Stationer will supply. 25, ST. BRIDE STREET, E.C., MAKERS OF WRITING INKS AND SEALING WAX Of Unsurpassed Excellence. Original Makers of the Bank of England Max, and INDIA WAX FOR HOT CLIMATES. HYDE'S WRITING INKS: THE BANKER'S BLACK. BLUE BLACK WRITING. INDIA WRITING FLUID. HINDOO RED INK Is the finest manufactured since the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. HYDE & Co. Established 1836. LETTER OPENER And Improved Paper Knife, Patented, Bevelled Steel Blade. A REAL WANT SUPPLIED. INDISPENSABLE TO BANKERS. HIGHEST TESTIMONIALS. ONE SHILLING (Post 1s. 1d.) OF Mr. G. WILLIAMS, Market Place, KING'S LYNN. The Council of the Institute of Bankers desire it to be distinctly understood, that authors alone are responsible for the contents of their Papers, both as to matters of fact and of opinion, and, also, that the Institute accepts no responsibility for the opinions which may be expressed in the various discussions. BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL. THE LIBRARY. The Council request the attention of Members to the following list of works, which, among others, are required in the Library : Early copies of the London Directory. Banking Almanacs prior to 1852. Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. British Association Reports. Patrick's Records of the Coinage of Scotland. Kenyon's Gold Coins of England. Edinburgh Review. Quarterly Review. Alison's History of Europe. Macaulay's History of England. Books issued under the Sanction of the Council :- Moxon's English Practical Banking. Price 3s. The Institute of Bankers, 2, ST. MICHAEL'S HOUSE, CORNHILL, E.C., LONDON, October, 1889. NOTICES TO MEMBERS. MEETINGS WILL BE HELD IN THE THEATRE OF THE LONDON INSTITUTION, FINSBURY CIRCUS, E. C., The Annual General Meeting will be held on May 6th, previous to the Ordinary Meeting. Unless otherwise specially announced, the chair will be taken at 6 p.m. at each meeting.. The Council have reason to believe that in the course of the Session the following Papers amongst others will be communicated to the Institute :— The Inaugural Address of the President, Sir R. N. FOWLER, Bt., M.P. (November 6th.) "The National Debt," By Rt. Hon. Hugh C. E. CHILDERS, M.P. "Banking in India," By A. J. MACDONALD, Esq. THE HE Ordinary Meetings of the Institute for the reading and discussion of Papers are held in the Theatre of the London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.C., on the first Wednesday of the months November to May inclusive. Notice of Meetings, Titles of Papers, and of the Dates assigned to them, will be given from time to time in the Journal, or by advertisement in the principal papers about one week before each meeting. Notice will also be sent to Fellows and Associates of the discussion of any Questions on points of practical interest at the above meetings. Visitors may obtain a card of admission to the Ordinary Meetings on the presentation to the Secretary, at the Offices of the Institute, of an introduction from a Fellow or Associate. This privilege may, however, under certain circumstances, have to be restricted. Members and others are invited to submit to the Council, for their approval, papers on any subjects of general interest to the Profession, with a view to such papers being read at one of the Ordinary Meetings of the Institute. To enable the Council to carry into effect one of the primary objects of the Institute, viz., the discussion of matters of interest to the Profession, they invite Fellows and others to acquaint them, through the Secretary, with any Questions on points of practical interest which may from time to time arise, so that, should it be deemed advisable, due notice being given, such questions may be fully discussed at one of the Ordinary Meetings of the Institute, or answered through the Journal as the Council may determine. If not out of print, members may obtain a single copy of each of the back numbers of the Journal at the reduced price of 18. each. A few volumes bound in morocco can be obtained at 15s. each volume. The Journal is for the present published in eight consecutive months, namely, from December to the June following, with a further issue of one or two numbers during the Autumn. The date of publication is on or about the first day of the months named. To ensure punctual delivery, Members are especially requested to inform the Secretary, without delay, of any change in their Addresses. |