QUARTERLY LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. AGRICULTURE. Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for promoting Agriculture; containing Communications on various Subjects in Husbandry and Rural Affairs. Svo. Vol. V. Price $2. Philadelphia. R. H. Small. ARTS, SCIENCES, AND PHILOSOPHY. The Report of the Second Annual Exhibition of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts. 8vo. Price 25 cents. Philadelphia. Observations on Electricity, Looming, and Sounds; together with a Theory of Thunder Showers, and of West and Northwest Winds. To which are added, a Letter from the Hon. Thomas Jefferson, and Remarks by the Hon. Samuel L. Mitchill. By George F. Hopkins. 1825. 8vo. pp. 40. New York. Hopkins and Morris. A Review of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, by Thomas Brown, M. D. Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. By the Rev. Frederick Beasly, D. D. Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. William Stavely. Elements of Electricity, Magnetism, and Electro-Magnetism; embracing the late Discoveries and Improvements, digested into the Form of a Treatise; being the Second Part of a Course of Natural Philosophy, compiled for the Use of the Students of the University at Cambridge, New England. By John Farrar, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. 8vo. pp. 395. Boston. Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. A select Collection of valuable and curious Arts, and interesting Experiments, which are well explained, and warranted genuine, and may be performed easily, safely, and at little Expense. 18mo. pp. 102. Concord, N. H. Rufus Porter. A Memorial on the Upward Forces of Fluids, and their Applicability to several Arts, Sciences, and Public Improvements, for which a Patent has been granted by the Government of the United States to the Author, Edmund Charles Genet, Member Institute of France, &c. &c. Albany, N. Y. 8vo. pp. The Franklin Journal and American Mechanic's Ma Monthly. Vol. I. No. 1. Philadelphia. I. Dobson. ASTRONOMY. Exercises on the Terrestrial Globe. With Questions a blems, for the Use of Families and Schools, designed to pany Gardner's Terrestrial Globe. By Samuel Worcester pp. 24. Boston. Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. The New American Grammar of the Elements of Ast on an improved Plan; in three Books. The whole sy cally arranged and scientifically illustrated; with sever and Engravings; and adapted to the Instruction of Y Schools and Academies. By James Ryan. 1825. 121 375. New York. This book seems to us well planned and executed for the schools, and of young persons desirous of obtaining a know the elementary principles of Astronomy. It comprises a much number of facts, illustrating the science, than is usual in work description. The designs of the drawings are well selected instruction of the learner. It is, probably, a fault in the work some parts it goes a little too deeply into the intricacies of the for a treatise intended to be strictly elementary. EDUCATION. The Literary and Scientific Class Book, embracing ti ing Facts and Principles of Science. Illustrated by Eng with many difficult Words explained, &c. Selected f Rev. John Platts' Literary and Scientific Class Book, an various other Sources, and adapted to the Wants; and C of Youth in the United States. By Levi W. Leonard. typed by T. H. Carter & Co. Boston. 12mo. pp. 318. N. H. John Prentiss. The author's purpose will be best understood from his ow which are here quoted from his preface. The Literary and Scientific Class Book, by the Rev. John Doncaster, England, was published in the beginning of the y "The grand object aimed at," he says, " is, that while the p his daily lesson, he shall not only learn to pronounce words, also treasure up a valuable stock of ideas, to enlarge his mi terest his heart, and to prepare him for his future scenes on th of life." 'The plan and leading title of the abovementioned publica been adopted in the present work, and many of the lessons h retained either in full, or in an abridged and altered form. T appendix, and engravings, have been added; and such mate been selected from other sources, as were judged best adap prove the hearts, and enlarge the minds of youth in this Most of the lessons have been selected with a particular reference to the instruction, which they contain on important branches of knowledge.' Such is Mr Leonard's plan, and he seems to have filled it out faithfully and with good judgment. He has selected many pieces from American writers, both in prose and poetry. The New Testament of our Lord and Savior, &c. from which is selected an extensive Vocabulary, comprising the Proper Names, and all other important Words that occur therein. By Jeremiah Goodrich. Price 50 cents. Albany. S. Shaw. A Classical French Reader, selected from the best Writers of that Language, in Prose and Poetry, &c. Compiled for the Use of the Round Hill School [Northampton.] By N. M. Hentz. pp. 264. Boston. Richardson & Lord. The Rudiments of English Grammar, illustrated by Parsing Lessons, &c. By Charles Spalding. 1825. 8vo. pp. 36. Onondago. The American Instructer, calculated to succeed the English, and other Spelling Books; containing a Selection of the principal Part of the Words in common Use, divided, accented, defined, &c. By Rensselaer Bentley, Author of the English Spelling Book. 12mo. pp. 240. Troy. E. Platt & Co. The American Speaker, or Exercises in Rhetorick; being a Selection of Speeches, Dialogues, and Poetry, from the best American and English Sources, suitable for Recitation. 