Administrative Professionals 1 D (Clergymen, Students of this Profession and all Church Officials Lawyers, Physicians, Students of these Professions, and all State Trade Exchangers Banking and Insurance Companies Commercial Companies Real Estate Merchants (Ocean Transport Companies Transportation Inland-Water Transport Companies Builders Constructors Land Transport Companies Of Floating Structures Machine and Implement Makers Working-men Executive Of other Stuffs And their Employees. Timber-Raisers and Foresters Stock-Raisers Birds Beasts 1 "No Society can exist and be developed without a Priesthood in some form or other."-Auguste Comte. Working-men 1. Administrative Labourers E Labour of Superintendence-performed by responsible Brain-Workers. Labour of Manipulation-performed by automatic Brain-Workers. Labour of Superintendence—performed by responsible Hand-Workers. Executive Labourers Labour of Manipulation-performed by automatic Hand-Workers. 1 See diagram by Franklyn H. Giddings in Political Science Quarterly for March 1887. NEITHER CONFOUNDING THE DEPARTMENTS: NOR DIVIDING THE ORGANISM. "In every needful faculty-in Church, and State, and School."-R. W. Emerson. "His classification of human employments was rather crude. and Amusement."1-George Eliot. within Universal Society there exists for each of us He divided them into Business, Politics, Preaching, Learning, many special Societies. "-P. J. Proudhon. 1 State Politics. Business. Church ... Amusement. ONE ALTOGETHER; NOT BY CORPORATE SOLIDARITY: BUT BY HISTORIC CONTINUITY. Preaching. School Learning. |