Casca. Your ear is good. Cassius, what night is this? Cas. A very pleasing night to honest men. For my part, I have walk'd about the streets, Casca. But wherefore did you so much tempt the heavens? It is the part of men to fear and tremble, When the most mighty gods, by by tokens, send Such dreadful heralds to astonish us. Cas. You are dull, Casca; and those sparks Their natures, and pre-formed faculties, or me, Casca. 'Tis Cæsar that you mean: Is it not, Cassius? Cas. Let it be who it is: for Romans now Have thewes and limbs like to their ancestors; But, woe the while! our fathers' minds are dead, And we are govern'd with our mothers' spirits; Our yoke and sufferance show us womanish. Casca. Indeed, they say, the senators to-morrow Mean to establish Cæsar as a king: And he shall wear his crown by sea, and land, In every place, save here in Italy. Cas. I know where I will wear this dagger then; Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius: Therein, ye gods, you make the weak most strong; Therein, ye gods, you tyrants do defeat: Nor stony tower, nor walls of beaten brass, Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron, Can be retentive to the strength of spirit; But life, being weary of these worldly bars, Never lacks power to dismiss itself. If I know this, know all the world besides, That part of tyranny that I do bear, I can shake off at pleasure. Casca. So can I; So every bondman in his own hand bears Cas. And why should Cesar be a tyrant then? Poor man! I know, he would not be a wolf, But that he sees the Romans are but sheep: He were no lion, were not Romans hinds. Those that with haste will make a mighty fire, Begin it with weak straws: What trash is Rome, What rubbish, and what offal, when it serves For the base matter to illuminate So vile a thing as Cesar? But, O grief! Casca. You speak to Casca, and to such a man, Cas. There's a bargain made. Now know you, Casca, I have mov'd already Some certain of the noblest-minded Romans To undergo with me an enterprize Of honourable-dangerous consequence; And I do know, by this, they stay for me In Pompey's porch: For now, this fearful night, There is no stir, or walking in the streets; And the complexion of the element Is favour'd, like the work we have in hand, Most bloody, fiery, and most terrible. Enter CINNA. Casca. Stand close awhile, for here comes one in haste. Cas. 'Tis Cinna, I do know him by his gait; He is a friend.-Cinna, where haste you so? Cin. To find out you: Who's that? Metellus Cimber? Cas. No, it is Casca; one incorporate To our attempts. Am I not staid for, Cinna? Cin. I am glad on't. What a fearful night is this? There's two or three of us have seen strangesights. You are. O, Cassius, if you could but win Cas. Be you content: Good Cinna, take this paper, And look you lay it in the prætor's chair, Cin. All but Metellus Cimber; and he's gone To seek you at your house. Well, I will hie, And so bestow these papers as you bade me. Re-enter LUCIUS. Luc. The taper burneth in your closet, sir. Searching the window for a flint, I found This paper, thus seal'd up; and, I am sure, It did not lie there, when I went to bed. Bru. Get you to bed again, it is not day. Is not to-morrow, boy, the ides of March? Luc. I know not, sir. Bru. Look in the calendar, and bring me word. Luc. I will, sir. [Exit. Bru. The exhalations, whizzing in the air, Give so much light, that I may read by them. [Opens the letter, and reads. Brutus, thou sleep'st; awake, and see thyself. Shall Rome, &c. Thus must I piece it out; My ancestors did from the streets of Rome If the redress will follow, thou receivest Re-enter LUCIUS. Bru. No, not an oath: If not the face of men, The sufferance of our souls, the time's abuse, Luc. Sir, 'tis your brother Cassius at the door, If these be motives weak, break off betimes, Who doth desire to see you. Bru. Is he alone? spiracy; Hide it in smiles, and affability: Enter CASSIUS, CASCA, DECIUS, CINNA, ME- Cas. I think we are too bold upon your rest: Good-morrow, Brutus; Do we trouble you ? Bru. I have been up this hour; awake, all night. Know I these men, that come along with you? Cas. Yes, every man of them; and no man here, But honours you: and every one doth wish, Bru. He is welcome hither. Cas. This Decius Brutus. Bru. He is welcome too. Cas. This, Casca; this, Cinna; And this, Metellus Cimber. Bru. They are all welcome. What watchful cares do interpose themselves Betwixt your eyes and night? They whisper. Cas. Shall I entreat a word? Dec. Here lies the east: Doth not the day break here? Casca. No. Cin. 0, pardon, sir, it doth ; and yon grey lines, That fret the clouds, are messengers of day. Casca. You shall confess, that you are both deceiv'd. Here, as I point my sword, the sun arises; He first presents his fire; and the high east Bru. Give me your hands all over, one by one. And every man hence to his idle bed; So let high-sighted tyranny range on, Till each man drop by lottery. But if these, As I am sure they do, bear fire enough To kindle cowards, and to steel with valour The melting spirits of women, then, countrymen, What need we any spur, but our own cause, To prick us to redress? what other bond, Than secret Romans, that have spoke the word, And will not palter? and what