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Provision as to

notice of dis honour and

for honour

Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Tempor and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by authority of the same, as follows:

1. After the passing of this Act, the several days in schedule to this Act mentioned (and which days are in this hereinafter referred to as bank holidays) shall be kept as cl holidays in all banks in England and Ireland and Scotland respe ively, and all bills of exchange and promissory notes which due and payable on any such bank holiday shall be payable, a in case of non-payment may be noted and protested, on the following day, and not on such bank holiday; and any such no or protest shall be as valid as if made on the day on which: bill or note was made due and payable; and for all the purpos of this Act the day next following a bank holiday shall mean next following day on which a bill of exchange may be lav noted or protested.

2. When the day on which any notice of dishonour of an bill of exchange or promissory note should be given, or presentation day on which a bill of exchange or promissory note sł. sented or received for acceptance, or accepted or forw referee or referees is a bank holiday, such notice of be given and such bill of exchange or promissory note sh sented or forwarded on the day next following such 3. No person shall be compellable to make any do any act upon such bank holidays which he w pellable to do or make on Christmas Day or Goo obligation to make such payment and do suel the day following a bank holiday; and the ment and doi

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gards bills of exchange and promiss
cality, be deemed to be a bank holiday

5. It shall be lawful for Her Majest
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o appointed by this Act.

6. The powers conferred by sectant
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reland in council.

7. This Act may be cited for
Holidays Act, 1871."

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1st December, 1882. anuary, 1883; or,

or, at usance) pay this f the same tenor, and date to Messrs. A. B. & Co., or s sterling, value received in


When 26th
December falls

on a Sunday,
Monday to be
the holiday.

from stamp duty of bills of exchange drawn by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, or by any person under their authority upon, and payable by the Accountant-General of the Navy to bills drawn under the authority of any Act of Parliament is hereby repealed.

38 Vict. cap. 13.

An Act to extend to the Docks, Custom Houses, Inland Revenue Offices, and Bonding Warehouses in England and Ireland. certain provisions of the Bank Holidays Act, 1871, and to amend the same.-[13th May, 1875.]

2. Whenever the twenty-sixth day of December shall fall on å Sunday, the Monday immediately following that is to say, the twenty-seventh day of December shall be a holiday under this Act, and also under the Bank Holidays Act, 1871.

40 & 41 Vict. cap. 59.

An Act to amend the law with respect to the transfer of Stock forming part of the Public Debt of any Colony, and the Stamp Duty on such transfer.—[14th August, 1877.]

Stock certificate to bearer.

[blocks in formation]

There shall be attached to such certificate (i.e., a Colonial stock certificate), coupons entitling the bearer of, or person named in the coupons, to the dividends on the stock for a limited period.






A coupon so issued shall be deemed to be a cheque on a banker within the meaning of any law or enactment for the time being in force relating to cheques other than any enactment relating to stamp duties.






EDINBURGH, 1st December, 1882.

One month after date (or, demand; or, at sight; or, on 2nd Jan. 1883; or, at Whitsunday next) pay to me or order (or to bearer, or to C. D.), the sum of One hundred pounds sterling, value received (or value in account with H. F).

days or months after sight; or, on

To Messrs. G. H. & Co.,

Merchants, 103 -Street, Glasgow.

A. B.



LEITH, 1st December, 1882.

At sight (or, on demand; or, on 30th January, 1883; or, days after sight, days after date; or, at usance) pay this first bill of exchange (second and third of the same tenor, and date not paid) at No. , Hamburg, to Messrs. A. B. & Co., or order the sum of Five thousand pounds sterling, value received in iron.

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EDINBURGH, 20th November, 1882.

On demand (or, at Whitsunday next; or, on 1st January, 1883; or, at days, or months after date) I promise to pay to C. D., or order the sum of Fifty pounds, value received in books.

A. B.

EDINBURGH, 20th November, 1882.

On demand (or, ut supra) we promise jointly (or jointly and severally) to pay to C. D., within the Head Office of the National Bank of Scotland Limited, Edinburgh, the sum of One hundred pounds, value received.

A. B.

E. F.



Accepted (or accepts).

A. B.

A. B., 21st November, 1882.

A. B. as cautioner.


Accepted payable, if drawer remits before maturity.

Accepted for one half only (or for Fifty pounds).

Accepted payable at the Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh only, and not elsewhere.

Accepted 10th August, 1883; payable at sixty days after this


A. B.

3. FOR HONour.

Accepted for the honour of C. D., supra protest.

A. B.

Accepted, S. P.

A. B.

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