Index to the English Theatre, Literary Review, and Names.
Thevenot Thornton Thwaite Townend
to the Orphan of China, by Mr. Pratt 190 to the Spanish Rivals
RELAXATION from arms, or the philofophy of heroes, by the King of Pruffia
Index to the Politics, Irish Affociation, and Chronology.
AMERICA-fituation and conduct of the new ftates-French colony at Rhode Island- difputes with the Spaniards concerning the navigation of the Miffiflippi, 228- -decrease of population-difficulty concerning the eva- cuation of Niagara, &c.-alarm of the Spa- niards and Portuguese proceedings at Charlestown
Anniversary meeting of the fons of the clergy 387 B.
BARBERS refufe to ferve as conftables 225 Brown, Major, fined and imprisoned for fend- ing a challenge 145 224
Burglary committed in a new manner C.
CHARCOAL, fuffocation by it Commercial fyftem with Ireland as opened in the British Houfe of Commons, 222-alarms occafioned by it-meeting of the manufac- turers-Mr. Wedgewood's interview with the minifter, and vindication of his conduct 225 E.
EASTER-Sunday 305 Eaft-Indies-accounts from thence favourable- moderation of parties-recall of Mr. Haftings -appointment of Lord Macartney-of Gene- ral Campbell, 227-fudden profperity of the Company's affairs-advices from Bengal, 308 -appointment of Generals Nelfon and Braith- waite-lift of deaths-mutiny at Arcot- Mr. Haftings's defire to return 388 Executions at Newgate 144, 224, 306, 386
interior government of Hungary-benediction of the waters at Petersburgh, 309-failure of the Imperial India Company-establishment of New French Eaft-India Company
HASTINGS, Mr. his letter from Lucknow, of April 30, 1784, 66-interview with the Prince of Delhi who had filed from his father's court 69
Herbert, W. committed for the murder of his own fon 306 I. ILLICIT exportation of sheep and wool 65 Ireland-addrefs from the gentlemen, clergy, &c. of Dublin, 66-Lord Lieutenant's fpeech on opening the feffion of parliament, 66– meeting of the affembly of delegates, 146— propofitions for a fyftem of commerce as stated by Mr. Orde, 146-confiderations on the commercial fyftem-duty on imports into England, 226-for five years, 227-bills paffed-Speaker's addrefs to the Lord Lieu- tenant, 306-large rock difcovered on the north east coast, 307 Mr. Flood's motion for a reform in parliament, 387--instruc- tion from the Affembly of Delegates, 387- decifion of the Lords in the caufe of Hume and Loftus-Mr. Flood's bill rejected 388 Irish affociation-letter to Lord Charlemont, 9 -Lord Charlemont to the delegates of the voluntier army, 9-the delegates of Ulfter to Lord Charlemont, 10-Lord Charlemont's anfwer, 10-refolutions of the Independent Wicklow Forefters, 11-Lord Mayor of Dub- lin's addrefs to Lord Charlemont, II- -his lordship's anfwer, II-Ballymafcanlon Ran- gers to Lord Charlemont, 12-Lord Charle- mont's answer, 12-Dublin Legion's address to Capel Molyneux, Efq. 12 -Col. Mo- lyneaux's anfwer
Ironmonger's alms-houses burnt
Jones and Price, theriffs' officers, executed for murder
LADY found on Blackheath Lent affifes-capital convicts
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