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fellow workmen whose immediate lates principally, there is the ininterests were identical with his, telligence and natural ability to outside of his immediate surround- make it known the world over as ing. Especially true is this of a the literary giant of the age. system as extensive as the Union Pacific. Now the largest in the world, being nearly two thousand miles between extremes.

The hand guided by intelligence produces more than the one moved liked an automaton, and consequently can command more of the What is true of common inter- good things of earth. It is in this ests and the necessities of acquain- direction that every man should tance between employes of a sys- strive to gain ground, and to aid tem is true between employes of which, every publication should be systems. The extent of the possi- intended and every labor organible uses of a magazine for creating zation the supporters of; for the those needed acquaintances is un- customs and usuages of any people limited. It is to be hoped that can never be higher than the inour fifth year will show a great in- telligence of that people make crease in our work in this direction. them, and they change only as the The UNION PACIFIC EMPLOYES people change and it is such MAGAZINE being the property of changes that are needed to imthe employes of the Union Pacific, prove social conditions. all should strive to make its influ- A demand must be created for ence extend to the furtherest cor- every thing before it can be classed ners of the earth and be known of as popular. The needs or benefits all men, for its success is their of it must be spread before the desuccess. Letting all men know mand can be created. This rule that on the Union Pacific system applies to social affairs. The need there is a body of men employed and benefit of a reform proposed the peers of the world in intelli- must be exposed to the light; an gence; who maintain their rights evil must be shown up as an evil without trampling on the rights of before attention will be paid to it. others, who first will reason with And, while such exposures work the one who would trample on against the personal interest of the them, if that does not suffice hold one or ones who profit by it, it them up to receive the scorn of finally results for the good of the honest opinion and finally sink greater number. The magazine them into oblivion; men who ope- has been doing this class of work rate the greatest railway system in and its opponents are those who the world with the least friction of have felt the effects of its exposures any in the world. It is through or fear it. the medium of our magazine that such ends are gained and maintained.

We hope to see its influence extend during the coming year, and that all, each for himself, who are personally interested, either directly or indirectly in its work, give it the assistance required for greater results.

A great railway system becomes in time as government service does. Its officers, like government officers, make the most of the power that their position gives them for their personal benefit. The army of workmen, like the citizens of a nation, become the prey, employes become like soldiers following a certain routine, they forget their It is no longer an experiment, it personal existance and future prohas gained that footing that means gress. Something is necessary to permanency, and among the rail- prevent crystalization in that state. road men, among whom it circu- Little attention is paid by the

government to simple complaints different characters, the one canagainst the acts of subordinates, not fill the other's position.

but when it is exposed to public The struggle for gain, "the bread gaze, through the medium of the and butter question," is the one press, it generally does. Similar that is the most constantly before facts are true of a great railway men. It is with that question in system. mind that the masses judge the

If simple complaint would cause, men that are their industrial leadalways, proper investigation and ers. In warfare the object sought improvement nothing further and the evidences of ultimate sucwould be necessary, but it does cess in their attainment is what not, hence greater publicity be- rates the popularity of the leaders; comes necessary at times and such the social aspect has little, if any, is a part of a magazines legitimate weight. The application of this work, but the least of such that it is truth in every day affairs is demcalled on to do the better. It gives onstrated on all sides and can be more opportunity for the improve- accounted for by natural causes. ment of mind which in time will No general was ever more popular eliminate evils. among the officers and men under The man who improves himself him than was Napoleon. It was improves the world. The one who not his social proclivities or slack makes two blades of grass grow discipline, or the easy times he where but one did before, does him- gave his men that made him thus, self and the world good. The one for he was the opposite in all these. who doubles the product of his hand It was the results that he made by increasing intellectual effort them accomplish and his uniformhas done the same. It is for the ity of treatment of them. increase of such efforts that the judged not by position but by acts. magazine is striving, and for re- The same is true of any great and form in those surrounding social popular general. conditions that will cause the full product of the producers to be absolutely under his or her command. The gains made in this direction will be limited by the extent of the gains made in general knowledge and it is there where the greater effort must be made.

No one loses by aiding another to learn or by giving others the benefit of his thoughts on any subject, and he does add to the gains of humanity. Our magazine is intended as a medium for such work. Let volume five be used to its fullest extent in that direction.



