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the Pythagorean system was eventually suppressed by that now called the Ptolemaic, which held the field until it was overthrown by Copernicus, almost two thousand years later. Pliny tells us that Pythagoras believed the distances to the sun and moon to be respectively 252,000 and 12,600 stadia, or taking the stadium at 625 feet, 29,837 and 1,492 English miles; but there is no record of the method by which these numbers were ascertained.

After the relative distances of the various planets are known, it only remains to determine the scale of the system, for which purpose the distance between any two planets suffices. We know little about the early history of the subject, but it is clear that the primitive astronomers must have found the quantities to be measured too small for detection with their instruments, and even in modern times the problem has proved to be an extremely difficult one. Aristarchus of Samos, who flourished about 270 B. C., seems to have been the first to attack it in a scientific manner. Stated in modern language, his reasoning was that when the moon is exactly half full, the earth and sun as seen from its center must make a right angle with each other, and by measuring the angle between the sun and moon, as seen from the earth at that instant, all the angles of the triangle joining the earth, sun and moon would become known, and thus the ratio of the distance of the sun to the distance of the moon would be determined. Although perfectly correct in theory, the difficulty of deciding visually upon the exact instant when the moon is half full is so great that it cannot be accurately done even with the most powerful telescopes. course Aristarchus had no telescope, and he does not explain how he effected the observation, but his conclusion was that at the instant in question the distance between the centers of the sun and moon, as seen from the earth, is less than a right angle by


part of the same. this by saying that the angle is 87 degrees, but Aristarchus knew nothing of trigonometry, and in order to solve his triangle, he had recourse to an ingenious, but long and cumbersome geometrical process which has come down to us, and affords conclusive proof of the condition of Greek mathematics at that time. His conclusion was that the sun is nineteen times further from the earth than the moon, and if we combine that result with the modern value of the moon's parallax, viz.: 3,422.38 seconds, we obtain for the solar parallax 180 seconds, which is more than twenty times too great.

We should now express

The only other method of determining the solar parallax known to the ancients was that devised by Hipparchus about 150 B. C. It was based on measuring the rate of decrease of the diameter of the earth's shadow cone by noting the duration of lunar eclipses, and as the result deduced from it happened to be nearly the same as that found by Aristarchus, substantially his value of the parallax remained in vogue for nearly two thousand years, and the discovery of the telescope was required to reveal its erroneous character. Doubtless this persistency was due to the extreme minuteness of the true parallax, which we now know is far too small to have been visible upon the ancient instruments, and thus the supposed measures of it were really nothing but measures of their inaccuracy.

The telescope was first pointed to the heavens by Galileo in 1609, but it needed a micrometer to convert it into an accurate measuring instrument, and that did not come into being until 1639, when it was invented by Wm. Gascoigne. After his death in 1644, his original instrument passed to Richard Townley who attached it to a fourteen foot telescope at his residence in Townley, Lancashire, England, where it was used by Flamsteed in observing the diurnal parallax of Mars during its opposition in 1672.

A description of Gascoigne's micrometer was published in the Philosophical Transactions in 1667, and a little before that a similar instrument had been invented by Auzout in France, but observatories were fewer then than now, and so far as I know J. D. Cassini was the only person beside Flamsteed who attempted to determine the solar parallax from that opposition of Mars. Foreseeing the importance of the opportunity, he had Richer dispatched to Cayenne some months previously, and when the opposition came he effected two determinations of the parallax; one being by the diurnal method, from his own observations in Paris, and the other by the meridian method from observations in France by himself, Römer and Picard, combined with those of Richer at Cayenne. This was the transition from the ancient instruments with open sights to telescopes armed with micrometers, and the result must have been little short of stunning to the seventeenth century astronomers, for it caused the hoary and gigantic parallax of about 180 seconds to shrink incontinently to ten seconds, and thus expanded their conception of the solar system to something like its true dimensions. More than fifty years previously Kepler had argued from his ideas of the celestial harmonies that the solar parallax could not exceed 60 seconds, and a little later Horrocks had shown on more scientific grounds that it was probably as small as 14 seconds, but the final death-blow to the ancient values ranging as high as two or three minutes came from these observations of Mars by Flamsteed, Cassini and Richer.

