Obrázky stránek

Hooper, John, 5022.

Horeb, 2344.

Horoscope, See Astrology.

horrid, horrent, rough, 24937, 3962.

Hotel-de-Ville, 53313.

Houris, 3825.

Hudibras, 2984.

Hulks, 21013.

Humours, 48†, 54b lines 105-149; extended sense,

1312, 192*, 29418.

Hunt, Holman, his "Light of the World," 6867.
Hyacinth, 23228.

Hyades, 5782.

Hyde Park, 31710.

Hymen, 1845, 22824. Hymen's torch, 185 line 97.

lambics = satire, 28245.

Icarus, 1517.

Ida, Mt., 2289, 240 line 515, 3041, 3981, 5691.

ilk, ilka, every, 3991.

Images, 480*, 688*.

Invalides, Hôtel des, 5354.

Ionians, 5483.

Iram, 633‡.

Iran, 645*.

Iris, 184b, 5703.

Isis, 22638, 51911.

Islands of the Blest, 46610.

Islington, 5108, 5402.

Jacobin Party, 532†. Cp. 4651.

King's Evil, 274‡, 3678.

Kit, 2997.

Knight-errantry burlesqued, 197*.
Knighthood, Orders of, 340§.

Knot-grass, 20332.

Lamb, Mary, 504*.

Lars, or Lares. Spirits of the departed, wor-
shiped by the Romans as household gods,

Latimer, Bishop, 5022.

Launcelot du Lac, 101, 103, etc.

Laurel, 16310, 356†, 46318.

lave, the rest, 40222.

lawn = untilled ground, 22414.

lazar, leper, 4612, 1341.

Lazy-tongs, 5521.

leads roof, 2745, 703a line 7.

leasing, lying, 214, 893.

leech, physician, 9824.

Leicester, Lord, 127*, 1417.

Leman, Lake. See Geneva.

Lemures. The spirits of those who have died in

sin. 22630.

Lepanto, 46011.

let, hinder, hindrance, 11735.

let, cause, give orders for, 10010.

Levant, The, 3311.

lewd, ignorant, 1228.

Liberals (of Italy), 6222, 713*.

Licentiate, 4546.

Jacobites, 337*, 448*, 543 ff.

Jamshyd, 6331, 6541.

Lido, The, 6021.

lief, dear, 1009, 5758.

Limitour, 4541, 35418.

Janus, 2861. From this two-faced deity is de- Lilly, William, 260*.

[blocks in formation]

Lincoln's Inn Fields, 5408.

Lingua Franca, 3364.

Lion of St. Mark, 4603.

list or lust, wish, please (both present and pret-

erit, usually impersonal), 1234.

Liver, the seat of passion, 1849.

Lochiel. See Cameron.

Locke, John, 7251.

Locusts as food, 411, 6115.

London Bridge, 3852, 5403.

London streets, 113*, 3852, 539 ff.

Louvre, 6312.

Love-days, 4629.

Lovelace, 221*.

Lucifer, 154†, 22412.

Lucy, Poems upon, 418*.

Lunardi (a balloon bonnet), 40724.
lust. See list.

Lyceum of Athens, 26112, 5481.
Lydia, 3045.

Lydian laughter, 596b*.

Lydian measures, 2847. See Greek Music.

Lyonesse, 5742.

Lyrical Ballads of Wordsworth and Coleridge.

415†, 428, 45120.

Mab, Faery, 2282.

Mabinogion, 659.

Macgibbon, Wm., 39916.

Mackay, General, 543*.

Maenad, 4711. See Bacchantes.

Mæonides, 2555.

make, mate, 1262.

Male-sapphires, 6114.

Mall, The, 3198.

Mandeville, Bernard, 36214.

Manes, 2914.

Manna, 2457.

Mantua, Mantuan, 23121, 3085, 5960 line 19.

Marat, Jean Paul, 532†, 53915.

March-beer, 15936.

marches, boundaries, 23.

Marius, 512*, 5186.

Maro Virgil, 3085, 3434.

marry, an oath. See 8910.

Mars, the god of War. Introduced into Dryden's
Secular Masque to represent the troubled times
of Charles the First.

Martinmas, 796, 15935.

Masaccio, 62018.

Mask, Masque, 22825.

maun, must, 407b1; mauna, must not,

Maunciple, 4946.

may, maid, 381.

may, may-blossom, white-thorn, 221†.
Mazzini, Giuseppe (Joseph), 713*, 715*.

Mead, 5156.

Medea, 4761.

Memnon, 2286.

Mephistophilis, 154†.

mere, sea, lake, 15 line 1603, 5756.

Merlin, 962, 485*, 5754.

Mermaid Tavern, 490*.

Michael the Archangel, 2581, 499*.

Michaelmas, 3863.

mickle, properly = muckle, much; sometimes by
corruption used for "little," as in "many a
mickle makes a muckle." 40031, 40926.

Middlesex, 5445.

Milan = Duke of Milan, 16738.

Mile-End, 3785, 5439. Cp. 200b, bottom.

Mincius, 23121.

Mistress as title, 3313.

moil, labor, 3441, 4013.

