REGULATIONS OF THE LIBRARY. 1. The Library is open daily from 10 a.m. till 5 pm.,* except on Saturdays, when it closes at 1 p.m. 2. Members of the Institute are permitted to take out books on making personal application, or by letter addressed to the Secretary. 3. Members are not to have more than one volume at a time, which, in the case of Town Members, may be kept for one week, and in the case of Country Members for two weeks. 4. Cyclopædias and Works of Reference are not circulated. 5. Scientific Journals and Periodicals are not circulated until the volumes are completed and bound. 6. Any Member damaging a book must either replace the work or pay a fine equivalent to its value. 7. Books taken from the shelves for reference are not to be replaced, but must be laid on the Library table. 8. The Secretary shall report to the Council any infringement of these regulations. *During July and August the Library will be closed at 4 p.m. + Country Members pay the cost of postage. Institution. EDINBURGH :-6. ST. ANDREW SQUARE. LONDON OFFICE:-17, KING WILLIAM STREET, E.C. THIS HIS SOCIETY was instituted at Edinburgh in 1837 with the object of giving to the Assured the full benefit of the Low Premiums hitherto confined to a few of the proprietary Offices, while retaining the Whole Profits for the Policyholders. Experience has proved that with economy and careful management these Premiums will not only secure greatly Larger Assurances from the first; but, by Reserving the Surplus for those who live long enough to secure the Common Fund from loss, will in most cases provide Eventual Benefits as large as under the usual system of High Premiums. SEPTENNIAL PROGRESS OF THE INSTITUTION. FUNDS INCREASE AT THE END OF OF FUNDS. PERIOD. SURPLUS 1852 2,571,328 254,675 185,666 £26,159 1859 4,590,300 633,514 378,839 79,644 1866 7.525.373 1,245,372 611,858 181,544 1873 12,297,445 2,253,175 1,007,803 376,577 1880 19,695,470 3,913,252 1,660,077 624-473 1887 26,837,043 6,179,746 * 2,266,494 t 1,051,035 * The AMOUNT of ASSURANCES affected, and the FUNDS accumulated, in 50 years, have exceeded those of any other Office at a similar period. The Accumulated Funds now exceed £6,300,000. The INCREASE of FUNDS in the last Seven Years (over 2 millions) is greater than in any other Office in the Kingdom-due in great measure to the exceptionally low cost of management, the ratio of which to PREMIUMS is little over 9 per cent., or 6 per cent. to INCOME. EXAMPLES of PREMIUM for £100 at DEATH-With Profits. [The usual non-participating rates differ very little from these Premiums.] * A person age 50. At age 40 the Premium ceasing at 60 is, for £1,000 (with profits), £33:14:2, being about the same as most Offices require during the whole term of life. Before these Premiums have ceased the Policy will have shared in at least one division of profits. The SOCIETY has taken a leading part in the Removal of FOREIGN RESIDENCE.-All Policies (not Seafaring or Military, for which special arrangements may be made) are World-Wide after five years-provided the Assured has attained age 30. REPORTS, with Balance-Sheet, Rates, etc., may be had on application. JAMES WATSON, Manager. J. MUIR LEITCH, London Secretary. A BARBER-SURGEONS OF LONDON. COMPILED FROM THE ORIGINAL RECORDS BY SYDNEY YOUNG. A fully-illuftrated account of one of the most interesting of the City Companies. Thefe Records are neceffary for the Hiftory of Surgery in England, and contain numerous examples of the ancient Ordinances and By-laws affecting Surgeons. Published by BLADES, EAST & BLADES, 23, Abchurch Lane, LONDON. 500 Copies (numbered) on Toned Demy 4to, at £1 11s. 6d. Large Paper £3 35. od. After publication the price will be at once raised to £2 2s. for 23, Abchurch Lane, LONDON. Published by BLADES, EAST & BLADES, A 2 Head Office-Threadneedle Street, London. GEO. A. HARVEY, City Manager. JOHN REID, Secretary. METROPOLITAN BRANCHES. COVENT GARDEN, 35, King St. | NEWINGTON, 47 & 49, Newington W.C. ISLINGTON, 50, Upper Street, N. Butts, S.E. OXFORD STREET, 125, Oxford St. LUDGATE HILL, 25, Ludgate Hill. PICCADILLY, 35, Piccadilly, W. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened in London on terms usual among London Bankers. Where inconvenient for customers to maintain a remunerative balance, a moderate Commission is charged. DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued in London, and Interest allowed at rates as advertised from time to time. At the Country Branches, Current Accounts opened, Deposit Receipts issued, and all other Banking business transacted on the usual terms. Approved Bills discounted, and Loans made upon Securities. Dividends and Coupons collected. Circular Notes and Letters of Credit can be obtained payable in the principal Cities and Towns of the Continent, and Letters of Credit are issued payable in New Zealand, Australia, and elsewhere. Facilities given for the transmission of money between London and the Towns where the Company has Branches. The Agency of Foreign and Country Banks is undertaken. Investments in and Sales of Home and Foreign Securities effected. |