The London Magazine Enlarged and Improved, Svazek 4

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R. Baldwin, 1785

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Strana 21 - However, that you may not be forced to recollect how I have formerly tired you, I will repeat, that, with one of the honestest hearts in the world, he has one of the oddest heads that ever dropped out of the moon. Extremely well versed in coins, he knows hardly any thing of mankind; and you may judge what kind of education such an one is likely to give to four girls, who have had no female directress to polish their...
Strana 454 - That in order to give permanency to the settlement now intended to be established, it is necessary that no prohibition, or new, or additional duties should be hereafter imposed in either kingdom, on the importation of any article of the growth, product, or manufacture of the other, except such additional duties as may be requisite to balance duties on internal consumption, pursuant to the foregoing resolution.
Strana 258 - ... the Bishop of St. [Asaph's] : at first he looked surlily at me; but after we had been jostled into conversation, he took me to a window, asked me some questions, and before we parted was so well pleased with me, that he patted me.
Strana 278 - And the glorious beauty, which is on the head of the fat valley, shall be a fading flower, and as the hasty fruit before the summer; which when he that looketh upon it seeth, while it is yet in his hand he eateth it up.
Strana 360 - There were many useful arts, as well as elegant amusements, amongst the people of the Friendly Islands, which he might have conveyed to his own, where they probably would have been readily adopted, as being so much in their own way. But I never found that he used the least endeavour to make himself master of any one.
Strana 266 - Let music sound the voice of joy ! or mirth repeat the jocund tale; let love his wanton wiles employ, and o'er the season wine prevail.
Strana 408 - I could not escape from myself the charge of advancing a false claim. My journey to the continent, though I once thought it...
Strana 266 - No music warbles through the grove, No vivid colours paint the plain ; No more with devious steps I rove Through verdant paths now sought in vain.
Strana 360 - Omai will be able to introduce many of our arts and customs amongst them, or much improve those to which they have been long habituated. I am confident, however, that he will endeavour to bring to perfection the various fruits and vegetables we planted, which will be no small acquisition. But the greatest benefit these islands are likely to receive...
Strana 259 - Hume's company, and then his only attempt at merriment consisted in his display of a drawing too indecently gross to have delighted, even in a brothel. Colman never produced a luckier thing than his first Ode in imitation of Gray;(*) a considerable part of it may be numbered among those felicities which no man has twice attained.

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