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they banished all those who adhered to the old way. The furrounding Kings, whofe fubjects were ftill obliged to eat it with the wrong end, became furious to madnefs at the idea of a fwinifh multitude daring to think for themselves, and determined to chaftife them for their extreme infolence. Accordingly, the Emperor of Whiskerandos and the King of Swindlers attacked them moft furiously, and in the end obtained the moft glorious advantages, as the Galligafkins conquered a valuable part of the former's dominions, and then proceeded to attack the Argentine nation, (a pretended Republic) clofe adjoining, threatening it with total annihilation. During all this, Billy Shallow, not chufing to put himself to the pain of declaring open war, had proceeded in a back-ftairs manner to infult them, in many inftances very grofsly, until they were goaded on to declare war against Lilliput. Mafter Billy, now arrived at the point he was aiming at, expofed to the Senate the perfidy and villainy of the Galligafkins, in declaring war, without any provocation, and demanded the trifling fum of two or three millions of argents (an argent is about twenty fhillings fterling) to defend the nation against so profligate an attack. His faithful majority accordingly granted all his demands, without a fyllable of enquiry, trufting in all refpects to his immaculate purity. The Minifter now fent over a large body of troops, openly avowing it as their bufinefs to chaftife the Galligaskins, and oblige them to give up their conquefts; but fecretly intending they fhould join the confederated Kings in obliging that nation to eat their foup again with the wrong end of the spoon.More troops were afterwards fent over for the fame purpofe; and the combined Powers, after the moft glorious campaign, not only drove the Galligafkins out of their conquefts, but actually conquered a few inches of the Galligafkin territory, with the lofs of fome officers and only about 100,000 private men; an exploit that will cover the Generals with immortal honour. During this scene of glory and renown, many other remarkable

events happened. Mr. Inquifitor Ninny denounced imprisonment and pillory against every man who fhould dare to affert that the people had a right to eat their foup with the right end of the fpoon; and fome were actually punished for making the affertion. Lord Bobadil and Sir Bilberry Diddle took a fea-port belonging to the Galligafkins, with feveral of their fhips, and held them in truft for an imprifoned Galligaíkin Prince, until the combined Powers fhould be enabled to complete their defigns upon that nation, by extirpating all the men, and then obliging all the women and children to eat their foup with the wrong end of the fpoon. Fortune, however, joftled his Lordship and Sir Bilberry, and the town became untenable: when they moft heroically, and with the most exalted juftice and equity, burnt the fhips, and a part of the town, in truft for the fame Prince. The Duke of Gunpowder, who was the General of Fortification, fortified the tower of the metropolis in the most able manner, with fand-bags and empty casks; intending, with the most engineer-like exactness, that the former fhould be thrown at its affailants, for the purpose of blinding them; and when that was effected, the latter fhould be fired perpendicularly upon them; by which means each man being inclofed in a cafk, that, by its natural propenfity to rolling, would tumble him into the adjoining river, and by that means the affailants would all be drowned. Such was the immenfe and able plan of this exalted General. Let us now return to that moft glorious and juft war, where we left the combined Powers in poffeffion of fo much glory and renown. These Powers, animated by their recent moft glorious fucceffes, entered upon another campaign with fury, and had the most complete fatisfaction of running away to the tune of Galligafkin mufic, with which they were fo delighted, that they left their baggage and ammunition to the Galligafkins, as a reward for treating them with fuch delicious tunes. An action that will cover them with immeasureable renown! The trumpet of Fame will found

