Nevada reports for use of An Act to provide for the preservation and sale of certain Nevada reports. Approved March 5, 1875, 132. 1931. SECTION 1. The Secretary of State shall keep on hand, for the exclusive use of the legislature, when in session, legislature. fifty copies of each volume of the Nevada reports heretofore published. Receipt to be given. Return of copies, when to be made, etc Sale of Nevada reports, etc. 1932. SEC. 2. No copy of any such volumes shall be taken from said Secretary's office until the person desiring the use of the same shall have deposited with said Secretary his written receipt therefor. 1933. SEC. 3. All copies of said reports so taken from said Secretary's office shall be returned thereto on or before the last day of any regular or special session of the legislature; and any person so failing to return said reports shall be liable for the value thereof, in any sum not less than ten dollars nor exceeding twenty-five dollars per volume, together with the costs of suit, to be recovered by suit, in the name of the State of Nevada, in any court of competent jurisdiction. 1934. SEC. 4. Said Secretary of State is hereby authorized to sell all volumes of said reports heretofore published, in excess of said fifty copies, at a price not exceeding seven dollars and a half nor less than five dollars per volume; and proceeds of such sales shall be paid to the Treasurer of State, and become a part of the library fund; provided, that not more than two copies of each volume of reports shall be sold to any one person or firm. Certain appendix dispensed An Act repealing all matters relating to copying into an appendix the annual reports of the state officers and other documents, and providing for the deposit of printed copies with the Secretary of State. Approved March 7, 1879, 92. 1935. SECTION 1. So much of the Act entitled an Act fixing copying into the number of officers and employes of the senate and assembly, to define their duties, and to establish their pay, approved March seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, as provides for the copying of reports of state officers, and other documents into an appendix, is hereby repealed. with. Printed reports to be filed. 1936. SEC. 2. In lieu of the written appendix heretofore required, printed copies of state officers' reports and other documents, shall be deposited with the Secretary of State, and it shall be his duty to properly file and preserve the same for future reference. An Act in relation to the message of the Governor and the reports of certain state officers. Approved March 3, 1881, 117. copies of made without compensation 1937. SECTION 1. It shall be the official duty of the Gov-State officers, ernor to prepare and deliver to the Superintendent of State duplicate Printing a duplicate copy of his biennial message to the legis- reports to be lature, without extra compensation; and it shall be the official duty of all state officers that are now, or may hereafter be, required by law to make either annual or biennial reports to the Governor or to the legislature, to prepare and deliver to the Superintendent of State Printing duplicate copies of the same, without extra compensation. 1938. SEC. 2. An Act requiring state officers to prepare and transmit to the legislature duplicates of all reports intended for publication, approved February seventeenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and all Acts amendatory thereto are hereby repealed. An Act to provide for the free distribution of the statutes and legislative journals of the present and future sessions of the legislature of the State of Nevada to certain parties. Approved February 7, 1883, 32. to receive 1939. SECTION 1. It is hereby made the duty of the Secre- Newspapers tary of State to deliver, free of charge, the statutes of the statutes and present and each future session of the legislature of the State of journals. Nevada, together with the assembly and senate journals for the present and subsequent sessions of legislature, to the publisher of any daily or weekly newspaper published in said state, who constantly furnishes the same for the use of the state library. An Act to determine the order in which the reports of state officers and others shall be printed, and defining the number of copies thereof. Approved February 12, 1885, 26. state officers. 1940. SECTION 1. There shall be printed of the biennial Relative to message of the Governor two thousand copies, in pamphlet reports of form ; of the inaugural address of the Governor, two thousand copies; of the annual report of the State Controller, twelve hunc red copies; of the annual report of the State Treasurer, The order in which they shall be printed. one thousand copies; of the biennial report of the Secretary of State, five hundred copies; of the biennial report of the Surveyor-General, two thousand copies; of the biennial report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, one thousand copies; of the annual reports, biennially, of the Attorney-General, five hundred copies; of the biennial report of the Warden of the state prison, one thousand copies; of the biennial report of the Commissioners for the Care of the Indigent Insane, one thousand copies; of the biennial report of the Board of Directors of the state orphans' home, five hundred copies; of the biennial report of the Adjutant-General, one thousand copies; of the biennial report of the Fish Commissioner, twenty-five hundred copies; of the annual reports, biennially, of the Superintendent of State Printing, five hundred copies. 1941. SEC. 2. The printing of the various reports shall be executed in the order designated in section one of this Act; provided, nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent the Superintendent of State Printing from entering upon and completing, out of the order designated in section one, the printing of any report where a failure occurs on the part of any officer to furnish the copy of a precedent report in proper time. CHAPTER XV. COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. SECTION. 