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7 & 8 VICT. c. 15.

Sched. (C.)

FORM of the NOTICE to be fixed up when the occupier of the factory intends to recover all or any part of the time which has been lost by the stoppage of the machinery in the factory, as allowed by this Act (e).

[blocks in formation]

Signature of the occupier of the factory or his agent.

No lost time is required to be entered except such as it may be intended to recover.

The entries of all the details in this notice relating to any time lost or recovered shall be made in conformity with the provisions in the Act.

(e) That is in case of stoppage from want of, or from too much water. S. 33, supra, n. (x). And see s. 28.





c. 15.

FORM of the NOTICE to be fixed up when time 7 & 8 VICT. has been lost by partial stoppage of the machinery by drought or floods, and is intended Sched. (C). to be recovered during the following night (f).

[blocks in formation]

NAMES of the FEMALES and YOUNG PERSONS who have lost time by the

machinery at the dates affixed.

stoppage of the

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7 & 8 VICT.

c. 15.

The entries of time lost, and of the names of the females and young persons who have lost Sched. (C.) time, shall be made in these notices before any part of the time can be recovered.

All notices of time lost and recovered, except when they are kept hung up in the factory, as required by this Act, shall be preserved in a book in the order of their respective dates, and be open for the examination of any inspector or sub-inspector; and all such notices shall be kept for six calendar months after the lost time entered therein shall have been recovered.



FORM of NOTICE to be given to the occupier of a factory, by an inspector or sub-inspector, of such part of the machinery, or such driving strap or band, in the factory, as appears to him to be dangerous to the workers (g).

To [Name of Occupier], occupier of a [Description of the manufacture] factory situated in the parish of

and county of

1 hereby give you notice, that the following parts of the machinery in your factory, namely [here enumerate the parts], appear to me to be dangerous, and likely to cause bodily injury to the workers employed in the factory; and I

(g) See s. 43, supra.

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