it to pofterity as an exploit never equalled by all the heroes of antiquity. During this, the Lilliputians had conquered fome of the Galligafkin colonies. Several remarkable events likewife happened. An alarm was founded from one end of the kingdom to the other, that the Galligaskins had landed 100,000 men with red caps and no breeches, who were marching quick to the capital, through the bye-roads and back-ways. Terror fhook the kingdom to its centre. Lawyers, Parfons, and Phyficians, mounted their horfes, changed their gowns and wigs for fwords and truncheons, and took the field, trembling at every bray of an afs, fearing it to be the dreaded enemy. Books and papers were feized, that treafon might be diftilled out of them, whilft their owners were fent to prifon, till their offences were found out. The Miniftry faw every thing through a red cap medium; and the whole kingdom waited in dreadful expectation till the enemy fhould think proper to appear. When lo! it turned out that all the terror was occafioned by an Alarmist seeing the fign of a red cap at a little diftance from the metropolis, which fo horribly frightened him, that he dreamt of a Galligaskin army being landed, and believed it a real fact when he awoke. Billy Shallow now carried tax after tax in the House of Tools, and invaded the liberties of the people with impunity. The Galligafkins, in the mean time, continually victorious, entered the metropolis of the Argentine nation in triumph, and annihilated their pretended republic. Billy Shallow was now forced to beg humbly for peace; which was granted, on condition of giving up all the Lilliputian conquefts; of acknowledging the right of the Galligafkins to their new conquefts; and likewife their right to eat their foup as they pleased. Thefe conditions the Minifter acceded to.Thus ended this most glorious, juft, and neceffary war, after having coft Lilliput about 60 millions of argents, and about 100,000 men: The people, juftly exasperated at fo flagrant and profligate a waste of their blood and treasure, in fupporting the perfidious fchemes of

their Minifters, recovered from the delufion in which they had been involved by the arts of the Miniftry, and loudly and univerfally demanded that they fhould be equally reprefented. The Miniftry, unwilling to accede to a measure which would effectually take away their places, their influence and their patronage, temporized till the moment of conciliation was paffed away.-Cætera Defunt. [Chronicle.]



WEET Girl! fince you left me and went out of

I scarce utter a word, and I constantly frown;
As for bufinefs or pleasure, I think them but folly,
And while others are laughing-I'm quite melancholy.
When I wake in the morning, I turn me around,
But, alas! my lov'd Sufan is not to be found;
When your pillow unprefs'd makes your absence quite

I curfe blankets and sheets, and swear at the curtain.
When I leap out of bed, ftill your image bewitches;
I'm at least twenty minutes in finding my breeches;
And after I'm drefs'd a full hour or more,

I find they are button'd the wrong fide before.
Ah! Sufan, at breakfast, how happy we've been,
O'er the fragrant infufion of eight thilling-green,
While rapture attended on every fip,

And I envied the cup the foft touch of your lip.
But now on the table I carelessly loll,
My appetite's gone--I can fcarce eat a roll;
And I cannot help thinking while drinking my tea,
That the white fugar's brown, and the hyfon-bohea.
At dinner-whenever your eye glanc'd a wish,
Tow'rds the hot roafted fowl---how I feiz'd on the dish!
Then fent you a wing, and a bit of the breast---
For fancy ftill whifper'd me what you lik'd best.


But now I'm fo ftupid I care not a button,
Who carves out the beef, or who cut's up the mutton-
I spill butter and gravy all over the cloth,

And when I drink porter-run my nofe in the froth.
The fofa! on which we've so often beguil❜d
The lingering hours, while you liften'd and fmil'd;
Till rapture its tendereft language would speak,
And the tears of delight I have kifs'd from your cheek.
Sweet fofa! farewel, for thy influence is o'er,
The lingering hours, now but linger the more;
And with tears of delight my eye never o'erflows,
For I've got a bad cold and they run from my nose.
Then hafte back to town, my sweet Sufan, and prove
All the whimsical pleasures that wait upon love;
Our days fhall be paffed in frolicksome flirting,
And as for our nights !---I here drop the curtain.




A POEM IN DIALOGUE, BY M. DUPONT DE NEMOURS. SCENE---At the Commencement of the World.

Perfons of the Drama. ---Oromasis and Arimanes, the Spirits of Good and Evil.

"L'Existence eft la demonftration du bien."

OROMASIS-At length I have overcome thee. In spite of thy oppofition, I now affume poffeffion of matter, and proceed to create the world.

Arimanes. Thou haft overcome, but thou haft not deftroyed me. My deftruction is even beyond thy power to accomplish. Like thyfelf, I am immortal. I fhall be thine eternal foe. Difpase of matter at thy pleasure, from which however thou fhalt never be able to banish me. Create thy world.

Oromafis. From the breaft of Chaos feparate thyfelf; come forth, flame ethereal; unite again into


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