In the industrial struggles of man the same is seen and more marked, because the leader's popularity is reached gradually when not surrounded by excitement, and when time is given for events to develop and be carefully weighed and when a foreman of men is found unpopular it is almost absolutely certain that there are good reasons for it. No foreman who has made a success of the efforts he directed was ever rated unpopular, and no unpopular foreman has made a success.

The degree of popularity of men directing others in industrial persuits is not generally given proper attention by promoters and genThe man who is popular in social eral managers of great industries; circles, the "hale fellow well met," and in this day of organization of and the one who is popular as the the rank and file, the decidedly leader of men in the active practi- unpopular foreman is quite likely cal walks of life, represent widely to become exceedingly popular

with the average general manager, and foremen. The man who acts believing, evidently, that the whole honorable in his dealings with his thought of the industrial army is fellow men is respected; the higher to get the best of their employers the position simply multiplies and that a foreman's unpopularity the respect. Nor was there ever a arises from his success in opposi- mistake known to be made in the tion. A greater mistake was never quite daily affairs of life and a just made, nor one that leads to more man disrespected and despised. disastrous results. It arises solely The just man shows no personal from the little thought that the favoritism. He jumps to no hasty average corporation managers have conclusions. The popular foregiven to what motives move men man is always of that class of men the most, and again, that the fact and is generally the most severe that the present commercial sys- in discipline and decidedly untem gives control of finances suffi- social.

self, still if the simple truth is against him, it remains in the minds of his judges against him.

The honorable man is one of his word. The foreman that breaks his word to a subordinate, be it given or implied, he is certain to be listed among the unpopular.

cient to carry on great industries The one that attempts to shoulmost generally to those of the der the responsibility of mistake most selfish grasping nature; like and mishaps of his own making on the dog and shadow in the water, to a subordinate makes himself they lose the bone in eagerness to unpopular. He cannot avoid it. to get the one they imagine they He may try his best to show his see another have. And they judge irresponsibility and convince himthe motive that actuate other men by the motives that actuate themselves. A fact that gives rise to many of the "Labor troubles." It is natural for man, in his normal condition, to respect and honor that which is better than the aveage in man. The one who can do something extremely well is honored for it. The one who, from lack of skill, causes a waste of time and material does not find himself popular. This is true of the individual directing his own efforts and is doubly true of the one directing the efforts of many. This cause of unpopularity is a natural one and the most intense feelings raised over any labor question does not overbalance it. Natural dispositions are permanent and will assert themselves in spite of the individual. A misfit in nature will always cause trouble.

No amount of prejudice of workmen against an employer, be it corporation or individual, will cause them to respect the one who misdirects their efforts; and in the fact lays the principle cause of the extreme unpopularity of many superintendents, master mechanics

A sneak is invariably a contemptable being; few ever get such a rating without cause. The foreman who takes the sneak method to discover whether men under him are doing their duty or not never gets duty from them. The foreman that peeps in windows or around corners, or disguises himself to watch men is never a successful one. He lacks something that would cause him to fail to be a man at anything.

The late A. J. Stevens, general master mechanic of the Southern Pacific System, was a successful foreman of men. The monument erected by the workmen of that system to his memory testifies to his popularity. He was a leader of men in mechanical pursuits, because he had ability as a mechanic greater than the average. In the common expression, "he had no


He put


pets." He asked no questions of made a foreman unpopular with or regarding a man except can his subordinates. he do and does he do properly the duties he is engaged at." the standard high up but put nothing in the way of any reaching it. On December 27, 28 and 29, the His sense of justice caused him to District Executive Board met in honor all labor with equal pay for conference with W. H. Holcomb, equal work and responsibility. By Vice-President Union Pacific Syshis acts he got the respect and tem, regarding the future relationsupport of all associated with him. ship of the employes they repreTo what contemptable insignifi- sented and the company, and to cance do many men in similar po- have established a definite undersitions or on lower rounds of the lad- standing for the future guidance der sink beside such a man as well of all concerned an understandas does a comparison of the prac- ing that would aid in preventing tical results of their efforts.

misunderstandings in the future and work to the well-being of all Such an understanding, plainly stated in writing, it is believed has

What comparison is there between such a man and he who wants to know the whole pedigree of a man before he can decide been reached. whether he will employ him or not. Or with the one so devoid of honor or a sense of justice that he guages the pay and his standard of a man by the circumstances that surrounds him which he is able to take advantage of.