1942. County Commissioners, board of created, powers and duties. 1972. Supplemental to preceding Act. 1973. Amendatory and supplemental to same. 1981. County Commissioners, duties as to support of poor. 1992. Relative to the preceding Act. 1999. County Commissioners, regulating powers and duties. 2001. County Commissioners, to give bonds. 2008. County Commissioners, to apportion county revenues. 2011. Amendatory and supplemental to preceding Act. 2013. County Commissioners, to loan and transfer from one fund to another. 2014. County Commissioners, created Board of Examiners. 2018. Relative to allowance and payment of demands against counties 2019. County Commissioners, publication of bills allowed by. 2022. County Commissioners to offer and pay rewards. 2024. County Commissioners, duties as to government of towns and cities. SECTION. 2041. County Commissioners, to provide policemen and levy tax in un- 2052. County Commissioners, to provide for improvement of streets and 2070. County Commissioners, to create fire department fund. 2078. County Commissioners, to transfer money in unincorporated towns. 2099. Concerning County Clerks, Justices of the Peace and Constables. 2104. District Attorneys, Act concerning. 2119. Sheriffs, Act relative to. 2137. Sheriffs, to have care of jail and custody of prisoners. 2197. Recorders, to purchase and preserve public newspapers. 2201. Recorders as Auditors, to make statement of financial condition of 2209. Recorders as Auditors, to audit claims against county. 2210. Surveyors of counties, and surveying, Act to regulate. 2235. Notaries Public, appointment of and duties. 2254. Justices of the Peace and Constables, bonds of. 2256. Coroners, Justices of the Peace to act. 2270. Justices of the Peace, inquest as to incendiarism. 2278. Justices of the Peace, when absent or sick. 2279. Ministerial officers of county may appoint deputies. 2282. Inspectors of gas meters, Chiefs of Police to be. 2289. Inspectors of hides, appointment, duties and compensation. An Act to create a Board of County Commissioners in the several counties of this state, and to define their duties and powers. Approved March 8, 1865, 257. sioners, when office. 1942. SECTION 1. At the general election of the several commiscounties in this state, in A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy, elected and by the qualified electors of each county, a Board of County Com- terms of missioners, to consist of three members, shall be elected, to possess such qualifications and to have such powers as hereinafter provided; provided, that in any county where, at the last eral election, there were polled four thousand or more votes, gen Proviso, Sec. 1943. such board shall consist of five members. At the general election in A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy, and at such election held every two years thereafter, there shall be elected in such county one Commissioner to serve upon the Board of County Commissioners for the term of four years; and a term of four years shall be known, both in this Act and for the purpose of the election of County Commissioners, as the long term; and the other Commissioner or Commissioners, as the case may be, necessary to fill the board, shall, at said election, be elected to serve upon the board for the term of two years; provided, that in any county or counties which are or shall be under the provisions of this Act entitled to a board consisting of five County Commissioners, two of the Commissioners shall be elected to serve upon the board for the long term. In any county wherein increased in at the last or any future general election there were or shall be polled for the first time four thousand or more votes, the board shall be increased to five members by appointment of the Governor, and such appointees shall hold their offices until the first Monday of January following the then next general election; and at such next general election in such county or counties, five County Commissioners shall be elected as provided in this section of this Act. Any vacancy or vacancies occurring in any Board of County Commissioners shall be filled by appointment of the Governor, and such appointee or appointees shall hold his or their offices until the first Monday of January following the then next general election, except as provided otherwise in this Act. As amended, Stats. 1869, 92. When board may be number. Vacancies, how filled. Qualifications and terms of office. Proviso State ex rel. Copeland v. Woodbury, 17 Nev. 337. 1943. SEC. 2. Said Commissioners shall be qualified their electors of their respective counties, and shall enter upon duties on the first Monday of January succeeding their election, and shall hold their offices two or four years, as the case may be, as provided in this Act; and the term of office of two years or four years, as the case may be, shall expire at twelve o'clock P. M. of the day preceding the first Monday in January following a general election. No county or township officer shall be eligible to the office of Commissioner. On entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, each Commissioner, whether elected or appointed under the provisions of this Act, shall take and subscribe to the oath of office as prescribed by law; provided, that in case such Commissioner shall neglect or refuse, during the period of fifteen days from and after the first Monday of January succeeding his election, to take the oath of office as herein directed, his office shall be deemed vacant, and such vacancy shall be filled by appointment as provided in section one of this Act; and, provided further, that the term of office of a person appointed to the office of County Commissioner shall not by virtue of the appointment extend beyond the hour of twelve o'clock P. M. of the day preceding the first Monday of January next following a general election.-As amended, Stats. 1869, 92. |