Obrázky stránek

Sec. 29.

Mineral lands reserved.

Public lands

not to be sub

etc., until the state has her full quota.

of gold, silver, quicksilver, or copper shall be reserved from

29. SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That until the State in the state of Nevada shall have received her full quota of lands named in ject to entry, the first, second and third sections of this Act, the public lands in that state shall not be subject to entry, sale or location under any law of the United States, or any scrip or warrants issued in pursuance of any such law except the homestead Act of May twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and Acts amendatory thereto, and the Acts granting and regulating pre-emptions, but shall be reserved exclusively for entry by the said state for the period of two years after such survey shall have been made: Provided, That said state shall select said lands in her own name and right, in tracts of not less than forty acres, and dispose of the same in tracts not exceeding three hundred and twenty acres, only to actual settlers and bona fide occupants: And, provided City and town further, That city and town property shall not be subject to selection under this Act: And, provided further, That this section shall not be construed to interfere with or impair rights Vested rights heretofore acquired under any law of Congress.-U. S. Statutes at Large, Vol. 14, 85.

Mode of selecting and disposing of lands by the



not affected.

Selection of

lands by Nevada under railroad

grants by Congress.

stead land

imum price

An Act to provide for giving effect to the various grants of public lands to the State of Nevada.

Approved June 8, 1868.

30. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the State of Nevada is authorized to select the alternate even-numbered sections within the limits of any railroad grant in said state, in satisfaction, in whole or in part, of the several grants made in the following Acts of Congress, to-wit: the Act organizing the territory of Nevada, passed March second, eighteen hundred Pre-emption and sixty-one; the Act admitting the State of Nevada into the and home- Union, passed March twenty-one, eighteen hundred and sixtytaken at min- four, and the Act concerning certain lands granted to Nevada, of 8250 per passed July fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six; provided, acre to equal that this privilege shall not extend to lands upon which there may be rightful claims under the pre-emption and homestead laws; and, provided, that if lands be selected, the minimum price of which is two dollars and fifty cents per acre, each acre so tions, when selected shall be taken by the state in satisfaction of two acres, the minimum price of which is one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre; and, provided further, that the lands granted in the eighth and ninth sections of the said Act admitting Nevada into the Union shall be selected within four years from the passage of this Act, and the period for the selection of said lands is hereby so extended.

two acres at $1.25 per


Certain selec

to be made.

31. SECTION. 2. And be it further enacted, That the lands college lands, known and designated for the establishment of an agricultural


college by the Act of July second, eighteen hundred and sixtytwo, and the Acts amendatory thereto, shall be selected in the same manner and of the same character of lands as may be selected in satisfaction of any other grants referred to in the first section of this Act. But this Act shall not authorize the selection of lands valuable for mines of gold, silver, quicksilver or copper.-U. S. Statutes at Large, Vol. 15, 67.

Sections 3 and 4 are omitted, not being of general interest.

An Act to continue in force a grant to the State of Nevada for college purposes.

Approved March 16, 1872.

lege purposes


32. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives Grant to Neof the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the vada for colgrant made to the State of Nevada under section three of the continued in Act of July fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled force until "An Act concerning certain lands granted to the State of Nevada," shall not cease by reason of the failure of the said state to provide at least one college, as required by the several Acts of Congress as a condition of said grant, but the same shall continue in full force; provided, that all the conditions of law be complied with prior to the tenth of May, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven.-U. S. Statutes at Large, Vol. 17, 40.

An Act to grant to the State of Nevada lands in lieu of the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections in said state.

Approved June 16, 1880.

granted the

vada in lieu

33. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives Two million of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there acres of land be, and are hereby, granted to the State of Nevada two million State of Neacres of land in said state in lieu of the sixteenth and thirty- of the sixsixth sections of land heretofore granted to the State of Nevada teenth and by the United States; provided, that the title of the state and its sections. grantees to such sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections as may have Proviso. been sold or disposed of by said state prior to the passage of this Act, shall not be changed or vitiated in consequence of or by virtue of this Act.


ed to be se

34. SECTION 2. The lands herein granted shall be selected Lands grantby the state authorities of said state from any unappropriated, fected by the non-mineral, public land in suid state, in quantities not less state. than the smallest legal subdivision; and when selected in conformity with the terms of this Act, the same shall be duly cer


Lands grant

posed of as

tified to said state by the Commissioner of the General Land Office and approved by the Secretary of the Interior.

35. SEC. 3. The lands herein granted shall be disposed of ed to be dis- under such laws, rules and regulations as may be prescribed by may be pre- the legislature of the State of Nevada; provided, that the proLegislature of ceeds of the sale thereof shall be dedicated to the same purposes as heretofore provided in the grant of the sixteenth and thirtysixth sections made to said state.-U. S. Statutes, 1879-80, 288.

scribed by

the State of





tors to be elected.

36. SECTION 14. The legislature of each state which is chosen when Senanext preceding the expiration of the time for which any Senator was elected to represent such state in Congress shall, on the second Tuesday after the meeting and organization thereof, proceed to elect a Senator in Congress.

25 July, 1866, c. 245, s. 1, v. 14, 243.


37. SEC. 15. Such election shall be conducted in the Mode of following manner: Each house shall openly, by a viva voce vote of each member present, name one person for Senator in Congress from such state, and the name of the person so voted for, who receives a majority of the whole number of votes cast in each house, shall be entered on the journal of that house by the clerk or secretary thereof; or if either house fails to give such majority to any person on that day, the fact shall be entered on the journal. At twelve o'clock meridian of the day following that on which proceedings are required to take place as aforesaid, the members of the two houses shall convene in joint assembly, and the journal of each house shall then be read, and if the same person has received a majority of all the votes in each house, he shall be declared duly elected Senator. But if the same person has not received a majority of the votes in each house, or if either house has failed to take proceedings as required by this section, the joint assembly shall then proceed to choose by viva-voce vote of each member present, a person for Senator, and the person who receives a majority of all the votes of the joint assembly, a majority of all the members elected to both houses being present and voting, shall be declared duly elected. If no person receives such majority on the first day, the joint assembly shall meet at twelve o'clock


occurring be

meridian of each succeeding day during the session of the legislature, and shall take at least one vote, until a Senator is elected.

25 July, 1866, c. 245, s. 1, v. 14, 243.

38. SEC. 16. Whenever on the meeting of the legislature fore meeting of any state a vacancy exists in the representation of such state of legislature in the senate, the legislature shall proceed, on the second Tuesday after meeting and organization, to elect a person to fill such vacancy, in the manner prescribed in the preceding section for the election of a Senator for a full term.

Vacancy during session of legislature.

Election of

Senators certified.


of certificate.

25 July, 1866, c. 245, s. 2, v. 14, 245.

39. SEC. 17. Whenever during the session of the legislature of any state a vacancy occurs in the representation of such state in the senate, similar proceedings to fill such vacancy shall be had on the second Tuesday after the legislature has organized and has notice of such vacancy.


25 July, 1866, c. 245, s. 2, v. 14, 243.

SEC. 18. It shall be the duty of the Executive of the state from which any Senator has been chosen, to certify his election, under the seal of the state, to the President of the Senate of the United States.

25 July, 1866, c. 245, s. 3, v. 14, 244.

41. SEC. 19. The certificate mentioned in the preceding section shall be countersigned by the Secretary of State of the state. Revised Statutes of the U. S. 1878, 3.

25 July, 1866, c. 245, s. 3, v. 14, 244.

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