PRICES of STOCKS, &c. in JUNE, 1785. Compiled by C. DOMVILLE, Stock-Broker, No. 95, Cornhill. NE Fair 56 78 Sunday 116 57 574 az 3 4 73 91 17 Shut Par 116 7 SE Fair SW Rain 57 57 ag 73 92 174 133 534 Par 7 SW 9 117 57 584 578 73 92 174 74 SW 58 a 58 73 91 534 Par I Holiday SW Fine 12 Sunday 6 p. NW 73 91 34 2 NW 15 57 58 a 58 73 91 135 534 2 58a 58 I 564 74 5 SW 1352 2 57 NE Rain 58 58a 7 74 91 58a 74 92 53 3 58 56 7 74 91 58습 135 3 57 57 58a 7878 7 4 56 SW 91 4 24 Holiday N. B. In the 3 per Cent Consols. the highest and lowest Price of each Day is given; in the other Stocks the highest Price only. TO THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS IN THE FOURTH VOLUME OF BIOGRAPHY, INTELLIGENCE, AND MISCELLANY ACCOUNT of Mademoiselle Theresa Paradis, 30 Account of the discovery of the White-Hill, or Mont Blanc, in the Alps Anecdote of General Otway of Voltaire of the Emperor of Germany Anecdotes of Mr. Peter Sterry of Cafaubon, by Dr. Kippis LOND. MAG. June 1785. 。 Anecdotes by Dr. Kippis 17 Anecdote and verses by Mr. Garrick 272 of Queen Caroline 27 108 of Henry IV. of France 104 564 6 170 of the the Prince de Ligne 27 170 of Mrs. Pritchard and a fiddler 277 277 230 BENTHAM, Index to the Biography, Intelligence, and Miscellany. B. BENTHAM, life of Edward, by the ingenious 181 184 Buda restored by the Emperor Joseph с. CALAMITIES of Iceland 331 mas Edmondes 99 84 to the editor 246 Letters and detached papers relative to Dr. Sa- 85 muel Johnfon 246 Letter I. 246 II. from Mr. Bofwell 247 III. Samuel Johnfon 247 IV. Samuel Johnson 249 V. Account of Mr. Levet 250 VI. Johnfoniana 252 VII. Johnfoniana 254 VIII. Animadverfions on Mr. Tyers's Sketch of Dr. Johnson's life 255 IX. Johnfoniana 257 Cafaubon, life of Ifaac, 93-his early pro- X. Remark on a passage in Mr. Tyers's account ΧΙ. 259 331 XII. by Albanicus, from Edinburgh 348 M. MANGO feeds planted in Grenada and St. NEW species of grain N. New title to the Musical Fund 0. On card-playing 272, 355 83 229 270 282 283 360 On portraitpainting of a particular description 35 On the musical powers of Handel 103 103 103 On translated verse 104 On licentious poets 104 On original compofition 103 17 On old words 82 E. of the States of the Elector Pala- 82 Emperor of Germany's regulation about ec- Present state of Leipfic 82 clefiaftics 81 Pretender's daughter acknowledged 85 Explanation of a paffage in Pope 277 Progressive revenue of the Post-Office 86 Explanation of a passage in the New Tefta- R. ment Extraordinary amusements of the ancient Kings, Reflections on the character and conduct of with the origin of wearing liveries 23 Omai, by Capt, Cook 358 Extraordinary emigration' 86 Ruflian College of Commerce -83 F. S. FIRST thoughts on various subjects G. GREYmare the better horse all over the world 282 Ships which entered the Baltic in the last year 83 1. cutta, 1783 JOHNSONIANA 246, 331, 400 Soliloquy written among the tombs 169. Spaniti Index to the English Theatre, Literary Review, and Names. 383 222 ENGLISH THEATRE, EXHIBITION, AND REGISTER OF PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. N. 0. 218 OPERA-House masquerade 142 141 Opera of Ninetti 219 Oratorio of Samfon 217 Comedy of the Fox E. PAINTER of Antwerp 140 Pantheon concert 143 F. H. Pictures by Sir Joshua Reynolds 368 by Mr. West Humorift 383 by Mr. Copley 369 I. by Mr. Hoppner 369 by the Rev. Mr. Peters 370 K. by Mr. Fufili 370 by Mr. Ribaud 370 L. by Mr. Loutherbourg 370 by Mr. Northcote 371 Liberty-Hall 139 Preparations making at the Abbey for the ap- Μ. proaching festival 385 S. т. Mrs. Bellemy's benefit 383 TENDUCCI in the opera of Orfeo 384 3 P2 Baron 151 Langhorne 391 Sandford 391. Stourton 228 Cumine 229, 311 Saunders Daniel 391 Scales 311 DEATH S. Daniell 391 Scott Davis 151, 311 311 Sealy 31 Aldborough 310 Dawson' 311 Sigfworth 229 Anderson 310 Dempsey 311 Slade 229 Andree 150 Dennis 391 Smyth 151 Austin 310, 389 De Serres de la Tour 391 Smith 3 го 311 Solomon 311 Bates 289 Dibb 229 Sowerby Dixon 391 Spaldin 31-1 Blackwell 389 Donadieu 391 Speechly 151 Bowyer 389 Eagles 391 Stafford 151 Brett 310 Edmeades 310 Stedman 391 Bruce 309 Elias 151 Stennett 391 Brunswick 389 Ewbank 15F Stevens 229 Burford 150 Fairbank 151 Stidolph 311 Carpenter 389 Faffey 151 Stubbs 391 Chapman 150 Fidell' Chase 309 Fisher Forbes 151 Swann 3.11 Forth 229 Sydenham 311 Coles 309 Fofs 391 Taylor 311,391 Colvill 149 Fofter 229 Temple 391 Freeman 151 Thevenot Gardner 311 Coventry 150 151, 391 Thornton 311, 391 Cust 150 Graham 311 Thwaite 3.91 Dalrymple 150 Greaves 151, 229 Townend 15.1 Davies 389 Greenhill 229 Langton 311 Lawes 391 Lawson F51, 391 Lee 311 L'Evefque 151 Littlefear 3:10 Lloyd Lodge 391 Lonfdale 391 M'Cowan 391 M'Doual 311 Mackenzie 391 M Taggart 311 Mandeville 151 Martinnant 310 Maskelyn 151 Mealy 311 Menham 229 Merrington 311 Middleton 311 Midlam 151. Mills 311 Mitchell 151 Monkhoufe 391 Moore 1391 Morgan 311 Morley 391 Morton 151 Munro 311 Tucker 391 Diderot 309 Disney |