Obrázky stránek

Internationale Verständigungspolitik. Deutsche R., 38:129. Nov. International Law. Great powers from point of view of international law. T. Itakura. R. de dr. int. et dip. [Japanese text], April, 1913.

International Law Association. International law association, The. Madrid, 1913. Law M. & R., 39:69.

International Police. Problem einer internationalen Polizeimacht, Das. Rafael Erich. Z. für Völk., 7:308.

International Congress of Students. International student congress and world peace. Outlook, 105:150. Sept.

Eighth International Congress of Students. P. A. U., 37:478. Oct. Intervention. Backward nation. Prince de Cassano. Ind., 75:733. Sept.

Italy. Gegenwärtige italiensche Zeitungskampagne gegen Österreich-Ungarn, Die. Marco Ellius. Österreichische Runds., 37:120. Oct.

'Jagd auf die Italiener' in Österreich, Die. Leopold von Chlumecky. Österreichische Runds., 37:193. Nov.

Italy a year after the Libyan war. Luigi Villari. Fort. R., 94:932.

Libye et l'opinion publique italienne, La. Ernest Lémonon. Q. dipl.,

36:596. Nov.

Japan. Are the Japanese unfriendly? Harold C. Ridgely. Forum, 50:483. Oct. Controversy with Japan, The. Outlook, 105:464. Nov.

Japan's status among the nations. S. N. Singh. Liv. Age, 278:707. Sept. Wanted: a final solution of the Japanese problem. Ind., 76:236. Nov. Maritime Law. Neue Bestrebungen in England für Aufhebung des Seebeuterechts. E. Fitzger. Z. für Völk., 7:395.

Mexico. American exodus from Mexico. Lit. Digest, 47:405. Sept.

Conspiracy against Madero. Dolores Butterfield. Forum, 50:464. Oct.
Huerta's pacific message. Lit. Digest, 47:512. Sept.

Imbroglio mexicain et les Etats-Unis, L'. Angel Marvaud. Q. dipl., 36:583. Nov.

Intervention in Mexico.
Intervention in Mexico.

Outlook, 105:687. Nov.

Theodore S. Woolsey. Ind., 76:493. Dec.
Japan's cold shoulder to Mexico. Lit. Digest, 47:518. Sept.

Latest phase of the Mexican situation, The. Henry Lane Wilson. Ind., 76:297. Nov.

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Lines of "humanitarian" policy, The. Nation (Lond.), 14:306. Nov.
Mexican crisis and the railroads of Mexico. Economist, 77:998. Nov.
Mexican foreign office archives. Wm. R. Manning. P. A. U., 87:657. Nov.
Mexican crisis. Liv. Age, 278:821. Sept.

Mexican policy of southern leaders under Buchanan's administration.

J. M. Callahan. Am. Hist. Assn. Rept., 1910:135.

Mexico. E. J. Dillon. Contemp. R., 104:575. Oct.

Mexico: a review. Outlook, 105:611. Nov.

Mexico as it is. L. C. Simonds. Atlantic, 112:564. Oct.

Mexico and the new Monroe Doctrine in South and Central America. Economist, 77:1282. Dec.

Mexico riled. Lit. Digest, 47:516. Sept.

Odor of kerosene in the Mexican upheaval. Cur. Opinion, 55:231. Oct.

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Our problem in Mexico. Cur. Opinion, 55:147. Sept.
Patient with Mexico. Nation (N. Y.), 97:224. Sept.
President Wilson and Mexico. Outlook, 105:1. Sept.

President Wilson and Mexico. R. of R. (N. Y.), 48:280. Sept.

President Wilson's Mexican dilemma. Liv. Age, 278:763. Sept.

President's Mexican message and Mexico's reply. Ind., 75:589. Sept.

President's Mexican policy. Outlook, 105:14. Sept.

President's word to Mexico from the American people. Ind., 75:530. Sept.
Problem in Mexico. Economist, 77:696. Oct.

Public and financial disorders in Mexico. Economist, 77:1229. Dec.

Real issues in Mexico. Nation (Lond.), 14:197. Nov.

Victoriano Huerta. Edwin Emerson. Fort. R., 94:844. Nov.

