copy of, to be served on sheriff of other county... revocation of...... delivery of prisoners and papers to new sheriff... statement of, to be executed and filed.............. civil prisoners to be confined in (see Civil prisoner).... how long confined in...... under process of United States courts.. escape of .... labor of prisoners in...... 31 32 33. 34 36 35. 38 39 41 42 43 43 70 44 45 47 48 50 61 63 65 76, 77 288 393 commission may make rules and regulations as to.... investigation, orders and recommendations by commission...... 395 repairs and improvements may be directed by commission...... 398 information from judges and district attorney, for.......... 223 224 conditions of retaking for violating conditions. fees and expenses for... absolute discharge of....... Penal institutions. (See State prison; Reformatories; Penitentiaries; 226 227 228 229 officers and employes not to be interested in contracts..... prisoners in, sentenced for what term.. 91 93 supplies manufactured in, to be furnished to county..... ..... 310 prices, how regulated.. 311 unusual punishment in, when inflicted... 351 commutation of prisoner's sentence (see Commutation)........352–361 United States prisoners not to be received in. 380 commission may make rules and regulations as to. 393 investigation, orders and recommendations by commission....... 395 repairs and improvements ordered by commission.... 396 Pestilence: removal of prisoners from State prisons, in case of.... Physician: 252 term defined.... Prisoners. (See Civil prisoner.) in jails, removals of from one to another..... service of papers on...... conveyance of, through other counties.... removal of, in case of fire...... sick or injured, removal for treatment.. delivery of, to new sheriff..... statement of, to be executed and filed........... civil, to be confined in (see Civil prisoner)... tramps as. 801 |