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ON the deposition of Edward II., his son, Prince Edward, was brought to a general assembly of the nobles and clergy in the abbey church of Westminster, on the 20th of January, 1327, and Walter Raynold, taking for his text the old aphorism," Vox populi, vox Dei, (The voice of the people is the voice of God,) exhorted all present to choose the young prince for

THE TRUFFLE, (Tuber cibarium). THE Truffle is a species of the fungous or mushroom tribe, well known as an article of luxury, when employed in the preparation of made-dishes. The Truffle grows beneath the surface of the earth, and has no appearance of a root; its form is that of an irregular globe, covered with small rounded prominences; its substance varies in colour from white to grayish, marbled, and brown; its smell is powerful and pleasant, and it is considered a great delicacy. their sovereign. All assented; but the prince himself Truffles are found in most of the temperate climates of the Old World, and also in North America. In declared that he would not accept the crown until it had been voluntarily resigned by his father. The conPiedmont, and in some parts of France, they are sent of the deposed monarch was easily obtained, and met with in great abundance. In France they are chiefly found in forests among oak and chestnut- Edward, having been previously knighted by the Earltrees. In England Truffles are found chiefly in the of Lancaster, assisted by the Count of Hainault, chalky districts of Sussex, Hampshire and Wilt- received the crown from the hands of the archbishop of Canterbury, on the following feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin. The only remarkable circumstance, connected with this coronation, was the detestable hypocrisy of the queen dowager, Isabella, who, though she had been the principal cause of the late king's deposition, affected to weep during the entire ceremony.


The search after Truffles takes place from the month of October to January, when they are in the greatest perfection. Dogs are usually trained for this purpose, but in France it seems pigs are often employed, the fondness of these animals for this fungus rendering them good judges of its locality; but in this case great vigilance is necessary on the part of the Truffle-hunter, for the pig, in its cagerness to obtain the Truffle, is apt to crush it, and render it unfit for market; on this account the dog is best, being so much more docile.

The soil in which the Truffles are found, is loose, moist, gravelly earth, where they grow as near as three or four inches beneath the surface; the ground above them is generally bare, and returns a dull or hollow sound when struck. It has been remarked as a singular fact, that the more numerous the Truffles are in any place, the larger they are. When Truffles have reached maturity they split in all directions and fall to pieces, forming a soft moist mass, from which the young Truffles spring.

Many agriculturists have endeavoured to form artificial Truffle-beds, but the experiment has met with such indifferent success, that it is said only one experiment proved even the possibility of the thing. The Truffle is cooked in various ways, being broiled on the coals, cut up into salad, used like the mushroom, as seasoning, and stewed in wine, &c. Fig. 1

Fig. 2.

The mode in which the Truffle increases is rather singular. Fig. 1 represents this fungus in a perfect state; if allowed to become ripe, and then cut open, a section of its substance will show the young Truffles in the interior, as seen in fig. 2. If it is not gathered when ripe, the whole mass falls to pieces, the young plants are at liberty, and for a time gather nourishment from the remains of their progenitor, and then, in their turn, increase, ripen, and decay.

A remarkable coronation medal was struck on this occasion; on one side the young prince was represented crowned, laying his sceptre on a heap of hearts, with the motto, "POPULO DAT JURA VOLENTES," (He gives laws to a willing people,) and on the other was a hand held out to save a falling crown, with the motto, "NON RAPIT SED RECIPIT," (He seizes not, but receives.) Philippa, queen of Edward III., was crowned on Quinquagesima Sunday, February 18, 1330; but no particulars are recorded.