Moloch, 22637.

Monastic Orders, 4066, 4543, 61811,

Monmouth, Duke of, 277*.

Montesquieu, 6571.

Mordred, 108*.

Morpheus, 2285.

Morris, Sir Lewis, 6553.

Moses, 23839.

Motley, 4632.

Mulciber, 24288.

Murex, 623†.

Musæns, 15326, 22928.

Napoleon, 427, 535*.

nas, has not, was not.

natheless, nathless, nevertheless.

National Assembly, 532*.

"Natural piety," 4223, 4691.

Nature in poetry, 342*, 416*, 416†, 428t.

ne, not, nor.

Necker, Jacques, 532*.

Nelson, Admiral, 494*, 6084.

Neptune, 23123.

nere, were not.

Nereid, 23125.

ness, headland, 3 line 223.

Nessus, 24943.

Newmarket, 5522.

New Style. See Calendar.

Nibelungenlied, 705*.

nicker, sea-monster, 5 line 422.

Night-watchman, 22918.

Ninus, 609.

Niobe, 46115.

nis, is not.
Nisus, 3188.

Nobody, 18120,

Nova Zembla, 2983, 528*.
Numantia, Siege of, 512*.
numbers = verses, 3043.

Oaten pipe, 3462, 3996, 7111.
Old Jewry, 3312, 3893.
Old Style. See Calendar.
Olympus, 240 line 516.
Ombre, 3118, 3142 ff.

Ophiuchus, 25158, 5282.

or, either, 3544.

or, or that, ere, before, 10119.

ordain, prepare, 10010

Oread, 5701.

Orgoglio, 1376.

Orion, 154*, 23836, 578b line 8.

Ormus, 2431.

Orpheus, 22830, 22929, 23114, 258%, 305*, 5308 Cp.

4508, 603*.

Orus, 22639.

Osiris, 22688, 51911.

other, early plural form, 2075,

Overbury's "Characters," 266‡..

Ovid, 6016, 7213.

owe = own, 17172.

Paean, 3894.

painful = careful, 2632.

Palais Royal, 5326*.

Pall, 22923, 6232.

Palmers, 3955.

Pan, 22416, 6448, 711.

Pandemonium, 24390.

Panope, 23125.

Pantaloon, 5557.

Paphos, 185 line 93, 571‡.

pardie, an oath, 8710.

Pardoner, 4079, 4965.

Pariah, 5217.

Paris and Oenone, 1446, 15722, 15723 569*.
Parma, Duke of, 152*, 662*.

Parnassus, 3072.

Parthenon, 492, 5485, 6757

Partridge, John, 31910,

party = side, 24724.

passing, exceeding, surpassing, 961, 3744.

passion, suffering, 17069. The passion of Christ, Ram (zodiac), 4312, 1931.

[blocks in formation]

Peneus. A river of Thessaly, which flowed through Renaissance, Italian, 600*, 616*, 62018.

[blocks in formation]

Preterit form for past participle, 340†.

prevent, anticipate, 2235.

Priam's curtains, 379", 53610.

prime, 3712, 10110.

Prisoner's base, 2089.

Prometheus, 5262.

proper, own, 663, 183 line 3.

Proserpine, 13148, 18419, 711*.

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 381 lines 137 ff.; 56118.

Rhodope, 3072.

Rialto, The, 460, 6782.

Ring, The. 311, 31710.

Roarers, 164†.

Robin Goodfellow, 22821.
Romulus, 3196..

Roncesvalles, 24174.

rood, cross, 7029, 4359.
Rosamond, Fair, 301*, 7215.
Roundel, 7196*.

Round Table, The, 996.
rout, gay party, 3805.
Rowley forgeries, 352*.
"Rules of Charles 1.," 375$.

Runes, 24†.

Rustum, 645*.

Sabbath, Witch's, 53312.

St. Agnes, 484*.

St. Agnes' Eve, 4834.

St. Augustine, 582.

St. Cecilia, 282*.

St. Denis, 5508, Cp. 532а.

St. George, 565†.

St. Helena, 24‡.

St. James, Shrine of, 3956, 492.

St. James's Park, 3198.

St. James's Square, 5408, 5438.

St. Julian, 4724.

St. Mark (Venice), 1948, 4603.

St. Paul, 529*.

St. Paul's Cathedral, 4608, 97*, 2722.

St. Peter, 23230, 5215.

St. Veronica, 5129.

Sáki, 6362.

Salisbury, Bishop of, 32*.

Prose style, Elizabethan, 206*; Milton's 2621; De Sangreal. See Grail.

Quincey's, 516*; Pater's, 7231.

Provence, 4881.

Psyche, 4901.

Ptolemaic Astronomy, 158*, 235*, 255*.

Punch, 5535, 6221.

Punning, Word-play, 1404, 241*.

Pygmies. See Pigmies.

Pyrrhus, 46612.

Pythagoras's doctrine of transmigration, 1638.

Quintessence, 263t.

Quixote, Don, 30910, 6631.

Quorum, 293*.

Salmasius, 234†.

Samite, 9928.

Sanctus, 5233.

