Obrázky stránek

February, 1906

9 PERU. Ratification of international treaty signed December 21, 1904, at The Hague. Hospital ships. Approved by the congress of Peru, October 25, 1905. B. Min. Rel. Ext., Lima, Year 3, No. 9.

AUSTRIA-HUNGARY-ITALY. Convention signed at Rome, to take effect March, 1, 1906, for the acquisition and possession of property, real and personal, by the subjects of either power in the territory of the other. Ratifications exchanged at Rome, February 28, 1906. Ga. Uffiziale, February 28, 1906; R. dr. int. privé, 1906, p. 810; R. di dr. int., 1:246.

11 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY-ITALY. Treaty of commerce and navigation signed. Ratifications exchanged at Rome, February 28, 1906. Ga. Uffiziale, February 28, 1906; R. dr. int. privé, 1906, p. 811; R. di dr. int., 1:239.



FRANCE. Encyclical of Pope Pius condemning the French separation law. The law of December 9, 1905, on the separation of church and state abrogated the Concordat of the 26th Messidor, year IX (1801). For the history of the matter, see Lavergne: Chronique budgétaire et législative (1905), Ann. Sc. Pol., 1906, p. 383; Arch. dipl., 97; 165, 234, 252; J.O., July 31, 1904, p. 4828; Doc. dipl., Saint-Siège: la Séparation de l'Eglise et de l'Etat en France, Exposé et documents, Rome, typ. vat., 1905; Despagnet, La République et le Vatican 1870-1906, Paris, 1906; R. of Reviews, January 1907. See August 10.

AUSTRIA-HUNGARY-BELGIUM. Treaty of commerce and navigation signed at Vienna. Also final protocol. Ratified by Belgium, March 1; ratifications exchanged at Vienna, March 5, 1906. Monit., March 2 and 8; B. Usuel., March 1, 1906.

13 GREAT BRITAIN NICARAGUA. Ratifications exchanged at London of treaty signed April 19, 1905, at Managua. Extradition. Treaty ser., 1906, No. 7.; Arch. dipl. 98: 326.

14 GERMANY-SWITZERLAND. Ratifications exchanged at Berne of treaty signed at Berne, August 16, 1905. Reichs-G., 1906, No. 10.

German customs stations at Basle.

15 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY-RUSSIA. Treaty of commerce and navigation. Ratified by Russia, February 12/26. Dr. d'auteur, 29:4. 16 GREAT BRITAIN. Order in council. Administration of Southern Nigeria placed under that of Lagos, the whole colony to be known as Southern Nigeria. London Ga., February 20, 1906.

February, 1906.


16 ITALY SAN MARINO. Convention signed at Rome supplementary to the convention of friendship of June 28, 1897. tions exchanged July 18, 1906. Proclaimed by the king of Italy, July 29, 1906. Ga. Ufficiale, August 20, 1906; B. del Min. Aff. Esteri, August, 1906; R. di dr. int., 1: 480.

16 SPAIN. Two royal decrees extending to July 1, 1906, rights under Tariff B of Swiss-Spanish commercial convention of July 13, 1892, to countries extending most favored nation treatment to Spain. Ga. de Madrid; Arch. dipl., 97: 210.