What about Mexico. Outlook, 104:976. Aug.

What next? A solution of the Mexican problem. Outlook, 105:606. Nov.
Wilson Mexican policy. Lit. Digest, 47:361. Sept.
Wilson-Huerta. Die Zukunst, 22:273. Nov.

Ind., 76:435. Dec.


Mongolia. Mongolia as Russia's prey. Lit. Digest, 47:372. Sept.
Monroe Doctrine. Lord Haldane on the Monroe Doctrine.
Monroe doctrine. Wm. H. Taft. Ind., 76:540.
New basis needed for the Monroe Doctrine, A. George W. Blakeslee.
N. Amer. R., 198:779.

New Monroe Doctrine, The. Ind., 76:328. Nov.

Résolution Lodge et la doctrine de Monroe, La. J. Laferrière. R. gén. de

dr. int. pub., 20:549.

Morocco. Quelques éléments de la pacification marocaine.

36:473. Oct.


Armatte. Q. dipl.,

Question berbère au Maroc, La. Armatte. Q. dipl., 36:611, 732. Nov.

Netherlands. Étrangers dans l'armée coloniale néerlandaise, Les. Pierre Long. Q. dipl., 36:663. Dec.

Neutralization. Deliberation of the commission of study for the neutralization of straits and maritime canals. Tsunejiro Miyaoka. R. de dr. int. et dip. [Japanese text], April, 1913.

Neutralisierung Afrikas. R. Dove. Deutsche R., 38:214. Nov.

New Hebrides. Question des Nouvelles Hebrides, La. Robert Laussel. Q. dipl., 36:670. Dec.

Nicaragua. New York bankers and Nicaragua. Ind., 76:198. Oct.

Nicaragua political and currency reform. Economist, 77:1234. Dec.
Elihu Root honored. Ind., 76:532. Dec.

Treaty with Nicaragua. Ind., 76:537. Dec.

Nobel Prizes. Fredspristagerne for 1912 og 1913. Henri Lafontaine-Elihu Root. Freds-Bladet, 1913:89. Dec.

Nobel roll of honor. Ind., 76:537. Dec.

Senator Root and the Peace Prize. Outlook, 105:829. Dec.

Opium. Opium evil in India. Saint Nihal Singh. London Q. R., 1913:31. Oct. Panama. Canal de Panama et l'effort français immediat, Le. A. Lebrun. R. bleue, 51:609, 645. Nov.

Japan and Panama. Count Shigenobu Okuma. Ind., 76:246. Nov. Pan America. América moderna, La. Vicente Gay. La España Moderna, 296:181; 297:185; 298:181; 299:191. Aug.-Dec.

Latin-American fears. Lit. Digest, 47:568. Oct.

Notable address by President Wilson, Mobile, Alabama, Oct. 27, 1913. P. A. U., 37:684. Nov.

Pan-Americanism of Henry Clay, The. Charles Lyon Chandler. P. A. U., 36:685. May.


President Wilson and Latin America; a poll of the press. Outlook, 105:523.

Papacy. Völkerrechtliche Stellung des Papstes, Die. Augustus Bachosen. Schweizerische Runds., 13:414.

Peace. America, Christianity and peace. Cardinal Gibbons. Ind., 76:586. Dec. Anglo-Saxondom and world-peace. Nation (N. Y.), 97:204. Sept.

Friedenstempel. Josef Kohler. Z. für Völk., 7:237.

Meeting place of the world's peacemakers. Oscar Straus. R. of R. (N. Y.), 48:440. Oct.

Peace makers. H. H. Supplee. Cassier, 44:94. Sept.

Practical workshop for international achievement. A. S. Hershey. Ind., 75:662. Sept.


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Sounding the slogan of peace anew at The Hague. Cur. Opinion, 55:233.

Zur Eröffnung des Friedenspalastes im Haag. Z. für Völk., 7:241. Prize Law. Historical basis of prize and prize bounty. Economist, 77:1343. Dec. Modern cargoes and the capture of property. Economist, 77:1172. Nov. Prisenangelegenheiten. Emanuel von Ullmann. Z. für Völk., 7:332. Syria. Trois solutions de la question syrienne, Les. Joseph Atalla. Q. dipl., 36:462. Oct.