The coronation of this king was more magnificent than any of the preceding, and we have in Prynne a perfect copy of the ritual used upon the occasion. It also affords us the first record of the Court of Claims, which was holden by John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster. The following extract from the record in Speed's Chronicle will show the nature of the proceedings: "John, the king's eldest uncle, under the style of John, king of Castile and Leon, and duke of Lancaster, by humble petition to the king, claimed to be now steward of England, in right of his earldome of Leicester; and, as he was duke of Lancaster, to beare the king's chief sword, called Curtana; and, as earle of Lincolne, to cut and carve before the king. His petitions being found just were confirmed to him, and to his assigns, the two earles of Derby and Stafford, the first to beare the sword, while the duke should be busied about other offices as steward, and the other to cut and The duke then, in great estate, held this, the king's high court of stewardship, in the Whitehall of the king's pallace at Westminster, neere to the chappell of the said palace, upon the Thursday before the coronation, which was also upon a Thursday. Then Thomas of Woodstocke, the king's uncle, was admitted to exercise the office of constable of England, in right of his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of Humfrey de Bohun, late earle of Hereford, and constable of England. Henry de Percy was, by the king's consent and England for that time, saving to every one their own writ, authorized to exercise the place of Marshall of right, for that by reason of the time's shortnesse, the claime which Margaret, daughter and heire to Thomas of Brotherton, late earle of Norfolk and marshall of England, laid thereunto, could not be discussed."



The procession of the king from the Tower to West

minster, on the day preceding the coronation, is thus
"The citie was adorned
described by Holinshed:
in all sorts most richlie. The water conduits ran with
wine for the space of three hours together. In the
end of Cheape, was a certeine castell, made with
foure towers, out of the which castell, on two sides of
it, ran forth wine abundantly. In the towers were
placed foure beautifull virgins, of stature and age like
to the king, apparelled in white vestures, in every
tower one, the which blew in the king's face, at his
approaching neere to them, leaves of gold; and as he
approched also, they threw on him and his horsse,
counterfeit florens of gold. When he was come before
the castell, they tooke cups of gold, and, filling them
with wine at the spouts of the castell, presented the
same to the king and to his nobles. On the top of the
castell, betwixt the foure towers, stood a golden angell,
holding a crowne in his hands, which was so contrived
that when the king came, he bowed downe, and offered
to him the crowne. But to speake of all the pageants
and shewes, which the citizens had caused to be made,
and set forth in honour of their new king, it were
superfluous, everie one in their quarters striving to
surmount other; and so with great triumphing of citi-
zens, and joy of the lords and noblemen, he was con-
veied unto his palace at Westminster, where he rested
for that night."

The ceremony of the coronation was so fatiguing,
that Richard was obliged to be borne back to the palace
on knights' shoulders, where he rested awhile, and
took some slight refreshment. He then created four
earls and nine knights. Of the coronation-feast, Ho-
linshed says,
"To show what roiall service was at this
feast, it passeth our understanding to describe; but to
conclude, the fare was exceeding sumptuous, and the
furniture princelie in all things, that if the same should
be rehearsed, the reader would doubt the truth thereof.
In the midst of the king's pallace was a marble pillar,
raised hollow upon steps, on the top whereof was a
great gilt eagle placed, under whose feet in the chapiter
of the pillar, divers kinds of wine came gushing forth
at foure several places all the daie long, neither was
anie forbidden to receive the same, were he never so
poor or abiest."

Anne, queen of Richard II., was crowned at Westminster by Archbishop Courtney, January 22nd, 1382, as Holinshed says, "with all the glorie and honour that might be devised." He adds, "There were also holden, for the more honour of the same marriage, solemn justes for certeyne daies togethir, in which as well the Englishmen, as the new queene's countriemen, shewed proofe of their manhood and valiancie, whereby praise and commendation of knightlie prowesse was achieved, not without damage of both the parties."

Thus splendidly began a reign, destined to have a very sad termination. In the 23rd year of his reign, Richard was taken prisoner by his cousin the duke of Lancaster, and brought to London, where he was committed to the Tower, or else he would have been torn to pieces by those very citizens who had hailed his coronation with such enthusiastic joy. Articles of impeachment were exhibited against him in parliament, and commissioners appointed to examine the king on those charges. Richard prevented the necessity of a formal trial by a resignation, which, however, could scarcely be called voluntary, and this being communicated to the parliament, commissioners were appointed to prepare and publish the sentence of the king's deposition. This very remarkable instrument is so little known, that we shall insert it.

