c. 15. the register for the set to which it is removed, 7 & 8 VICT. and the number of its certificate of age must be placed against its name, but no new certificate shall be required for such child. If the mill occupier desires to change the time of working of the two entire sets of children at stated periods (as for instance), to make a change every month, so that the children who worked in the morning one month shall work in the afternoon the next month, and vice versa for the other children, alternately throughout the year, it will not be necessary to enter the names of the children anew, but the mill occupier or his agent shall only be required to make and sign the following declaration, in addition to the other details herein before required :— 1. The children entered in this register as January, March, May, July, Sep- and after one o'clock, and not before February, April, June, August, 2. The children entered in this register as January, March, May, July, Sep- and before twelve o'clock, and not after Sched. (B.) 7 & 8 VICT. c. 15. February, April, June, August, Sched. (B.) Signature of Occupier or Agent. When a change in the time of working of the two entire sets of children is made at other stated periods allowed by this Act the necessary alterations shall be made in the above declaration, to the satisfaction of the inspector or sub-inspector of the district. In any silk factory (2) in which children above eleven years of age are employed more than seven hours in any one day a register of the names of such children shall be kept in the above form distinct from the register of the names of the children who are employed in morning and after noon sets. In all mills where more than twenty children or young persons are employed an alphabetical index shall be kept, according to the first letter of the surname, of the names of all the children and young persons employed in the factory, adding to each name the number of the last certificate under which the age of the child or young person is employed, or if more than sixteen years of age, the letters XVI. All the forms contained in this schedule (B.) which shall apply to any particular factory may (z) See now 13 & 14 Vict. c. 54, s. 7, whereby such children may now be employed in all respects as young persons; post. be bound together in one book, except the 7 & 8 VICT. alphabetical index of reference herein before re ferred to (a). SCHEDULE (C.) (b). NOTICES TO BE FIXED UP IN THE FACTORY. FORM for the NOTICE to be fixed up of the Name and address of the Name and address of the Name and address of the } c. 15. Sched. C. (a) In addition to the registers mentioned in the above schedule, it is now provided, that where, under the modifications contained in any schedule to the Factory Acts Extension Act, 1867, or to the Factory Acts Extension Act, 1870, any child, young person, or woman, is employed, otherwise than under an order of the Secretary of State, during any hours different from those of the Factory Acts, the day on which, and the period during which, he or she is so employed, must be entered by the occupier in a register of such form as the inspectors may direct, which is to be deemed a register within the meaning of the Factory Acts. 33 & 34 Vict. c. 62, 1st sch., par. 8; post. And see 30 & 31 Vict. c. 103, sch., par. 15; post. (b) This schedule contains the forms of the notices required to be fixed up in the factory. S. 28, supra. 7 & 8 VICT. c. 15. Sched. (C.) Clock by which the hours of work are regulated The hours of work of all young persons and females above eighteen years of age employed in this factory (c). * In this space the days of the week to which the hours of work refer shall be entered. S Signature of the occupier of the factory or his agent. In every silk factory in which children above eleven years of age are employed more than seven hours in one day a separate notice, in the above form, shall be fixed up of the hours such children are employed (d). (c) This notice of the hours of work of young persons and women is not now necessary. 13 & 14 Vict. c. 54, s. 2, post. (d) Inasmuch as these children are now to be employed as young persons, this notice would seem to be unnecessary: n. (z), supra. FORM for the NOTICE to be fixed up of the times allowed for meals. The times allowed for meals in this factory. 7 & 8 VICT. c. 15. Sched. (C.) *In this space the days to which the meal hours refer shall be entered. S Signature of the occupier of These notices of the regular hours of work fixed up in a factory are not required to be altered when young persons are only employed at other hours for the recovery of lost time as authorized by this Act, provided the notice required to be fixed up when recovering lost time be fixed up, and provided on such notice it is stated at what time of the day it is intended to recover the time so lost. H |