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as the syllabus of each of the numerous citations. The former is in every case in the form required by the constitution, while the various cases cited are of easy access. Especial attention has been given to the grouping of cognate subjects into chapters. When a statute might have been placed in more than one chapter, preference has been given to that which seemed to be the most appropriate, although, at times, it was difficult to determine.

The index will be found to be general and strictly alphabetical, except that the constitution has a special index immediately following it, and the arrangement of both we hope may prove satisfactory. The references are to section numbers.

Although not made necessary by the statute, we have given, as an appendix, a table of the titles of sundry Acts which could hardly be called "of general and public interest," with references to the volumes wherein they may be found. They pertain in most instances to the respective counties, or to corporations, or have fulfilled their office, or have been repealed; yet they are of interest to many and are not infrequently referred to.

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Nearly ten months have been given to the preparation of this volume. While the difficulties have been great, no labor has been spared that would tend to completeness and accuracy. That we have entirely succeeded in our efforts is hardly to be expected; that we have earnestly tried to succeed, is certain. It is our hope that the work may prove not only acceptable to the legal profession and the officers called to administer the laws, but to the people of the state at large.

CARSON CITY, NEVADA, December 31, 1885.


NOTE. After the statutes contained in this volume had been printed, the School Act of March 12, 1885 (sections 1350-1362), was declared to be unconstitutional, at least so far as the election of trustees is concerned.--State ex rel. Attorney-General v. Harris et al. October term, 1885.

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