In the name of God, Amen. We, John bishop of St. Asaph, John abbot of Glastenbuire, Thomas earle of Glocester, Thomas Lord Berkelie, William Thirning, justice, Thomas Erpingham, and Thomas Graie, knights, chosen and deputed special com. missaries by the three states of this present parlement, repre senting the whole of the bodie of the realm, for all such matters by the said estates to be committed: We, understanding and considering the manifold crimes, hurts, and harmes, done by Richard king of England, and misgovernance of the same by a long time, to the great decaie of the said land, and utter ruine of the same shortlie to have beene, had not the speciall grace of our God thereunto put the sooner remedie: and also furthermore adverting that the said Richard, by acknowledging his owne insufficiencie, hath of his owne meere voluntie and free will renounced and given over the rule and governance of the said land, with all rights and honours unto the same belonging, and utterlie for his merits hath judged himselfe not unworthilie to be deposed of all kinglie maiestie and estate royall. We, the premisses well considering, by good and diligent deliberation, by the power, name, and authoritie, to us (as is above said) committed, pronounce, decerne, and declare, the samo King Richard, before this to have beene and to be, unprofitable, unable, insuffi cient, and unworthie of the rule and governance of the foresaid realms and lordships, and of all rights and other the appurte nances to the same belonging. And for the same causes, we deprive him of all kinglie dignitie and worship, and of any kinglie worship in himselfe. And we depose him by our sentence definitive, forbidding expresselie to all archbishops and bishops, and all other prelates, dukes, marquesses, erles, barons, and knights, and all other men of the foresaid kingdome and lordships, subjectes and lieges, whatsoever they be, that none of them from this daie forward, to the foresaid Richard, as king and lord of the foresaid realmes and lordships, be neither obedient nor attendant.

This sentence having been solemnly read, was accepted by the parliament, and ordered to be entered on the records of the realm. The same commissioners were then appointed to wait upon the king the next morning, and in the name of the three estates renounce their homage and fealty. When the sentence was thus ratified, the duke of Lancaster arose, and read the following challenge or claim to the crown, which was ordered to be recorded in the rolls of parliament:

In the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the Holie Ghost. I, Henrie of Lancaster, claime the realme of England, and the crowne with all the appurtenances, as I that am descended by right line of the blood, comming from that good lord, King Henrie the Third; and through the right that God of his grace hath sent me, with the helpe of my kin and of my freends, to recover the same, which was in point to be undoone, for default of good governance, and due justice.

To this claim the lords gave a tacit but unanimous assent. The archbishop of Canterbury then stood up and asked the commons, who then sat in the same chamber with the peers, whether they also assented to the duke's claim? He was answered by a shout of approbation; upon which he went to the duke, and taking him by the right hand, led him, supported by the archbishop of York, to the throne. The archbishop of Canterbury then preached a sermon to the assembly, taking for his text 1 Samuel ix. 17, Vir dominabitur in populo: "This man shall rule over my people."

On Wednesday the 1st of October, the commissioners above named went to the Tower, and declared to

Richard that he had been deposed, and Henry placed upon the throne. Then Justice Thirning, in the name of the rest, and for all the estates of the realm, renounced homage and fealty to Richard in solemn form. The unfortunate monarch wept bitterly while this degrading ceremony was performed, and could not avoid reverting to the enthusiasm with which his coronation had been celebrated by all classes of his subjects.

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It should be here noticed that lead, when it is used for

the metal between large iron rollers, turned by a steamengine. These rollers are set closer and closer together, till the lead is reduced by rolling to the requisite degree of THE slate used for roofing constitutes extensive strata thinness. By this process the lead is rendered more dense, among the primary rocks of the crust of the globe, and is and more equally so, than it ever is by simply casting; termed clay-slate. Its structure, scientifically called Schis-milled lead, consequently is more durable than the latter. tose, admits of its being split into thin lamina, by means of wooden wedges. These lamina are roughly squared by means of a pick, or hammer, at the quarry: they are then sorted, according to their size and quality, and are brought to market under the quaint names of Imperial slates, Duchesses, Countesses, &c., the former being the largest. The principal British slate-quarries are situated in North Wales, and the best roofing-slates come from the celebrated vale of Festiniog.