Of course the results obtained in 1672 produced a keen desire on the part of astronomers for further evidence respecting the true value of the parallax, and as Mars comes into a favorable position for such investigations only at intervals of about sixteen years, they had recourse to observations

of Mercury and Venus. In 1677 Halley observed the diurnal parallax of Mercury, and also a transit of that planet across the sun's disk, at St. Helena, and in 1681 J. D. Cassini and Picard observed Venus when she was on the same parallel with the sun, but although the observations of Venus gave better results than those of Mercury, neither of them was conclusive, and we now know that such methods are inaccurate even with the powerful instruments of the present day. Nevertheless, Halley's attempt by means of the transit of Mercury ultimately bore fruit in the shape of his celebrated paper of 1716, wherein he showed the peculiar advantages of transits of Venus for determining the solar parallax. The idea of utilizing such transits for this purpose seems to have been vaguely conceived by James Gregory, or perhaps even by Horrocks, but Halley was the first to work it out completely, and long after his death his paper was mainly instrumental in inducing the governments of Europe to undertake the observations of the transits of Venus in 1761 and 1769, from which our first accurate knowledge of the sun's distance was obtained.

Those who are not familiar with practical astronomy may wonder why the solar parallax can be got from Mars and Venus, but not from Mercury, or the sun itself. The explanation depends on two facts. Firstly, the nearest approach of these bodies to the earth is for Mars 33,870,000 miles, for Venus 23,654,000 miles, for Mercury 47,935,000 miles and for the sun 91,239,000 miles. Consequently, for us Mars and Venus have very much larger parallaxes than Mercury or the sun, and of course the larger the parallax the easier it is to measure. Secondly, even the largest of these parallaxes must be determined within far less than one-tenth of a second of the truth, and while that degree of accuracy is possible in measuring short arcs, it is quite unat

tainable in long ones. Hence one of the most essential conditions for the successful measurement of parallaxes is that we shall be able to compare the place of the near body with that of a more distant one situated in the same region of the sky. In the case of Mars that can always be done by making use of a neighboring star, but when Venus is near the earth she is also so close to the sun that stars are not available, and consequently her parallax can be satisfactorily measured only when her position can be accurately referred to that of the sun, or, in other words, only during her transits across the sun's disk. But even when the two bodies to be compared are sufficiently near each other, we are still embarrassed by the fact that it is more difficult to measure the distance between the limb of a planet and a star or the limb of the sun than it is to measure the distance between two stars, and since the discovery of so many asteroids, that circumstance has led to their use for determinations of the solar parallax. Some of these bodies approach within 75,230,000 miles of the earth's orbit, and as they look precisely like stars, the increased accuracy of pointing on them fully makes up for their greater distance, as compared with Mars or Venus.

After the Copernican system of the world and the Newtonian theory of gravitation were accepted it soon became evident that trigonometrical measurements of the solar parallax might be supplemented by determinations based on the theory of gravitation, and the first attempts in that direction were made by Machin 1729 and T. Mayer in 1753. The measurement of the velocity of light between points on the earth's surface, first effected by Fizeau in 1849, opened up still other possibilities, and thus for determining the solar parallax we now have at our command no less than three entirely distinct classes of methods which are known respectively as the trigonometrical, the grav

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So far as

The theory of probability and uniform experience alike show that the limit of accuracy attainable with any instrument is soon reached; and yet we all know the fascination which continually lures us on in our efforts to get better results out of the familiar telescopes and circles which have constituted the standard equipment of observatories for nearly a century. Possibly these instruments may be capable of indicating somewhat smaller quantities than we have hitherto succeeded in measuring with them, but their limit cannot be far off because they already show the disturbing effects of slight inequalities of temperature and other uncontrollable causes. these effects are accidental they eliminate themselves from every long series of observations, but there always remains a residuum of constant error, perhaps quite unsuspected, which gives us no end of trouble. Encke's value of the solar parallax affords a fine illustration of this. From the transits of Venus in 1761 and 1769 he found 8.58 seconds in 1824, which he subsequently corrected to 8.57 seconds, and for thirty years that value was universally accepted. The first objection to it came from Hansen in 1854, a second followed from Le Verrier in 1858, both based upon facts connected with the lunar theory, and eventually it became evident that Encke's parallax was about one-quarter of a second too small. Now please observe that Encke's value was obtained trigonometrically, and its inaccuracy was never suspected until it was revealed by gravitational methods