19 DENMARK-UNITED STATES. Ratifications exchanged at Washington of the supplementary convention of extradition signed. November 6, 1905, at Washington; ratification advised by the Senate, December 7, 1905; ratified by the President, February 13, 1906; ratified by Denmark, December 14, 1905; proclaimed by the President, February 19, 1906. This convention extends the operation of the treaty of January 6, 1902, to the island possessions and colonies of the respective nations and adds the crime of bribery to the list of extraditable crimes. Stats. at L., vol. 34. 20 FRANCE-RUSSIA. Ratifications exchanged at St. Petersburg (French act approving and decree promulgating, February 23), of convention of commerce and navigation signed at St. Petersburg, September 16/29, 1905. Modifying and supplementing treaty signed at St. Petersburg, March 20/April 1, 1874. "Especially, every favor and facility, every immunity and every reduction in customs duties, general or conventional, that either contracting party accords a third power permanently or temporarily, gratuitously or for consideration, will be, immediately and without conditions, reservations or compensation, extended to the products of the soil and industry of the other." In force, February 16/March 1, 1906. J. O., February 24, p. 1249; February 25, p. 1273; Ann. Sc. Pol., September, 1906. 21 BELGIUM-FRANCE. Convention signed at Paris. Reparation for injuries resulting from workmen's accidents. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, June 7, 1906. A system of reciprocity established in respect of indemnities due. French decree promulgating same, June 12. J.O., June 14, p. 4013; Monit., June 14, 1906; Cuba: B. Dep. Est., August, 1906; R. dr. int. privé, 1906, pp. 804, 805.


FRANCE-NETHERLANDS. Convention signed at The Hague additional to convention of April 6, 1904, signed at The Hague, to

February, 1906.

prolong to January 1, 1907, time provided for installation of cable between Saigon and Pontianak. French law authorizing ratification April 20; Dutch law, July 9; ratifications exchanged at The Hague, August 15, 1906; promulgated by Netherlands, August 20. J. O., April 24, p. 2761; Staatsb., 1906, Nos. 196, 227.

22 GERMANY-SERVIA. Ratifications exchanged of treaty of commerce of November 16/29, 1904. To take effect, March 1, 1906. Reichs-G., 1906, No. 9; Arch. dipl., 97: 152.

22 GERMANY-UNITED STATES. Reichstag passes government's proposal to extend reciprocal tariff rates to United States until June 30, 1907. See February 26.

23 INTERNATIONAL EASTERN QUESTION ASSOCIATION. Conference held at London. Appealed to signatory powers of treaty of Berlin, 1878, and to the United States "to formulate a scheme to be imposed upon the Sultan as will secure just and humane government in every Turkish province." Times, February 24. 240.s. ROUMANIA-RUSSIA. Treaty of commerce and friendship signed at Bucharest. Ratified by Russia, March 17/30. Ratifications exchanged, March 30/April 12 at Bucharest. Took effect same date and is to be in force until December 18/31, 1917. For text, see Mem. Dipl., July 8 and 15.

26 GERMANY. Law granting to the United States, from March 1, 1906, the same customs rates as are conceded to (1) Belgium (treaty signed June 22, 1904, supplementary to treaty of commerce and customs signed December 6, 1891); (2) Italy (treaty signed December 3, 1904, supplementary to treaty of commerce, customs and navigation signed December 6, 1891); (3) AustriaHungary (treaty signed January 25, 1905, supplementary to treaty of commerce and customs signed December 6, 1891); (4) Russia (treaty signed July 28, 1904, supplementary to treaty of commerce and navigation signed February 10, 1894); (5) Roumania (treaty signed October 8, 1904, supplementary to treaty of commerce, customs and navigation signed October 21, 1893); (6) Switzerland (treaty signed November 12, 1904, supplementary to treaty of commerce and customs signed December 10, 1891); (7) Servia (treaty signed November 29, 1904, supplementary to treaty of commerce and customs signed August 21, 1892). Reichs-G., 1906, No. 11; For. rel., 1906. See February 27.

February, 1906.

27 FRANCE GREAT BRITAIN. Protocol signed at London, modifying the convention of November 16, 1887, respecting the New Hebrides and islands leeward of Tahiti. See October 20.