Slates are laid on battens, or thin narrow deal boards, which are nailed horizontally on the common rafters of the roof, at equal distances apart, which distance is governed by the sized slate to be employed. An entire board is nailed along the lowest edge of the roof to receive the lead of the gutters, which are first laid, and then the lowest course of slates are nailed and pinned down to the lowermost batten; so that two-thirds the length of the slate, at least, should lie over the lead. The next course of slates is then fixed, so that every slate shall overlap two-thirds the depth of the course below it, every slate being also laid over the joint, between two slates of that undercourse. By this construction the rain that runs through the joint between any two slates, is kept from penetrating into the roof by being received on the surface of the slate beneath that joint; and the bottom course of slates is double, to continue the same principle down to the lead gutter.

The slates are fixed to the battens by two copper nails and a wooden pin when the work is well executed; holes being picked through each slate for the nails to pass through.


THE comparative cheapness of lead, its admirable qualities, and the facility with which it can be cast and rolled into thin sheets, and drawn into pipes, cause it to be extensively used in building. The most productive mines of this metal in our own country, are situated in Derbyshire, Devonshire, Cornwall, in Wales, and in the North. In short, the ore from which lead is generally obtained, called Galena, or Sulphuret of Lead, is found in all countries where the primary rocks appear at the surface. The ore greatly resembles the pure metal in brilliance; but it is brittle and not so easily fused. It frequently contains a sufficient quantity of silver to make it worth while to adopt a peculiar process in the reduction of it, in order to separate this more valuable metal. The ore is first broken into small pieces, and is then roasted in a reverberatory furnace, to drive off the sulphur. When this object is attained, the heat is increased, till the metal is fused, and then it is drawn off into moulds, which give it the form of blocks or slabs, called Sows and Pigs.

Sheet Lead is made by pouring the melted lead on a large table, covered over with an even surface of fine sand, and having a ledge of an equal height above the sand all round it. When the melting metal is poured on the sand, two men, holding each end of a stiff wooden rule, called a strike, draw it along the table, resting on each side ledge, the liquid lead is pushed onwards by the strike, till it covers the whole surface of an even thickness, which of course is governed by the depth of the ledge round the table.

Milled Sheet Lead is formed by rolling a cast plate of

roofing, or for lining cisterns and gutters, is always laid on an uniform boarded surface, and not on battens or laths, like slate and tiles.

Lead pipe is either formed by bending thin sheet lead round a cylindrical mould, and soldering the joint, or when the pipe is less than four or five inches in diameter, the pipe is formed by casting a thick cylinder of lead with a small bore, and about five or six feet long. A long smooth iron rod, a little larger than the bore of the cylinder, is forced into this, and then the cylinder is gradually drawn through a succession of circular holes, decreasing in diameter, in a steel plate, by means of a powerful draw-mill, worked by a steam-engine. The lead is by this process extended out over the iron rod, which keeps the bore of the pipe of an equal diameter, and when the pipe is sufficiently reduced in thickness, the rod, or triblet, is forcibly drawn out, and the pipe left with a smooth bore, ready for use. When a roof is to be covered, or a cistern lined, with lead, the sheet of the metal is unrolled on a level floor, and made free from creases and undulations by beating them down with a heavy wooden flogger, like a roller with one flattened side, and a handle to it. The plumber then draws on the lead the form into which it must be cut to fit the surface it is intended to cover, and afterwards cuts through the lines described with a sharp strong knife. The piece is then rolled up again for facility of carriage, and raised by tackle into its intended situation, it being placed there so that when again unrolled, it may lie in the proper situation and position on the boarding. The sheet is then again beat out flat by the flogger.