which were themselves in error about onetenth of a second and required subsequent correction in other ways. Here then was a lesson to astronomers who are all more or less specialists, but it merely enforced the perfectly well known principle that the constant errors of any one method are accidental errors with respect to all other methods, and therefore the readiest way of eliminating them is by combining the results from as many different methods as possible. However, the abler the specialist the more certain he is to be blind to all methods but his own, and astronomers have profited so little by the Encke-HansenLe Verrier incident of thirty-five years ago that to-day they are mostly divided into two great parties, one of whom holds that the parallax can be best determined from a combination of the constant of aberration with the velocity of light, and the other believes only in the results of heliometer measurements upon asteroids. By all means continue the heliometer measurements, and do everything possible to clear up the mystery which now surrounds the constant of aberration, but why ignore the work of predecessors who were quite as able as ourselves? If it were desired to determine some one angle of a triangulation net with special exactness, what would be thought of a man who attempted to do so by repeated measurements of the angle in question while he persistently neglected to adjust the net? And yet, until recently astronomers have been doing precisely that kind of thing with the solar parallax. I do not think there is any exaggeration in saying that the trustworthy observations now on record for the determination of the numerous quantities which are functions of the parallax could not be duplicated by the most industrious astronomer working continuously for a thousand years. How then can we suppose that the result properly deducible from them can be materially

affected by anything that any of us can do in a lifetime, unless we are fortunate enough to invent methods of measurement vastly superior to any hitherto imagined? Probably the existing observations for the determination of most of these quantities are as exact as any that can ever be made with our present instruments, and if they were freed from constant errors they would certainly give results very near the truth. To that end we have only to form a system of simultaneous equations between all the observed quantities, and then deduce the most probable values of these quantities by the method of least squares. Perhaps some of you may think that the value so obtained for the solar parallax would depend largely upon the relative weights assigned to the various quantities, but such is not the case. With almost any possible system of weights the solar parallax will come out very nearly 8.809" ± 0.0057", whence we have for the mean distance between the earth and sun 92,797,000 miles with a probable error of only 59,700 miles; and for the diameter of the solar system, measured to its outermost member, the planet Neptune, 5,578,400,000 miles. WILLIAM HARKNESS.



THE thirteenth annual meeting of The American Society of Naturalists was held at Baltimore during the Christmas vacation. Considering that Baltimore is the southern limit where meetings may be held by the Society, the attendance was large, forty to fifty members being present.

The first session was called to order by the President, Professor Charles S. Minot of the Harvard Medical School, at 2 P. M. on Thursday, December 27th.

A quorum being present, the Society at once proceeded to the transaction of business. The committee appointed in 1893 to


obtain, if possible, the removal of the duty on scientific instruments reported that although they had succeeded in obtaining the coöperation of most of the leading scientific men, yet the inception of the movement had been so delayed that the Gorman Bill was already being considered by the Senate before the petitions could be presented to the House.

The following resolution recommended by the committee was then adopted: "Inasmuch as the repeal of the present iniquitous duty on scientific instruments is imperatively needed by the interests of the country, we recommend that a committee be appointed to present our just demands to the President, to the Chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, and to take such other steps as may be practicable to secure the immediate repeal of the duty."

The report of the committee on the revision of the Constitution and By-Laws was unanimously adopted. By the new constitution The American Society of Naturalists encourages the formation of other societies of similar name and object in other parts of the country and invites other societies whose chief object is the encouragement of the study of Natural History to become affiliated with it. The affiliated societies shall have a common place and time of meeting with the American Society of Naturalists, the expenses of which are to be paid from a common treasury supplied from a common fee. The records of the secretaries of the different societies are also to be published at common expense.

The discussion upon Environment in its Influence upon the Successive Stages of Development and as a Cause of Variation, took place in the Physical Lecture Room, Thursday afternoon. It was opened by four papers and followed by remarks by Professors Cope

and Hyatt, Dr. Dall, Dr. C. V. Riley and others.

Professor Osborn, of Columbia College, in opening the discussion, observed that naturalists were reacting from the discussion of theories towards the renewed inductive and experimental study of the factors of Evolution. This was due to the feeling that the prolonged discussion led by Spencer and Weismann had assumed a largely deductive character and would not lead to any permanent results. The inductive reaction had taken two directions: first towards the exact study of Variation, and second towards experimental Evolution. As regards Variation we should not expect to form any laws so long as variations were considered en masse without regard to the past and present history of the organisms studied. That organisms vary with their environment is a truism. What we need is a clearer conception and interpretation of this relation as a basis for experimental study in the laboratory and in the field. The first misconception to be removed is that which has sprung up from the misuse of the terms Heredity and Variability. Nägeli pointed out many years ago as Weismann and Hurst have insisted more recently that Heredity includes one phenomenon seen from two sides which may conveniently be termed Repetition and Variation. A large number of the variations recorded by Bateson, for example, are simple repetitions of ancestral structure, and every new variation is to be regarded as the expression of hereditary forces working under new conditions. The first object of investigation is to decide the time of origin of a variation, first in race history, second in individual history. Variations which arise as practical repetitions of past experience may conveniently be termed 'palingenic,' while those which are new to the organism may be termed 'cenogenic.' As regards individual history the most important question is to determine

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