AMERICAN EDITIONS OF FOREIGN WORKS. Hints to Parents. In two Parts. In the Spirit of Pestalozzi's Method. From the third London Edition. 1825. 18mo. pp. 72. Salem. Whipple & Lawrence. Theodore, or the Peruvians; a Tale, translated from the French of Le Brun. 18mo. New York. George Champley. Cornelii Schrevelii Lexicon Manuale Græco-Latinum et Latino-Græcum. Editio hæc Americana, cum nitida illa (xxii.) Edinensi nuperima, accurate comparata et emendata. 8vo. New York. Collins & Hannay. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Huic Editioni acessit Clavis Virgiliana. 8vo. Philadelphia. Carey & Lea. Matilda; a Tale of the Day. 12mo. Philadelphia. E. Littell. The Elements of Medical Chemistry. By John Ayrton Paris, M. D. F. R. S. 8vo. pp. 471. New York. Collins & Hannay. Novels, Tales, and Romances. By the Author of Waverley. Vol. XVIII. Containing Tales of the Crusaders. 8vo. Boston. S. H. Parker. Miss Edgeworth's Works. Vol. VIII. Containing Harrington and Ormond. 8vo. Boston. S. H. Parker. A Treatise on Christian Doctrine, compiled from the Holy Scriptures alone. By John Milton. Translated from the Original, by Charles A. Sumner, A. M., Librarian to His Majesty. From the London Edition. 2 Vols. 8vo. Boston. Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. and others. Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. By Thomas Moore. Svo. Philadelphia. Carey & Lea. The Cabinet Maker's Guide; or Rules and Instructions in the Art of Varnishing, Dying, Staining, Japaning, Polishing, Lackering, and Beautifying Wood, Ivory, Tortoise Shell, and Metal, &c. From a late English Edition. Price 50 cents. The Subaltern; or Sketches of the Peninsular War, during the Campaigns of 1813 and 1814. 12mo. New York. G. & C. Carvill. The Poetical Works of James Hogg. 2 Vols. 18mo. New York. D. Mallory. Curiosities for the Ingenious. Selected from the most authentic Treasures of Nature, Science, and Art, Biography, History, and General Literature. With Thirteen Engravings. 18mo. Philadelphia. Ash & Mason. Il Tancredi. Tancred. An Heroic Opera, in two Acts, as performed at the New York Theatre. The Music by Gioacchino Rossini. 18mo. pp. 55. New York. E. M. Murden. The Cunning Lover. L'Amante Astuto, Opera Comica. due Atti. Poesia del Signor Rosich. Musica del Signor Mar Garzia. 18mo. pp. 57. New York. E. M. Murden. George Barnwell; a Novel. By T. S. Surr, Author of Sple id Misery,' &c. 12mo. Boston. S. H. Parker. A Dictionary of Quotations, which are in daily Use; ta from the Latin, French, Greek, Spanish, and Italian Langua &c. By D. E. M'Donald. Fourth American Edition, corr ed, with Additions. Philadelphia. The Contributions of Q. Q. to a Periodical Work; with se Pieces not before published. By the late Jane Taylor. 2V 12mo. New York. An Introduction to the Practice of Midwifery. By Tho Denman, M. D. From the last London Edition, revised by Author. With Notes and Emendations. By John W. Fran M. D. 8vo. pp. 684. New York. E. Bliss & E. White. A Conspectus of the Pharmacopeias of the London, Edinbur and Dublin Colleges of Physicians. By Anthony Todd Tho First American Edition. 18mo. New York. son. The Bankrupt Act, 5 Geo. IV. c. 98; with Notes and Ine &c. By James Kennedy, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at I New York. E. B. Gould. Elements of Phrenology. By George Combe, late Presiden the Phrenological Society. First American Edition, with No 12mo. pp. 221. Philadelphia. E. Littell. Tales of the Wild and Wonderful. 12mo. pp. 252. Phila phia. E. Littell. Hints for the Improvement of Early Education and Nurs Discipline. Last American from the fifth London edition. 12 pp. 170. Salem. James R. Buffum. Roman Nights, or the Tomb of the Scipios. Translated f the Italian of Alexandro Verri. By a Lady of New York. Vols. 12mo. With Plates. New York. We are sorry to see a work of so much intrinsic value, and des ing an extensive circulation, put into the bookstores at so exorbita price, that no reasonable person will think of purchasing it. The is printed in ordinary style, bound up in two extremely thin volu instead of one of moderate size, and then sold at the enormous pri $2,25. The whole contains 260 duodecimo pages, for which one a would be a high charge. Except The Lives of the Novelists, do not remember a more arrant piece of