Colours on the Wallo Refcu'd is Orleans from the English Wolves : Thus Joan la Pucelle hath perform'd her Word . Dau . Divineft Creature , bright Aftrea's Daughter , How fhall I honour thee for this Succefs ...
... Pucel . Advance our waving Colours on the Wallo Refcu'd is Orleans from the English Wolves : Thus Joan la Pucelle hath perform'd her Word . Dau . Divineft Creature , bright Aftrea's Daughter , How fhall I honour thee for this Succefs ...
Strana 200
... Pucel , whom they term fo pure ? Tal . A Maid , they fay . Bed . A Maid ? And be fo Martial ? Bur . Pray God , the prove not Mafculine ere long , If underneath the Standard of the French She carry Armour , as fhe bath begun . Tal . Well ...
... Pucel , whom they term fo pure ? Tal . A Maid , they fay . Bed . A Maid ? And be fo Martial ? Bur . Pray God , the prove not Mafculine ere long , If underneath the Standard of the French She carry Armour , as fhe bath begun . Tal . Well ...
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againſt Alarum anſwer Arms art thou Bard Bardolph Battel Becauſe Blood Brother Cade Captain Clar Clarence Clif Clifford Coufin Crown Dauphin dead Death doth Duke of Burgundy Duke of York Earl Edward Elean England Exeunt Exit faid Father fear felf felves fhall fhew fhould fight flain fome fpeak France French Friends ftand ftay ftill fuch fweet give Glofter Grace Hand Harfleur hath Heart Heav'n himſelf Hoft Honour Houſe Humphry Jack Cade Juft K.Henry Lord Lord of Westmorland Lord Protector Love Mafter Majefty moft muft muſt never Night Noble Northumberland Peace Pift pleaſe prefent Prifoner Prince Pucel Queen reft Reignier Richard Richard Plantagenet Shal ſhall Sir John Soldiers Somerfet Soul ſpeak Suffolk Sword Talbot tell thee thefe theſe thine thofe thou art thouſand unto Warwick Weft whofe wilt Words