27 UNITED STATES. Proclamation, issued under authority of sec. 3 of the tariff act, approved July 24, 1897, Reciprocity with Germany, to take effect March 1. Stats. at L., vol. 34. Germany had, November 29, 1905, denounced the commercial agreement signed July 10, 1900, for March 1, 1906. Arch. dipl. 97: 148; see Wolff: Der deutsch-amerikanische handelsvertrag, die cubanische zuckerproduktion und die zukunft der zuckerindustrie, mit zahlreichen statistischen tabellen und exkursen, Jena, 1906; Cuba: B.Off.Dep. Est., August, 1906. Germany had taken action, extending on and after March 1, 1906, and until June 30, 1907, or until further notice, the benefit of the German conventional customs tariff to the products of the soil or industry of the United States. See February 26 and March 1.


Fifth meeting held at Amsterdam. Adjourned March 3. G. B.
Cd., 3165.

March, 1906.

1 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. New customs tariff as modified by commercial treaties with Germany, Russia, Italy, Belgium, and Switzerland, took effect. G. B. Cd., 2917; Arch. dipl., 97: 149.

1 GERMANY. New customs tariff went into effect. See February 26. 1 ROUMANIA. New customs tariff as modified by treaties with Great Britain (see March 17) and Germany, took effect. G. B. Cd., 2828.

1 RUSSIA. New customs tariff as modified by treaties with Germany (July 15/28, 1904; ratifications exchanged February 28, 1906), Austria-Hungary, and France, took effect. For. rel., 1905; G. B. Cd., 2857. See February 20.


SUDAN. Finances, administration, and condition. The Earl of Cromer's annual report on the progress made in the various administrative departments of the Egyptian government during the year 1905, calling attention to the expediency of abolishing the capitulations. G. B. Cd., 2817; J. O., December 28, 1905, p. 7637; The Egyptian Capitulations and their Reform, Juridical R., July, 1906; Dicey: The Story of the Capitulations, Nineteenth Century, July, 1906.

March, 1906.

8 DENMARK-NETHERLANDS. Ratifications exchanged at The Hague of treaty of obligatory arbitration signed February 12, 1904, at Copenhagen. Promulgated by Netherlands, March 15, 1906. Staatsb., 1906, No. 47; Arch. dipl., 98:50.

11 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Death of Señor Dr. Don Manuel Quintana, President since October 12, 1904.

17 GREAT BRITAIN-ROUMANIA. Ratifications exchanged at Bucharest of treaty signed October 18/31, 1905. Commerce and navigation. Treaty ser., 1906, No. 3. For adhesions of British colonies and protectorates see Times, December 21.

19 GERMANY-GREAT BRITAIN. Agreement respecting boundary from Yola to Lake Chad, signed at London by Anglo-German commission on basis of surveys. By exchange of notes at Berlin, dated July 16, 1906, this boundary was accepted by the respective governments. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, September 15; G. B. Cd., 2684-46; Treaty ser., 1906, No. 17.

19 ITALY. Adhesion for the colony Eritrea to the international agreements signed at Washington, June, 15, 1897, relative to exchange of letters and packages with declared value. To take effect April 1, 1906. J. O., April 29, p. 2929; Monit., April 15, 1906. 20 CUBA-GERMANY. Ratifications exchanged at Havana of parcelspost convention signed June 15, 1905. Ga. Oficial, April 2, 1906. 21 BELGIUM SALVADOR. Commercial convention signed. Favored nation treatment in commerce, customs and navigation, excepting concessions by Salvador to other Central American republics. Annales dipl., et cons., 3:350.

24 ITALY-SWITZERLAND. Three conventions signed at Rome in execution of Articles 2 and 15 of the convention of December 2, 1899, and articles 20 and 21, of the universal postal convention. Customs, postal and sanitary police service at Domodossola. See May 25.

29 RUSSIA. Note relative to the convocation of a second conference of peace at The Hague. For. rel., 1905, 1906.

30 BELGIUM. Royal decree ruling the costume of consuls and commercial agents. Monit., April 12; B. Usuel, March 30.

31 FRANCE HAITI. Protocol signed at Port-au-Prince extending the operation of the commercial convention signed July 31, 1900, until October 30, 1906. Decree of president of France embodying same, May 18, 1906. J. O., May 23, p. 3561.

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