23, ABCHURCH LANE, LOMBARD St., Bank-note ngravers, and grav Souble Protective Cheque rinters. BANKERS' FORMS, PASS BOOKS, LEDGERS, &c., &c. A BARBER-SURGEONS OF LONDON. COMPILED FROM THE ORIGINAL RECORDS BY SYDNEY YOUNG. A fully-illuftrated account of one of the most interefting of the City Companies. Thefe Records are neceffary for the Hiftory of Surgery in England, and contain numerous examples of the ancient Ordinances and By-laws affecting Surgeons. Published by BLADES, EAST & BLADES, 23, Abchurch Lane, LONDON. 500 Copies (numbered) on Toned Demy 4to, at £I IIS. 6d. £3 38. od. 4s. After publication the price will be at once raised to £2 2s. for 23, Abchurch Lane, LONDON. Published by BLADES, EAST & BLADES, Fire & Life Assurance Company. Head Office-11, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON, E.C. Established 1821, and empowered by Special Acts of Parliament. HENRY BONHAM-CARTER, Esq. GRANVILLE F. R. FARQUHAR, Esq. ALBAN G. H. GIBBS, Esq. JAMES GOODSON, Esq. JOHN J. HAMILTON, Esq. THOMSON HANKEY, Esq. RICHARD MUSGRAVE HARVEY, Esq. JOHN HUNTER, Esq. GEORGE LAKE, Esq. RIGHT HON. G. J. SHAW LEFEVRE, M.P. DAVID POWELL, Esq. AUGUSTUS PREVOST, Esq. JOHN G. TALBOT, Esq., M.P. Actuary and Secretary-T. G. C. BROWNE. Manager of Fire Department-A. J. RELTON. LIFE DEPARTMENT. The last Quinquennial Valuation was made on the basis of the Institute of Actuaries' (Hм. & Hм5.) Tables of Mortality and per cent. interest, the net premiums only being valued and the whole of the loading reserved. The sum of £175,228 was divided as a bonus among 5,052 participating policies assuring exclusive of existing bonus £4,321,144, the annual premiums payable under which amounted to £132,533 28. 2d. The exceptional Security offered by the paid-up Capital of £1,000,000 has attracted a large amount of non-participating business to the Company, and the profit derived from it during the five years was more than sufficient to pay the sum of £40,000 which the Proprietors took as their share of the surplus, and which was the sole benefit which they received from the Life business in return for the guarantee afforded by the unusually large paid-up Capital of the Company. The Policy-holders in the "Guardian have, therefore, the Security of a Proprietary Company with the Profits of a Mutual Society. The full Bonus Report and Prospectus will be forwarded on Application. LIFE FUND (1888), £2,335,000. LIFE INCOME, £300,000. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Insurances Effected upon Property at Home and Abroad at moderate Rates. Losses by Lightning are made good by the Company. FIRE FUND (1888), £652,000. FIRE INCOME, £507,000. ESTABLISHED 1834. Subscribed Capital, £3,500,000. Paid-up Capital, £700,000. Reserve Fund, £500,000. EDWARD ATKINS, Esq. Lord HENRY B. BRUCE, M.P. Directors: EDWARDBAVERSTOCKMERRIMAN, Esq. JOSIAH TIMMIS SMITH. Esq. Head Office-Threadneedle Street, London. GEO. A. HARVEY, City Manager. JOHN REID, Secretary. COVENT GARDEN, 35, King St. NEWINGTON, 47 & 49, Newington W.C. ISLINGTON, 50, Upper Street, N. Butts, S.E. OXFORD STREET, 125, Oxford St. LUDGATE HILL, 25, Ludgate Hill. PICCADILLY, 35, Piccadilly, W. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened in London on terms usual among London Bankers. Where inconvenient for customers to maintain a remunerative balance, a moderate Commission is charged. DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued in London, and Interest allowed at rates as advertised from time to time. At the Country Branches, Current Accounts opened, Deposit Receipts issued, and all other Banking business transacted on the usual terms. Approved Bills discounted, and Loans made upon Securities. Dividends and Coupons collected. Circular Notes and Letters of Credit can be obtained payable in the principal Cities and Towns of the Continent, and Letters of Credit are issued payable in New Zealand, Australia, and elsewhere. Facilities given for the transmission of money between London and the Towns where the Company has Branches. The Agency of Foreign and Country Banks is undertaken. Investments in and Sales of Home and Foreign Securities effected LIMITED. Capital £1,000,000, in 20,000 Shares of £50 each. Directors: LT.-COL. GEORGE A. ELLIOT. GEORGE N. MARTEN, Esq. WILLIAM FRANKLIN, Esq. SIR GEORGE R. PRESCOTT, BART. Joint General Managers: GEORGE T. GOODINGE AND WILLIAM HERBAGE. Head Office:-170, FENCHURCH STREET, E.C. 356, Battersea Park Rd. BATTERSEA PK. 1, Victoria Road. BERMONDSEY BLOOMSBURY Bow ... BRIXTON HILL CROYDON EALING ... ... Bank Buildings. 46, Southampton Row. 82, Finsbury Pavement. FINSBURY PARK Finsbury Park Bldgs. FLEET STREET 78, Fleet Street, E.C. HENDON... ... ... HOLLOWAY ... ... The Broadway. 6, Sutherland Grdns. 403, Holloway Road. OXFORD STREET 451, Oxford Street. ... ... High Street. PECKHAM TOOTING ... ... ... ... ... East India Dock Rd. 214, U. Kningtn. Lne. Bank Buildings. SIDMOUTH. Current Accounts are opened on the terms usually adopted by Bankers. In cases where a remunerative balance is not maintained, a small charge for commission is made. Deposits of £10 and upwards are received, subject to seven days' notice of withdrawal, and interest is allowed thereon at the rate advertised by the Bank in the London Newspapers from time to time. Money can be paid in at the Head Office, or at any Branch, for Customers' Accounts. The Agency of Country and Foreign Banks is undertaken, and every description of Banking business is transacted. Investments and sales of all descriptions of British and Foreign Securities, &c., are effected, and Dividends and Military and other Pay and Allowances are received. Drafts on Demand, Circular Notes, and Letters of Credit are issued. The Officers of the Bank are bound not to disclose the transactions of its customers. |