The next sheet being put into its place, and so that the edges of the two may overlap about one and a half or two inches, the workman proceeds to make the joint, or to solder the two sheets together. The first step for this purpose is to scrape the two edges or borders of the sheets that are to come in contact quite clean and bright, with a tool constructed for this purpose, consisting of a small triangular bit of steel ground sharp at its edges, and fastened at right angles on an iron sock t, fixed in a handle. When these borders of the lead are quite clean, they are painted over with black lead-paint, to prevent their tarnishing, or oxidising again, as the solder will only adhere to a clean pure metallic surface. The paint also serves as a flux to cause the solder and lead to melt together, and thus make a close joint.

Plumbers' solder is made of lead and tin melted together, in the proportions of two parts of the former to one of the latter metal. This alloy is fusible at a lower temperature than the tin or lead separately. The solder is cast into triangular bars, weighing from thirty to fifty pounds each. The solder is melted in an iron ladle, on a rude temporary fire-place, built as near the spot where the solder is wanting as possible. The plumber having turned back the edge of the upper sheet at the joint, an assistant carefully pours the solder on the lower edge. The workman then spreads it evenly along the joint, by means of soldering-irons, which are irregular-shaped iron bars, swelling at their ends into rounded forms of different sizes and shapes, according to the particular purpose for which they are intended. These irons are heated red-hot when they are to be used to keep the solder melting while it is being spread.

As soon as the workman has spread the solder, he presses and hammers down the upper edge on the lower, spreading the solder forced out of the joint, by so doing, along the seam. The outermost edge of the lead covering is nailed down to the boarding or cistern-frame by nails, with their heads leaded over, to prevent the corrosion of the metal, by the chemical or voltaic action that takes place when two metals are in contact exposed to moisture. The situation of the soldered joints depends on the size and form of the surface to be covered over; and a good workman considers well how he can cut out the lead so as to have the fewest joints, and these in the most favourable situations. If it is a cistern he has to line, he will cover the bottom in one piece, cutting the lead large enough to admit of its turning up for an inch or two, at two of the sides, the 'oint consequently being made at these angles.

When a large roof, like that of a church, is covered with


lead, this is laid on in parallel bands as wile as the sheet will admit of, the edge of one sheet being turned over a wooden roller or fillet, nailed down on the boarding to receive it, while the edge of the next sheet is turned over the former lead again; the double thickness being well flogged down to render the joint water-tight: and in this case no solder is used.

The edges of lead gutters that turn up against the inside of the parapet are either laid as flat against the brick-work as possible, and secured so by iron holdfasts, so as to prevent rain from getting in, or are else, to effect the same object in all the better kind of buildings turned into a joint, in the brickwork, between two courses.

When the plumber has to join two lengths of lead-pipe into one, he opens out the end of one length into a funnelshaped aperture, by gently driving a wooden cone into it, so as to avoid splitting the pipe. The end of the other length is then scraped down a little by the triangular tool before mentioned, not only to obtain a clean surface for soldering, but to allow of the end fitting into the funnelshaped aperture alluded to. The two pipes being thus put | together, the workman holds a thick wadding of old woollen cloth, well greased, under the joint, while a labourer gently pours melted solder over the joint, which the plumber smooths and shapes down by his soldering-iron and the cloth, into a regular smooth rounded swelling, all round the joint, making this perfectly close and water-tight.

Within the last twenty years the metal zinc has been much used instead of lead for all the purposes of the latter, and many others beside, for which the admirable qualities of zinc particularly qualify it. This metal is lighter than lead, and equally durable in the open air. It bears water nearly equally well; but it is not so flexible or manageable, being neither so fusible nor malleable. Zinc only admits of being rolled or hammered when it is heated to about two hundred and twenty degrees of Fahrenheit. When cold it is too brittle to bear much bending; nevertheless pipes, gutters, cisterns, chimney-pots, &c., are made out of sheetzinc, and roofs, &c., covered with it.