The committee asked for nothing but what was based on the broad grounds of justice; and Mr. Holcomb, in speaking for his company, would be the last one to say that they were not willing to agree to to that; consequently an agreed The popular foreman is always understanding, quite satisfactory the successful one. He treats all to all concerned, was consumated. men alike; he is on socially fami- With Mr. Cushing, the head of lier terms with none. He judges the machinery department, a standmen entirely by their ability to ard schedule of wages was agreed perform their duties and the way upon to work in connection with they do it. His standard of ability the general agreement. The full get his standard of pay. He is a details have been given the local strict disciplinarian though few assemblies for the information of working under him ever realize it. He brings this result through natural causes. His men do their best for him because they like to and know that it is recognized. He gets the results by leading not driving.

all who are interested to know. It is sufficient for the public to know that harmonious relations are more than likely to continue to exist between the Union Pacific Company and its employes to the mutual welfare of both, and that the spirit The unpopular foreman is always of the understanding is that both the reverse in all or most of these agreed to try and pull together, points. His unpopularity arises from his unfitness for the place, seen and felt by those under him, which causes each to take a natural dislike to him in spite of any efforts to the contrary. Strict discipline, or getting a large amount of service of men never yet alone

that a spirit of reciprocity would actuate both. This what is hoped for and expected. The future will tell. It is sufficient to know that the prospects are good for it.

The great disturber of harmony, especially on extensive railway systems, is the unreasoning,

tyranical, overbearing petty fore- until eight hours was reached; man, and the greedy shiftless time- which plan was endorsed by the server who deserves nothing that last General Assembly as the most is due their opposites in character practical, was proposed to Mr. Holbut when placed on the same foot- comb by the committee and was ing as their more deserving fellows accepted by him for his company, overreach every bound of decency and after May 1st, 1890, nine and and in their greed to get all that's one-half hours will constitute a coming to them, violate the rights standard day on the Union Pacific of others. Fair minded employers System. and employes will join hands to obliterate both.

The Union Pacific management has shown a decided spirit of fairThe first is well illustrated by ness toward the employes. It rethe expression of a wife of the sec- mains for them to see that that tion foreman on the Idaho Divi- spirit is shown by their executive sion, who was evidently the boss subordinates, and for the rank and of that section, to some section file to meet them half way, that men "Phat do we'se and the com- the results that can be expected pany care for yea's." The latter, may be realized and confidence in by the one who grasps for all there each other established. is in any privilege, and does his duty in nothing unless driven to it, who says, "What do I care, the company is rich." Anything that calls for a change in the acts of either of this class would not be satisfactory to them.

They are not to be considered where reciprocity is required. Learn them better or drive them out is what is necessary.

IRON CLAD REGULATIONS. Wherever a large body of workmen are employed there is often seen enforced rules for the government of them much after the penitentiary style. Often a high fence practically as unpassable as the wall of a penitentiary surrounds the whole establishment and is put there apparently for the same purpose.

In an assurance of fair treatment there is really more than there is in a question of wages. The rules, the fence, with a It is what should have first con- watchman at the gates, all point sideration. It is a benefit that ap- to the belief that all governed and plies to all. It is the foundation restrained thereby are dishonest; to build on. that the welfare of the establishment demands it. Is this true, and if true why?

The reduction of the length of the working day is a movement that is absolutely necessary in connection If it is true it does not speak with the progress of the age. How well for the general character of to bring it about with the least workmen. If untrue it is a libel friction is the question that is on them. Men or women who seek forcing serious attention on all employment for the hire of another who are giving the relations of are generally glad to get it and capital and labor any serious thought, and this is especially true of the railway systems.

The plan proposed to the Knights of Labor General Assembly by an eastern manufacturer several years ago of reducing the standard working day one-half hour each year

fear of losing it. They are endeavoring to gain an honest living. Their lot, as a rule, is anything but pleasant. They know that they are expected to perform certain duties, and which are often unreasonably exacting and excessive for the return they receive. They

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