bookmaking than this. should think the trick, so much resorted to of late by publishers, c viding a volume of common size into thin ones, and demanding each the fair price of the whole, would soon be seen through. H such is the conscience of publishers, and if purchasers are willin uphold the trick, and be thus cajoled, there is no remedy, that we of, nor shall we grieve about the matter, although we shall om opportunity to point out and deprecate an evil of so pernicioUS A TOM» dency. In these remarks we beg not to be understood as rotlocting on the translator of this work. We are willing to believe that she has exw cuted her laudable task with fidelity and ability, and only regret that her labors should be brought before the public under such a disadans tage, through the ill management of her publishers. The Study of Medicine. By John Mason Good. M. D. F. R.S. 8vo. 5 vols. Fourth American Edition. Boston, Wells & Lilly. Cornelius Nepos de Vita Excellentium Imperatorum. From the third Edition of J. H. Bremi. With English Notes, 12mo pp. 174. Boston. Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. Starkie on Slander, with Notes and References to American Decisions. By E. D. Ingraham, Esq. 8vo. Philadelphia. P. Н. Nicklin. Horne's Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. 8vo. 4 vols. Philadelphia. E. Littell, An Essay on Venereal Diseases, and the Uses and Abuses of Mercury in their Treatment. By Richard Carmichael, M. R. 1. A. With Practical Notes: By G. Emerson, M. D. 8vo. pp. 360, Philadelphia. J. Dobson & A. Sherman. Christian Researches in Syria and the Holy Land in 1823 and 1824, in furtherance of the Objects of the Church Missionary Society. By W. Jowett, A. M. With an Appendix, containing the Journal of Mr Joseph Greaves, on a Visit to the Regency of Tunis. 8vo. pp. 364. Boston. Crocker & Brewster and Others, WORK PROPOSED. A COLLECTION of the BEST PLAYS in the FRENCH LANGUAGE, containing the most approved TRAGEDIES AND COMEDIEN of the FIRST CLASS, with NOTES EXPLANATORY of IDIOMS, and an InTRODUCTION containing a Sketch of the History of French Literature and its Rules. By N. M. HENTZ. The following extract from Mr Hentz's Prospectus, will acquaint the reader with the proposed character and objects of his work, 'The want of such a work, published in this country, has been felt by those persons, who, wishing to become acquainted with the French Theatre, are obliged to purchase a number of comparatively useless volumes. In Racine's works, for instance, independent of the two first plays, which few would be tempted to read, the two last volumes are al most entirely filled with letters and other works, which fewers' world ever peruse. The smallest collection of Corneille's Chefs d'ouvre has four volumes. Those of Voltaire have the same number MODEM Plays are seldom found in less than eight volumes. Thus one must procure at least twentyone volumes in order to obtain a perusal of four writers of the first class. Besides, that many of the plays c tained in those collections seldom engage the attention of the read there are a number in which it would be desirable, that many sce were omitted. In a word, it is very seldom that those who r French, with a view to study the literature of that language, atte to read more than ten or twelve plays. Those are now offered to public with the addition of one or two plays of other eminent auth and notes explanatory of idioms, local allusions, &c. It is intend that the collection shall contain Le Cid. Les Horaces, and Cinna Corneille; Andromaque, Iphigenie, and Athalie, of Racine; Zaïre,. rope, and Mahomet of Voltaire; Le Misanthrope and Tartuffe, Moliere; Le Légataire Universel of Regnard; La Métromanie Piron; and possibly L'Avare of Molière. This last will be added the size of the volume should permit it.' The work is intended to contain six or seven hundred pages, octu and to be published by subscription. The price to subscribers is fi at three dollars. i INDEX TO THE TWENTYSECOND VOLUME OF THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. Adair, his work on the descent of Adam's Latin Grammar, by Gould, Adelung, his survey of the Indian Æschylus, his character by Perci- Algiers, Sketches of, by William to little known, ib. situation, Alliance of the republics of South 62 |