THE business of this workman is to cover over the rough walls and ceilings of a building with plaster, a better kind of mortar, made of lime only; and when this plaster is of the coarser kind for the under or first coating, cow-hair is mixed with it to make it bind better. When it is a plain brick-wall which is to be plastered, the surface is at once covered with the plaster, this adhering readily to the rough brick-work: but for ceilings or partitions, a groundwork of laths is required to receive the first coating.

Laths are of different sizes and qualities according to the various work for which they are intended. Those used by the plasterer are termed single, and are about from two to three feet long, an inch broad, and a quarter of an inch thick. They are split out of a coarse kind of deal. Double laths are considerably longer and thicker, and are sawn out they are therefore regular in their size. They are used for better work in plastering, but chiefly by tilers or slaters.

The single laths are nailed up to the joists of the ceiling, or to the quartering of partitions, with but a small interval between each, and entirely to cover the surface. The workmen then proceed to cover the lathing with coarse plaster, a labourer supplying them with a small quantity at a time on a square board, held in the plasterer's left hand by means of a short thick handle stuck upright into the back of the board. The man uses a rectangular flat wooden trowel, with a bridge-shaped handle, to transfer the stuff from the board to the wall, and to spread it evenly over the surface. When the room of which the walls are being plastered is of a better description, the work is floated, that is, a regular surface is obtained by drawing a long straightedge over the wet plaster, so as to scrape off the inequalities and reduce the whole to a plane surface.

A thinner coating of finer plaster is spread over the first to finish the plastering, and this is again floated in drawingrooms, and so on.

The mouldings of cornices in rooms are formed by a wooden mould drawn along a straight-edge to guide the mould, acting like the carpenter's plane, when forming analogous mouldings in wood. When such cornices are of sufficient size and depth to require it, wooden brackets, shaped something like the profile of the cornice, are fixed up against the wall, and laths are nailed on these brackets,

to serve as a foundation for the mouldings. By this means the necessity for a heavy mass of plaster, to get the requisite projection in the cornice is avoided; which mass would be unwieldy to manage, and liable to fall down by its weight. Foliage and ornamental work in plaster is made by modelling the ornaments by hand, in a proper kind of clay, worked by steel or wooden tools, resembling small spatulas in form. To do this requires a taste and skill in drawing or designing in the workman, which raises him to the rank of an artist. When the model is finished and dry, the surface of it is covered with a thin coat of oil, and a mould of fine plaster is taken from it in separate pieces. To allow of the plaster mould being taken off the model, the edges of these separate pieces of the mould are made smooth, so as to fit accurately together. From this mould any number of casts may be taken by pouring fluid plaster into the mould when it is put together; and as soon as each cast has set, or become hard, the mould is taken off it, to be put together again for a new cast.

Old plaster ceilings, walls, &c., are cleaned by being whitewashed. The plaster is first washed over with clean water, by means of broad flat brushes, to remove the dirt. All cracks and defects in the plaster are then stopped by filling them up with new plaster, and it is frequently neces sary to cut away the plaster in such places to obtain a clean new surface to enable the new plaster to adhere. When the surface is dry, the whitewash, made of whiting, mixed up in water, is laid on with the same form of brushes, and two or three times gone over, effectually to cover all stains and marks on the surface. Instead of being whitewashed, walls are frequently coloured by mixing ochre, of the proper tint, in the water along with the whiting.

The outside of walls of houses, &c., are now frequently covered with stucco, a kind of plaster made with a lime that resists the action of water, when set. and which, if well managed, causes the wall to look as if built of stone. The mode of stuccoing walls is exactly the same as that of covering them with common plaster.

We here conclude our account of the Useful Arts connected with house-building.

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IF the peculiarities of our feelings and faculties be the effect of variety of excitement through a diversity of orga nization, it should tend to produce in us mutual forbear ance and toleration. We should perceive how nearly impossible it is that persons should feel and think exactly alike upon any subject. We should not arrogantly pride ourselves upon our virtues and knowledge, nor condemn the errors and weakness of others, since they may depend upon causes which we can neither produce nor easily counteract. No one, judging from his own feelings and powers, can be aware of the kind or degree of temptation or terror, or the seeming incapacity to resist them, which may induce others to deviate.—ABERNETHY.

