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In what year?

Who had failed in attempting to plant an English colony, the preceding year, at Newfoundland? Humphrey Gilbert.

What relation was Gilbert to Raleigh? Both had the same mother.

What became of Gilbert?

Where did Raleigh's first colony settle? On an island, called Roanoke.

In what year? 1585.

Where is Roanoke island? Near the mouth of Albemarle sound.

Where is Albemarle sound? Of how many persons, did the first English colony consist? 107. Who was their governor ? Ralph Lane.

What became of that colony? Where was planted Raleigh's second colony? At Roanoke. Consisting of how many? In what year? 1587. Who was their governor?


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dians? tution?

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Why did Gov. White go to England in 1587? To procure supplies.

Why did he not succeed in obtaining them? England was filled with alarm for fear of the Spanish invasion.

How long was it, before White



For what, were they distinguished in council?-in war? How did they appear in anger↑ What is said of their revenge? What was their conduct, when captured? They rarely asked life, or manifested fear.

How did they appear, wnen tortured by enemies? Generally with fortitude and exultation.

What kind of writing had they?

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Miscellaneous Questions.

No. I.

What science teaches the perfections of God?

Who was Ferdinand?

For what object, were malefactors taken from the prisons of Spain ?

Who was Capt. Vellejo?
Who was Verrazano?
Who was Ralph Lane?

How old was Columbus, when he discovered San Salvador?

What epithet is applied to that branch of history, which relates more particularly to the church Who was Capt. Colon ? Who was Isabella?

Who sent Columbus in chains to Spain?

Who was Ovando ?

How old was Columbus, when he discovered the continent?

Who was Humphrey Gilbert? To what country, did Columbus send his brother Bartholomew for patronage?

For what is Palos distinguished?

What is the proper name of Indian corn?

Who rendered themselves hideous by painting?

Who made Roldan chief justice of Hispaniola?

What kindness did Capt. Vellejo offer Columbus ?

How many colonies were planted at Roanoke?

Which period of our history is distinguished for discoveries ? Who was St. Angel?

Who was considered as Christ's vicegerent on earth?

What part of the continent did Columbus discover?

Who was Roldan ?

Who was Walter Raleigh? Who were particularly engaged to discover a passage to India, before the discovery of America?

ors of Columbus weep, and smile their breasts?

On what occasion did Columbus refuse to have his chains taken off?

Who was Amerigo Vespucci ? Who regarded their females as slaves?

What distinguished character was born at Genoa?

Who was Perestrello?

What did Columbus conceal from his men, on his first voyage? Island, near the mouth of the Oronoco?

Who was sent to Hispaniola, to try Columbus?

What did Columbus say, should be buried with him in his grave? Who was John Cabot? Where did Gilbert attempt to plant a colony?

What became of Raleigh's colonies ?

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For what, is the second period distinguished?

To what two companies, were letters patent granted in 1606? By whom?

Meaning of letters patent? What lands were these companies authorized to possess?

What was the southern part of these lands called? - To whom granted?

Which was largest? They were On what occasion, did the sail-nearly equal.

CHAPTER XII.-p. 28. Location of the first permanent colony in Va., &c.

Who conducted the first colony, sent out by the London company, under this patent


What great bay did they enter ? Between what capes? Length of the Chesapeak? In what month did Newport enter this bay?-In what year ? p. 27.

When did the government of this colony commence its operation ? Soon after they landed at the mouth of the Chesapeak.

Where had that government been constituted ?

Of how many members, did it consist?

In what manner, were their names brought over?

By whom, was the president chosen ?

Who was the first president? Conduct of Wingfield? Very bad.

How long were they in selecting a place for settlement? 17 days. What did they call the place? Why? In honor of King James. On what was it situated?

By what river, was the peninsula formed?

On which side of the river, was Jamestown? The north.

How far from the mouth of James river? About 32 miles. What is the state now called, in which Jamestown was situated? In what part of that state?

CHAPTER XIII.-p. 28. Early life and unjust treatment of Smith, and administration of Wingfield.

Who is generally considered as the father of Va.? Captain John Smith.

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How was he treated at their landing? He was excluded from the council.

Why was he thus treated?

Why did his enemies offer to excuse him from a regular trial? They pretended to pity him.

Why was he tried? He defied his accusers, and insisted upon a trial.

Result of Smith's trial? He was cleared; and Wingfield was sentenced to pay him a fine of 200 pounds.

What did Smith do with this fine? Gave it all to the colony.

When was Smith admitted to his seat in the council? In June.

How did they express their reconciliation the next Sabbath? By receiving the communion.

Conduct of Smith's accusers? They confessed, that they had been suborned to accuse him. Meaning of suborn?

Of what, were the colony in very great want, soon after Newport left them in June? Of provisions.

Of what number, did the colony then consist? 104.

months? Fifty. How many of them died in three

Who monopolized the few refresh ments that remained? Wingfield. Meaning of monopolize?

What criminal project did Wing

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† NOTE B. Capture of Okee.

"The party, which accompanied Smith in this excursion, consisted of six men, well armed, but ill provided with clothing and other necessaries.

"What was wanting in equipment, was to be supplied by resolution and address; and Smith's genius was equal to the attempt.

"They proceeded down the river to Kecoughtan, (Hampton,) where the natives, knowing the needy state of the colony, treated them with contempt, offering an ear of corn in exchange for a musket, or a sword, and in like proportion for their scant and tattered garments. Finding, that courtesy and gentle treatment would not prevail, and that nothing was to be expected in the way of barter, and moreover provoked by their contempt, Smith ordered his boat to be drawn on shore, and his men to fire at them.

"The affrighted natives fled to the woods, while the party searched their houses, in which they found plenty of corn; but Smith did not

In what attempt was Smith taken captive?

Where does the Chickahoming empty into James river? A few miles above Jamestown.

What did he present to the In. dian chief?

permit his men to touch it, expecting, that the Indians would return, and attack them. They soon appeared to the number of 60 or 70, formed into a square, carrying their idol Okee, composed of skins, stuffed with moss, and adorned with chains of copper. They were armed with clubs and targets, bows and arrows, and advanced singing to the charge. The party received them with a volley of shot, which brought several of them to the ground, and their idol among them. The rest fled again to the woods, from whence they sent a deputation to offer peace and redeem their god. Smith having in his hands so valuable a pledge, was able to bring them to his own terms; he stipulated, that six of them should come unarmed, and load his boat with corn, and on this condition, he would be their friend, and give them hatchets, beads and copper. These stipulations were faithfully performed on both sides; and the Indians in addition, presented them with venison, turkies and other birds, and continued singing and dancing till their departure.". Belknap's Biog. I. 261.

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