other oath, Than honesty to honesty engag'd, That this shall be, or we will fall for it? Swear priests, and cowards, and men cautelous, Old feeble carrions, and such suffering souls That welcome wrongs; unto bad causes swear Such creatures as men doubt: but do not stain The even virtue of our enterprize, Nor the insuppressive mettle of our spirits, To think, that, or our cause, or our performance, Did need an oath; when every drop of blood, That every Roman bears, and nobly bears, Is guilty of a several bastardy, If he do break the smallest particle Of any promise that hath pass'd from him. Cas. But what of Cicero? Shall we sound him? I think he will stand very strong with us. Casca. Let us not leave him out. Cas. Decius, well urg'd:-I think it is not meet, Mark Antony, so well belov'd of Cæsar, Should outlive Cæsar: We shall find of him A shrewd contriver; and, you know, his means, If he improve them, may well stretch so far, As to annoy us all: which to prevent, Let Antony, and Cæsar, fall together. Bru. Our course will seem too bloody, Caius Cassius, To cut the head off, and then hack the limbs; Like wrath in death, and envy afterwards: For Antony is but a limb of Cæsar. Let us be sacrificers, but no butchers, Caius. We all stand up against the spirit of Cesar; And in the spirit of men there is no blood: O, that we then could come by Cæsar's spirit, And not dismember Cæsar! But, alas, Cæsar must bleed for it! And, gentle friends. Boy! Lucius!-Fast asleep? It is no matter; Let's kill him boldly, but not wrathfully; Let's carve him as a dish fit for the gods, Not hew him as a carcase fit for hounds: And let our hearts, as subtle masters do, But bear it as our Roman actors do, Exeunt all but Brutus. Stir up their servants to an act of rage, Our purpose necessary, and not envious: Which so appearing to the common eyes, We shall be call'd purgers, not murderers. And for Mark Antony, think not of him; For he can do no more than Cæsar's arm, When Cæsar's head is off. Cas. Yet I do fear him: And after seem to chide them. This shall make Enjoy the honey-heavy dew of slumber: For in the ingrafted love he bears to Cæsar, - Treb. There is no fear in him; let him not For he will live, and laugh at this hereafter. Bru. Peace, count the clock. Treb. 'Tis time to part. Cas. But it is doubtful yet, Whe'r Cæsar will come forth to-day, or no: Dec. Never fear that: If he be so resolv'd, For I can give his humour the true bent; Cas. Nay, we will all of us be there to fetch him. Bru. By theeighth hour: Is that the uttermost? Cin. Be that the uttermost, and fail not then. Met. Caius Ligarius doth bear Cæsar hard, Who rated him for speaking well of Pompey; 1 wonder, none of you have thought of him. Bru. Now, good Metellus, go along by him: He loves me well, and I have given him reasons; Send him but hither, and I'll fashion him. Cas. The morning comes upon us: We'll leave you, Brutus : And, friends, disperse yourselves: but all reWhat you have said, and show yourselves true Bru. Good gentlemen, look fresh and merrily; Let not our looks put on our purposes; member Romans. Thou hast no figures, nor no fantasies, Which busy care draws in the brains of men; Therefore thou sleep'st so sound. head, And too impatiently stamp'd with your foot: Bru. I am not well in health, and that is all. Bru. Kneel not, gentle Portia. Por. I should not need, if you were gentle Brutus. Within the bond of marriage, tell me, Brutus, | I shall unfold to thee, as we are going, Is it excepted, I should know no secrets That appertain to you? Am I yourself, But, as it were, in sort, or limitation; To keep with you at meals, comfort your bed, And talk to you sometimes? Dwell I but in the suburbs I grant, I am a woman; but, withal, Tell me your counsels, I will not disclose them: Bru. O ye gods, Render me worthy of this noble wife! [Knocking within. Hark, hark! one knocks: Portia, go in a while; And by and by thy bosom shall partake The secrets of my heart. All my engagements I will construe to thee, [Exit Portia. Enter LUCIUS and LIGARIUS. Lucius, who is that, knocks? Luc. Here is a sick man, that would speak with you. Bru. Caius Ligarius, that Metellus spake of. Boy, stand aside. Caius Ligarius! how? Lig. Vouchsafe good-morrow from a feeble tongue. Bru. O, what a time have you chose out, brave Caius, To wear a kerchief? 'Would you were not sick! Lig. I am not sick, if Brutus have in hand Any exploit worthy the name of honour. Bru. Such an exploit have I in hand, Ligarius, Had you a healthful ear to hear of it. Lig. By all the gods, that Romans bow before, I here discard my sickness. Soul of Rome! Brave son, deriv'd from honourable loins ! Thou, like an exorcist, hast conjur'd up My mortified spirit. Now bid me run, And I will strive with things impossible; Yea, get the better of them. What's to do? Bru. A piece of work, that will make sick men whole. Lig. But are not some whole, that we must make sick? To whom it must be done. And, with a heart new-fir'd, I follow you, Bru. Follow me then. Exeunt. Fierce fiery warriors fight upon the clouds, Cæs. What can be avoided, Cal. When beggars die, there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of Bru. That must we also. What it is, my Caius, What say the augurers? |