THE FACTORY & WORKSHOP ACTS, COMPRISING ALL THE LAWS NOW IN FORCE FOR THE REGULATION OF LABOUR IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. WITH INTRODUCTION, EXPLANATORY NOTES, NOTES OF THE DECIDED CASES, &c. STEVENS AND SONS, 119, CHANCERY LANE Law Booksellers and Publishers. PREFACE. THE object of this Work is to collect in a complete and convenient form all the laws now in operation for the regulation of labour in factories and workshops. The Statutes (which apply to the whole of the United Kingdom) are fourteen in number, and will be found set out in chronological order in full, the repealed portions thereof being distinguished by being printed in italics. Owing partly to the gradual manner in which the Legislature has extended the principles of the early Factory Acts, and partly to a want of perspicuity in some of the provisions of the Acts of more recent date, the law is at the present time in a somewhat complicated state; which it is to be hoped may sooner or later be remedied by the passing of some carefully framed consolidating measure. Several cases arising under the Acts have been from time to time decided in the Superior Courts and will be found duly referred to in the notes. And it may here be remarked, that no portion of the law has given rise to so much discussion in the Courts as that which relates to the fencing of dangerous machinery, and the liability of the occupier of the factory to work-people injured by accidents therefrom. This, indeed, is scarcely to be wondered at, seeing that the accidents officially reported to the Inspectors of Factories as occurring in one half-year reach the number of 3823 (a). The Author has great pleasure in expressing his acknowledgments to his learned friend Mr. J. Shiress Will, of the Home Circuit, for much valuable advice and assistance in the preparation of this work. 6, PUMP COURT, TEMPLE, Jan., 1874. GEORGE J. NOTCUTT. (a) See n. (e), p. 75. TABLE OF THE FACTORY & WORKSHOP ACTS NOW IN FORCE. 42 Geo. 3, c. 73. An Act for the Preservation of the Health and Morals of Apprentices and others employed in Cotton and other Mills, and Cotton and other Factories An Act to Regulate the Labour of Children and Young Persons in the Mills and Factories of the United Kingdom An Act to Amend the Laws relating to Labour in Factories 9 & 10 Vict. c. 40. An Act to Declare certain Ropeworks not within the Operation of the Factory Acts . 66 THE FACTORY ACT, 1850." 13 & 14 Vict. c. 54. An Act to Amend the Acts relating to Labour in Factories. 66 THE FACTORY ACT, 1853." 16 & 17 Vict. c. 104. An Act further to Regulate the Employment of Children in Factories 1 12 48 152 153 167 |