Sansfoy, 1320.

Sansjoy, 1350.

Sansloy, 133b.

sark, cuirass, 7 line 550; shirt, 41025.

Sarras, City of, 103*.

Saturn, 2289, 240 line 512, 481*.

Saxon = Lowland or English, 4452, 4584, 5448.

scar, scaur, a bare rock, or cliff, 4444.

School, 119*.

Schoolmen, 21214, 2649.

Scipio's Dream, 5639.

scôp, poet, 1*.

Scotus, 2649.

Scottish Covenant, 2711.

Scottish Poetry, 399*.

Scylding, 1*.

Scylla, 251*. Another Scylla, 3188.

secular, marking or completing a century, 286b. Sword of King David, 103†.

Sedge, 23127.

seen, skilled, 1111.

Semi-cope, 4630, 35419.

Semiramis, 60°.

Seneca, 1925, 529*.

sensible, sensitive, 17427.

sentence, sense, opinion, judgment, 952.

[blocks in formation]

"Sweetness and light," 659*.
Switzerland, Invasion of, 440*.

[blocks in formation]

silly (German selig, blessed), innocent, simple, that serving to repeat a preceding connective,

Sion, 2347.

22417, 4338.

Sinai, Mt., 22524, 2344, 5351.

sith, sithens, since, 1038.

Sizar, 5617.

= because, etc.), 431.

[blocks in formation]

skills, (impersonal), matters, avails, 11311, 6251. Third Estate, 535*. See Estates.
Slug-horn, 6265.


Theocritus, 23120, 6321.

tho, then, 13611,

[blocks in formation]

sop, soupe, sup, small portion of a liquid, 1626, to intensive: to-burst, burst to pieces, 936 line


Sophocles, 642*.

Souls, Pictorial representation of, 61913.

Spairges, 404†.

speir, ask, 40213.


Toad-eater, 3719.

Tophet hell 5355, 6261. See 239, lines 402-405.

Touchstone, 1331.

Tournament, 9710.

Travellers' insurance, 182*.

Spheres, Music of, 255*, 22522, 3218, 53010. See Transubstantiation, 2788.

Ptolemaic Astronomy.

Sphinx, Theban, 482a line 23.

Stang, 3361.

Stella, 36216.

Stothard, Thomas, 6842.

stole, robe, 22910, 577 line 197.

Storied, 3482, 23042.

Strappado, 2995.

Straw, Jack, 5925.

Stratford atte Bowe, 44*.

style = name, 24718.

sublime = uplifted, 24939, 3505.
Summoner, 49, 5244.

Sunium, 46718. 5496.

Swan-song, 318,

Trelawny, Sir Jonathan, 499*.

Triple Alliance, 27811.

Triton, 23122.

Triumphal processions, 22823, 512*, 5143.

Trosachs, 44510.

Troubadours, 4881.

Tuileries, 5323.

Tully, 29315.

Tussaud, Madame, 5655.

Twelfth-day, 9817.

Twelve good rules, 3758.

Tyler, Wat, 5925.

Typhon, 22642, 2361.

Tyrian purple, 2876.

Ulysses, Bow of, 262*.

Una, 1288.

unco, uncouth, unknown, 2278, 405†.
Unction, Extreme, 9210. Ср. 7306.

undern, 5728, 10112.

Unities, Dramatic, 30912.

unnethe, uneasily, scarcely.

Crania, 2342, 258*.

use, to be accustomed, 21517.
Utopia, 110*, 563†.

Valkyries, 705*.
Vallombrosa, 23835

Vandals, 23840.

Venice, 427*, 4602, 601 ff., 677 ff.

Venus, 18520, 5704, 571, 7131. Introduced into
Dryden's Secular Masque to represent the
licentious age of Charles the Second.

Versailles, 532*, 53315, 5353.

Vers de société, 497§.

Vesta, 2288.

virtue = strength, 22981.

Virtues, Aristotle's twelve moral, 127*.

Volsunga Saga, 705*.

Vulcan, 24288.

vulgar, common, 21523.

Vulgate, 15218.

wade = walk, 649*.

Waits, 19915, 55511.

Waldenses, 233*.

Walpole, Sir Robert, 339*, 340, 3408.

Walsingham, 40*, 146†.

Waltham, 2006, 51112.

Wandering Jew, 4762.

Wapping, 2998.

Wax Image, Melting of, 688*.

Weald, The, 95a bottom, 670t.

Weders, 3*.

weed, garment, 1272.

ween, think; wened, wende, went, thought,
Weland, 62.

wench, girl, 16745.

Westminster, 5409.
Westminster Abbey, 191†, 505†.
what time = when, 230028.

whenas = when (in Middle English).
whereas = where (in Middle English).

whiles, at times, 40411.

whilk, which, 39921.
whilom, formerly, 1271.
whist, silent, 17067, 22411.
Whitehall, 54112.
Whitsunday, 1001.

wight, person, 12812.
wight, active, 6910.
Wigs, 36215,
Windermere, 4212.
Windows, 114†.

Wise Men of the East; 493, 2234.

[blocks in formation]
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