1. i ! INDEX TO NOTES, AND GLOSSARY The page number is given first; a superior numeral or character indicates the note. When it Not all notes are indexed. Notes upon authors and titles may be found through the indexes to The glossary is inserted here in one alphabetical order with the index, but the words begin Alchemy, 3255. See Elixir vitae; Philosopher's Arion, 23253, 2808. Augustus, 2804. Aurora, dawn, 22719. Ausonian, 24287. Avalon, Avilion, 32a line 18, 11020, 577*. See brand, sword, 277. Earthly Paradise. Brabant, 651. brae, bank, hillside, 3999. Brahma, 51911. Branstock, The, 708*. brede, embroidery, 3463, 4902. Bridge of Sighs, 4601, 6785. ave (Latin), hail, 5896 line 21, 596*. Cp. 467, st. brave (Scotch braw), fine, 16515, 40212 101. Avernus = Hades, 2050 line 12. Baal (plural, Baalim), 22632, 23950. Bacchantes, 23114, 258, 3892, 7112, 7141. Bachelor, 4411. Bacon, Roger, 1533. bairn, child (of any age), 7429. Baldur (or Balder), 709*. Ballade, 719a*. Barbers, 20418. Barmecide, 5534. Barricades, Day of, 6645. Bartholomew-tide, 21922. Bashan, 3822, 4653. Broglie, Duc de, 5327, 535*. Brutus, King, 6231.. Buckeen, 5618. Buckingham, Duke of, 27921. Bull, 4080. burn, brook, 39924. Busiris, 23837. Buskin = Tragedy, 1926, 22927, 28118. buxom, yielding, supple, lively, 2277 25355 byrnie, corslet, 1 line 40. Byron, 5294. Cadmus, 2634, 46713. Caerleon, Carleon, 9932. Caesar, Stories of, 46318, 6051. Ça ira, 4664. Calendar, Reformation of, 3231, 3646*, 662- Cp Basset, 2774. Bat-fowling, 17430. Bath, Knights of the, 340§. Bayard, Blind, 95†. bebe good for, 4112. beads, prayers, 221*, 35313. Bear, The Great, 22919. Beauvais, Bishop of, 5248. Beelzebub, 154†. Belial, 24060. 6365. Caliban, 164*. Caliphs, 38416. Calliope, 23113. Camelot, 1002, 5671, 5753. Cameron, Donald, 4682; Sir Ewan, 54510 Cameronians, 5034. Campagna, The Roman, 6855. Bellerophon, 258†. Bellerus, 23250. Bellman, 22918. Bellona, 25358. Bells rung backward, 4483. Benedictines, 4518. Campaniles, 6771. Campbells, The, 4451. can, gan, did, 12914. Candlemas, 9819. bent, dry grass, stubble land, 21928, 4741, 6252, card = compass, 323","4086. carl, churl, fellow, 4948. carlin, old woman, 39918, 41018, 4487. 7064. Beowulf, 1*, 18*. Béranger, 559†. Berenice's Hair, 3197. Bermudas, 164*, 16553. Bickerstaff, Isaac, 2964. Bilboe, 1499. bill = prescription, 15114, 3083. bill = sword, 2516. birk, birch, 4134. Black art, 15221. Carmelites, 616*, 61811. Cashmire, 4703. Cassandra, 5728. Cassiopea, 2287. Castle Rock, 44815. Castor and Pollux, 14111. Catiline, 3216. Catch (song), 18119, 2651. Ср. 6178. Cathay, 510, 582 line 184. Cell, 4517. Celtic race, 659†. Blank verse, first employed, 125*; dramatic, 159†. Catullus, 5966*. Blanket, Tossing in, 2807. Blenheim, 493†. Blue-stocking, 498§. Bœotian dulness, 4504, 549†. Boëthius, 583. Bolingbroke, Lord, 3191. Bonivard, François de, 453. bonnet = cap (Scotch), 4443. bonny, bonie, comely, blithe, 405*. Borgia, Cesare, 3215. Bourne, Vincent, 392†. Bow bells, 31711. Centre = Earth, 2341, 235*. Cerberus, 2272, 25051. Ceres, 1846, 22915. Cervantes, 6631. Cestus of Venus, 4597. chair = sedan-chair, 3117, 3352, 54113, Champ-de-Mars, 53314. Champs Elysées, 5325. chapman, pedlar, 21714, 4073, 4081. Chariots of war, 2249. Chaucer's Pronunciation, 42, 289†. bower, inner room (opposed to hall), women's Charon, 5654. apartment, chamber, 5317. See 4028. } Excalibur, 324, 98-99, 109. See Tennyson's Morte Graces, The, 2275, 520 line 9. Firth, Solway, 4431. Flamens, 2261. flashy, insipid, 2125, 23235. Fleur-de-lis, 5247. Fly-boats, 21123, 6646. fond, foolish, 1202. Fortunatus, 5295. Grail, The Holy, 101, 103 ff. gramercy, great thanks (grand merci), 1613 Grassmarket, 44811. Greek Games, 24940, 4665. Greek Music, Moods of, 349*, 22827. Green-gown, 221*. greet, weep, 40030, 40817. Grenville, Sir Richard, 208, 209, 2118. Groom-porter, 2754. Grub Street, 3817. grunsel, groundsill, 23954, 53614. Guenever, 996, 72212. Guilds, London, 274t. Guinea grains, 3273. Gules, 4863. habit = costume, 29419, 3363. Haha, 3865. Half piece (coin), 21414. Foundation, 5201. Frankeleyn, 4715. fray, to affray, to frighten, 486 line 27. Hallam, Arthur, 577†, 583*, 584*, 5871, 5881. Hampden, John, 3485, 5021. Hampton Court, 3131. Hasdrubal, 5916. Hautboy, 2845. French Revolution, 4401, 4664, 532*. Hays, 5102. Freyja, 11§, 7068. Hebe, 22710. Frippery, 18634. Hebrides, 23248. Furies, The, 2858, 520b line 14, 52211. Hebrus, 231 line 63. Fuseli, 6866. Hecate, 13148, 4921. Galahad, 10067, 102 ff.; 573b. Galen, 48 line 431, 15113. Galicia, 492, 662b line 6. Galileo, 23731, 319 line 138. Galleass, 6658. Galliards, 2136, 4442. Ganelon, 5731. gar, cause, make, 40215. Gargantua, 20521. Garrick, David, 379*, 380 lines 93 ff. Garter, Knights of the, 3259, 340§. Gazette, 2965. Geats, 3*. Geneva, Lake of, 453, 4586. genius, a spirit, 22529, 3021. gentle, noble, of good birth, 128 line 1. german, brother, 1369. Giaours, 3811. Gigantes, 236†. Giotto, 61914. Gloriana, 127*. go walk, 2701. Goal, 24940. Godiva, 514*. Goethe, 5293, 5841, 6749, 7261. Hedge-schools, 5604. Helm of Aweing, 70814. Heorot, 2*. her, their. Hercules, 24943. Hermes Trismegistus, 22920. Herodias, 61915. Heroic measure, 2897. Hesperian, 24065. Hesperides, 46610. Hides of land, 26‡. hight, called, is called, was calle 1, 9931 Hilda, Abbess, 211. hind, peasant, 3461, 5144. Hindu mythology; 51911. hir, their. his (pedantic possessive), 1212. hisits, 17313. Hock, 4988, 5281. holt, wood, 11021. Holy Alliance, 462*. Homer, 4669, 548, 642*. i |