AMONGST the causes assigned for the continuance and dif-
fusion of the same moral sentiments amongst mankind,
is most observable in children; indeed, if there be anything
may be mentioned imitation. The efficacy of this principle
in them which deserves the name of an instinct, it is their
propensity to imitation.
children imitate, or apply more readily, than expressions of
Now there is nothing which
affection and aversion, of approbation, hatred, resentment,
and the like; and when these passions and expressions are
ciation which unites words with their ideas, the passion
once connected, which they soon will be by the same asso-
will follow the expression, and attach upon the object to
which the child has been accustomed to apply the epithet.


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BUT yonder comes the powerful King of Day,.
Rejoicing in the East. The lessening cloud,
The kindling azure, and the mountains brow
Illumed with fluid gold, his near approach
Betoken glad. Lo! now, apparent all,
Aslant the dew-bright earth, and coloured air,
He looks in boundless majesty abroad;



[blocks in formation]

And sheds the shining day, that burnish'd plays

On rocks, and hills, and towers, and wandering streams,
High gleaming from afar.

THUS does Thomson, the philosophic poet of the Seasons, speak of the approach and vivifying influence of that splendid body, the Sun,-whose daily return brings with it so much that renders pleasure and benefit to man.

In our first article, we gave a general view of the relation existing between the different heavenly bodies. The appearances which are presented to the eye of an observer, an enumeration of the classes into which, for the sake of convenience, the heavenly bodies may be divided, and a short exposition of the mode in which the theory of gravitation is brought to assist us in the comprehension of their motions, were the subjects which then occupied us. We proceed now to consider each of the planets separately, by which means we shall be able to collect the principal facts and circumstances connected with each planet, so far as that can be done without the aid of mathematics, which must not form a prominent feature in our plan.

Before proceeding to the consideration of the heavenly bodies separately, it will be convenient to consider the relation which exists between them all, as regards dimension. Our frontispiece represents the comparative sizes of the Moon and planets. By this we shall, of course, be understood to mean, that the twelve circles represented above, bear the same proportion one to another, as the diameters of the planets bear to one another, respectively. The Sun is so very much larger than any of the planets, that we could not introduce into our figure a circle, which would indicate his comparative diameter. This will be rendered evident by the consideration that a circle showing correctly the comparative size of the Sun, must be one hundred and eleven times as large in diameter as the circle representing the Earth.

The diameter of the Earth, as we shall hereafter have to show more fully, is about 7920 miles. If now, for the sake of fixing our ideas, we call that quantity 1, then the diameters of the other bodies will be represented by the following numbers:



The last four must be considered as approximations to the true proportions; as the diameters of those small planets have not yet been defined with so much precision as those of the other planets. In astronomical works, these heavenly bodies are frequently expressed by symbols appropriated to them. Before the name of each we have placed the symbol, which distinguishes it among astronomers.

The names of the heavenly bodies, before mentioned, are derived from the heathen gods, who also gave their names to such of the metals as were known to the ancients, and likewise to the days of the week.

The planets Uranus, Pallas, Juno, Ceres, and Vesta, were not known before the last sixty years. They have all been generally named from the relationship of one deity to the other; the moderns having called the planet discovered by Herschel Uranus, who, in the heathen mythology, was the father of Saturn, who was the parent of Jupiter, of whom Mars was the son. The Moon, called Luna, was said to be the daughter of Terra, the Earth. The characteristics of the planets were also indicated by the known qualities of the deities whose names they respectively assumed. The Earth, being considered as the parent of all created nature, was designated from the goddess whom the ancients invoked to dispense all natural blessings. It founded the centre of their astronomical system, as we showed in the former paper. The planet Mercury, seldom seen, and then but for a short time, resembled "the fleet messenger of the gods." Venus, the most beautiful of all the planets, was the type of the charming goddess of this name. Mars, with its red appearance, showed the wrathful countenance of the god of war. Jupiter, the largest of


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