Treaties. Ententen und Bundnisse. Die Grenzboten, 12:385. Nov.

Inhalt der Dreibundes, Der. Die Grenzboten, 12:289. Nov. Treaty of Ghent, 1814. J. M. Harper. Canad. M., 41:549. Oct. Turkey. Avenir de la Turquie, L'. Pierre Arminjon. R. de Paris, 30:654. Oct. État actuel de l'armée turque, L'. A. Dry. Q. dipl., 36:539.

Hope of Moslem progress. M. Pickthall. 19th Cent., 74:472. Sept. Some causes of Turkey's defeat. Mahdali. Asiatic Q. R., 2:225. Oct. Ullmann, Emanuel von. Emanuel von Ullmann. Max Fleischmann. Z. für Völk., 7:326.

United States. Is there a sound American foreign policy? W. Morgan Shuster. Cent., 87:233.


Our foreign policy. Wm. J. Bryan. Ind., 76:73. Oct.

President Wilson's achievement. Nation (Lond.), 14:165. Oct.

United States students in Guatemala schools. P. A. U., 37:674. Nov.

War. Diagnosis of war. Nation (N. Y.), 97:183. Aug.

Guerre italo-turque et le droit des gens, La. Andres Rapisardi-Mirabelli.

R. de dr. int. et de légis. comp., 15:523.

Influence of The Hague in ending war. Lit. Digest, 47:462. Sept.

Kriege von Heute, Die. Izzet Suad-Pascha. Deutsche R., 38:1. Oct.

Kriege von Heute, Die. Sir Alfred Turner. Deutsche R., 38:263. Dec. Financial preparation for war. Edgar Crammond. 19th Cent., 74:924. Kriegsrechtlichen Verträge und die Kriegsraison. Max Hüber. Z. für Völk., 7:351.

Miszhandlung Gefongener und Verwundeter im Kriege. Deutsche R., 38:211. Nov.

Other side of war: effects of modern weapons. Sci. Amer., 109:162. Aug.
Public opinion and war. W. L. Crane. Contemp. R., 104:360. Sept.
Suddenness of war. David S. Jordan. Ind., 75:681. Sept.

Taint of lucrative war. Hearst's M., 24:470. Sept.

Ueber das Ideal des ewigen Friedens und des Krieges. Fredrik Baer. Deutsche R., 38:300. Dec.

Ueber ritterliche Kriegführung. D. Litzmann. Deutsche R., 38:132. Nov.
Verwundetenfürforge im Kriege. Lehren des Balkankrieges.

Körting. Deutsche R., 38:226, 347. Nov., Dec.

War. Bernard Iddings Bell. Atlantic, 112:625. Nov.





Until quite recent times, it would have been unprofitable, in the case of most nations, to inquire what the philosophy of government held by the people was, or what effect it had on the foreign relations of the nation, or on international relations generally. There were few nations in which the people were so enlightened and expressed themselves so fully that it was possible to distinguish and define the particular philosophy of government held by them; and even if it had been possible to do so, it would have been of little use to try to discover what effect this philosophy had on international relations, since the fact was that it had little or no effect. The people of each nation, ignorant of foreign affairs by reason of the difficulties of travel and communication, allowed the executive to control the foreign relations under the advice of a council in the selection of which they had no voice, and representing certain privileged classes of persons who used the power of the nation as means to accomplish such ends as they thought desirable.

So long as this condition of things was general, the rights of nations occupied the attention of writers. The rights of man, the rights of peoples, and the rights of society in general were ignored, as were the responsibilities which necessarily accompany all rights. Each nation sought to aggrandize itself by conquering and pillaging others, and the only restraint on one nation trespassing upon another was that all the so-called civilized nations were gradually forced, by the pressure of circumstances, to enter into the playing of a military game of forcible checks and balances, called "the balance of power" or "the political equilibrium."

The principle of this game was very simple, though, like most other games, the rules for playing it were very intricate. When any nation, for the purpose of direct gain by pillage of its neighbors or by despoilment of the natives of barbarous regions, or for the purpose of indirect gain by

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