12mo. pp. 444. Boston. Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. El Traductor Español; or a new and practical System for Translating the Spanish Language. By Mariano Cubi y Soler. 12mo. pp. 226. Baltimore. F. Lucas, Jr. A Standard Spelling Book, or the Scholar's Guide to an accurate Pronunciation of the English Language; accompanied with Reading Lessons. Compiled for the Use of Schools. By James H. Sears. The revised Edition. New Haven. Durrie & Peck. First Biennial Report of the Trustees and Instructer of the Monitorial School. Boston. 8vo. pp. 38. The Biblical Reader; or interesting Extracts from the Sacred Scriptures, with Practical Observations, &c. By the Rev. J. L. Blake, A. M. Ornamented with Cuts. 12mo. Boston. Lincoln & Edmands. GEOGRAPHY. Elements of Geography, exhibited historically, from the Creation to the End of the World; on a new Plan, adapted to Children in Schools and private Families. Illustrated by four Plates, By Jedidiah Morse, D. D. The Sixth Edition, revised and corrected. 18mo. pp. 162. New Haven. H. Howe. HISTORY. A Historical Sketch of the Formation of the Confeder particularly with Reference to the Provincial Limits and Jurisdiction of the General Government over Indian Tribes the Public Territory. By Joseph Blunt. 8vo. pp. 116. York. G. & C. Carvill. Notes to His Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle. By S. S 8vo. pp. 24. Boston. Munroe & Francis. A History of Boston, the Metropolis of Massachusetts ; its Origin to the present Period. With some Account of Environs, By Caleb H. Snow, M. D. Embellished with gravings. 8vo. pp. 400. Boston. 1825. A. Bowen. Elements of History, Ancient and Modern; with Histo Charts. By J. E. Worcester. 12mo. pp. 324. Boston. C mings, Hilliard, & Co. LAW. An Essay on the Doctrine of Contracts; being an Inquiry Contracts are affected in Law and Morals, by Concealment ror, or Inadequate Price. By Gulian C. Verplanck. 8vo. 234. New York. 1825. G. & C. Carvill. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme dicial Court of Massachusetts. By Octavius Pickering, C sellor at Law. Vol. II. Containing the Cases from October T 1823, in Plymouth, to November Term, 1824, in Essex, inclusive, Royal 8vo. pp. 650. Boston. Harrison Gray. A Compilation of Laws, Treaties, Resolutions, and Ordina of the General and State Governments, which relate to Lan the State of Ohio, &c. Published by Authority. 8vo. Price Columbus, Ohio. George Nashee & Co. A Digest of the Cases decided and reported in the Sup Court, the Court of Chancery, and the Court for the Corre of Errors, in the State of New York, from 1799 to 1823. William Johnson. 2 vols. Royal Svo. Albany. E. F. Back Notes on Blackstone's Commentaries; for the Use of Stud Svo. pp. 500. Winchester, Virginia. S. H. Davis. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of peals of Virginia. Vol. III. By Peyton Randolph, Counsell Law. 8vo. Richmond, Virginia. Peter Cottom. MATHEMATICS. Solutions to the Miscellaneous Questions in Gummere's veying, adapted to the Edition of that Work. 8vo. Philade Kimber & Sharpless. MEDICINE. A Vindication of the Thomsonian System of the Practice of Medicine on Botanical Principles, as originated by Samuel Thomson, and continued by his Coadjutors. By John Thomson. 8vo. pp. 74. Albany, N. Y. The Characteristic of Homöopathia. From Hahnemann's Geist der Homöopathischen Heil-Lehre.' By H. B. Gram, C. M. L. 8vo. pp. 24. New York. J. & J. Harper. The North American Medical and Physical Journal. Vol. I. No. 1. Philadelphia. Professional Reputation, an Oration delivered before the Philadelphia Medical Society, pursuant to Appointment, February 8th, 1826. By John D. Godman, M. D. Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology. Svo. Philadelphia. B. & T. Kite. Observations upon the Autumnal Fevers of Savannah. By W. C. Daniel, M. D. 8vo. Savannah. MISCELLANEOUS. A Letter to Robert Owen, of New Lanark, Author of two Discourses on a New System of Society. By A Son of the Mist. Philadelphia. The Tour of General Lafayette through the United States, from his Departure from France until his Departure from America, in 1825. With a Sketch of his Life. By Gilbert J. Hunt. Written in the Scriptural Style. New York. Le Souvenir, a Picturesque Pocket Diary, for 1826. Embellished with numerous elegant Engravings. Philadelphia. A. R. Poole. Facts and Arguments in favour of adopting Railways in preference to Canals, in the State of Pennsylvania. To which are added, a few Remarks on the Subject of Internal Improvements. Fourth Edition. 1825. 8vo. pp. 68. Philadelphia. An Examination of the New System of Society, by Robert Owen; showing its Insufficiency to reform Mankind; with Observations on the Operation of the Principles of Virtue in the Mind of Man. 8vo. Philadelphia. John Mortimer. A Brief Essay towards an Apology for a Play Actor. By Euripides. Albany, N. Y. An Attempt to demonstrate the Practicability of Emancipating the Slaves of the United States of North America, and of Removing them from the Country, without impairing the Right of Private Property, or subjecting the Nation to a Tax. By a New England Man. 8vo. pp. 75. New York. G. & C. Carvill. Notices of the original and successive Efforts to improve the Discipline of the Prison at Philadelphia, and to reform the |