| Great Britain - 1807 - 798 str.
...thereon as aforesaid, and the same shall from time to^time be paid and payable quarterly. 9. The Acts specified in the schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent in the schedule mentioned : Provided that — (1.) This repeal shall not affect any pensions which have been... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1888 - 1080 str.
...enrolled after the passing of this Act, the Acti specified in the first schedule to this Act shall be repealed to the extent in the third column of that schedule mentioned," — (Mr. E. Stanhop».) — brought up, and read a first and second time, and added to the Bill. On... | |
| Great Britain. Colonial Office - 1877 - 528 str.
...thereon as aforesaid, and the same shall from time to time be paid and payable quarterly. 9. The Acts specified in the schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent in the schedule mentioned : Provided that — (1.) This repeal shall not affect any pensions which have been... | |
| Charles Edward Pollock - 1870 - 950 str.
...promoters of the undertaking shall be construed to be the commissioners of works. 5. The acts mentioned in the schedule to this act are hereby repealed, to the extent in the third column of the said schedule mentioned, without prejudice to anything already done or suffered or any right already... | |
| Maskell William Peace - 1872 - 234 str.
...they were established under this Act. 76. The Acts described in Schedule Three to this Repeal of Acts act are hereby repealed to the extent in the third column of that Schedule mentioned. (3) Provided that this repeal shall not affect anything done or suffered before the commencement of... | |
| Edward Smith - 1873 - 386 str.
...apply thereto after the ist day of January, 1872. Repeal of Acts. part of the same schedule shall be repealed to the extent in the third column of that schedule mentioned. PART II. — FRUIT AND FISH PRESERVES. Modification as regards Manufactures of Preserves of Fruit and... | |
| George Jarvis Notcutt - 1874 - 370 str.
...may be prescribed in such order. Repeal. XI. The Acts mentioned in the second schedule (a;) to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent in the third column of that schedule mentioned ; provided that this repeal shall not affect anything done or suffered, or any prosecution or other... | |
| Great Britain - 1874 - 752 str.
...of moneys provided by Parliament. 3. The Act mentioned in the schedule to this Act is hereby Repeal repealed to the extent in the third column of that schedule mentioned : Provided that this repeal shall not affect anything done or suffered before the passing of this Act... | |
| Great Britain - 1875 - 1186 str.
...j|88* 29 Viet, that sectiou. 18. The Acts specified in the second schedule to this Act As to rePeal of shall refuse to record any niles or amendments of rules which Of Detain schedule mentioned : Provided that this repeal or anything in second schethis Act shall not... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1877 - 516 str.
...Act. Repeal of 35. The Acts specified in the Second Schedule to this Act are, so far as unrepealed, hereby repealed to the extent in the third column of that schedule mentioned, except so far as they relate to Scotland or Ireland; and so much of other parts of these or 20 any... | |
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