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and it seemed at the moment that both knights had fallen, for the shock had made each horse recoil backwards upon its hams. The address of the riders recovered their steeds by the use of the bridle and spur, and having glared on each other for an instant with eyes which seemed to flash fire through the bars of their visors, each made a demivolte, and retiring to the extremity of the lists, received a fresh lance from the attendants.

A loud shout from the spectators, waving of scarfs and handkerchiefs, and general acclamations, attested the interest taken by the spectators in this encounter; the most equal, as well as the best performed, which had graced the day. But no sooner had the knights resumed their station, than the clamour of applause was hushed into a silence so deep and so dead, that it seemed the multitude were afraid even to breathe.

A few minutes' pause having been allowed, that the combatants and their horses might recover breath, Prince John with his truncheon signed to the trumpets to sound the onset. The champions a second time sprung from their stations, and closed in the centre of the lists, with the same speed, the same dexterity, the same violence, but not the same equal fortune as before.

In this second encounter, the Templar aimed at the centre of his antagonist's shield, and struck it so fair and forcibly, that his spear went to shivers, and the Disinherited Knight reeled in his saddle. On the other hand, that champion had, in the beginning of his career, directed the point of his lance towards Bois-Guilbert's shield, but changing his aim almost in the moment of encounter, he addressed it to the helmet, a mark more difficult to hit, but which, if attained, rendered the shock more irresistable. Yet, even at this disadvantage, the Tem plar sustained his high reputation; and, had not the girths of his saddle burst, he might not have been unhorsed. As it chanced, however, saddle, horse, and man, rolled on the ground under a cloud of dust.

To extricate himself from the stirrups and fallen steed was to the Templar scarce the work of a moment; and, stung with madness, both at his disgrace and at the acclamations with which it was hailed by the spectators, he drew his sword, and waved it in defiance of his conqueror. The Disinherited Knight sprung from his steed, and also unsheathed his sword. The marshals of the field, however, spurred their horses between them, and reminded them, that the laws of the tournament did not, on the present occasion, permit this species of


"We shall meet again, I trust," said the Templar, casting a resentful glance at his antagonist; "and where there are none to separate us.”

"If we do not," said the Disinherited Knight, "the fault shall not be mine. On foot or horseback, with spear, with axe, or with sword, I am alike ready to encounter thee."

DEATH OF HAMISH.-Walter Scott.

Next morning, as the very earliest beams of sunrise saluted the grey towers which crown the summit of that singular and tremendous rock, the soldiers of the new Highland regiment appeared on the parade, within the Castle of Dunbarton, and, having fallen into order, began to move downward, by steep staircases and narrow passages, towards the external barriergate, which is at the very bottom of the rock. The wild wailings of the pibroch were heard at times, interchanged with the drums and fifes, which beat the Dead March.

The unhappy criminal's fate did not, at first, excite that general sympathy in the regiment, which would probably have arisen, had he been executed for desertion alone. The slaugh ter of the unfortunate Allan Breack had given a different colour to Hamish's offence: for the deceased was much beloved, and, besides, belonged to a numerous and powerful clan, of whom there were many in the ranks. The unfortunate criminal, on the contrary, was little known to, and scarcely connected with, any of his regimental companions. His father had been, indeed, distinguished for his strength and manhood; but he was of a broken clan, as those names were called, who had no chief to lead them to battle.

It would have been almost impossible, in another case, to have turned out of the ranks of the regiment the party necessary for execution of the sentence; but the six individuals selected for that purpose, were friends of the deceased, descended, like him, from the race of MacDhonuil Dhu; and while they prepared for the dismal task which their duty imposed, it was not without a stern feeling of gratified revenge. The leading company of the regiment began now to defile from the barrier-gate, and was followed by the others, each successively moving and halting according to the orders of the Adjutant, so as to form three sides of an oblong square, with the ranks faced inwards. The fourth, or blank side of the square, was closed up by the huge and lofty precipice on which the Castle rises,

About the centre of the procession, bare-headed, disarmed, and with his hands bound, came the unfortunate victim of military law. He was deadly pale, but his step was firm, and his eye as bright as ever. The clergyman walked by his side-the coffin, which was to receive his mortal remains, was borne before him. The looks of his comrades were still, composed, and solemn. They felt for the youth, whose handsome form, and manly yet submissive deportment, had, as soon as he was distinctly visible to them, softened the hearts of many, even of some who had been actuated by vindictive feelings.

The coffin, destined for the yet living body of Hamish Bean, was placed at the bottom of the hollow square, about two yards distant from the foot of the precipice, which rises in that place, as steep as a stone wall, to the height of three or four hundred feet. Thither the prisoner was also led, the clergyman still continuing by his side, pouring forth exhortations of courage and consolation, to which the youth appeared to listen with respectful devotion. With slow, and, it seemed, almost unwilling steps, the firing party entered the square, and were drawn up facing the prisoner, about ten yards distant. The clergyman was now about to retire." Think, my son," he said, "on what I have told you, and let your hope be rested on the anchor which I have given. You will then exchange a short and miserable existence here, for a life in which you will experience neither sorrow nor pain.-Is there aught else which you can intrust to me to execute for you ?"

The youth looked at his sleeve buttons. They were of gold, booty, perhaps, which his father had taken from some English officer during the civil wars. The clergyman disengaged them

from his sleeves.


My mother.!" he said, with some effort, "give them to my poor mother!-See her, good father, and teach her what she should think of all this. Tell her, Hamish Bean is more glad to die, than ever he was to rest after the longest day's hunting. Farewell, sir-farewell!"

The good man could scarce retire from the fatal spot. An officer afforded him the support of his arm. At his last look towards Hamish, he beheld him alive, and kneeling on the coffin; the few that were around him had all withdrawn. The fatal word was given the rock rung sharp to the sound of the discharge, and Hamish, falling forward with a groan, died, it may be supposed, without almost a sense of the passing agony.

Ten or twelve of his own company then came forward, and laid with solemn reverence the remains of their comrade in the coffin, while the Dead March was again struck up, and the se

al companies, marching in single files, passed the coffin one one, in order that all might receive from the awful spectacle warning, which it was peculiarly intended to afford. The iment was then marched off the ground, and reascended the ient cliff, their music, as usual on such occasions, striking ly strains, as if sorrow, or even deep thought, should as rt a while as possible be the tenant of the soldier's bosom.



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In teaching the art of Elocution, according to the system here presented, the pupil should be first instructed in the simple principles. And when competent to answer with perfect readiness all the questions relative to those principles, he should proceed to the illustration of them by practicing the examples. These he ought thoroughly to master. And having done this—and not before he should take up the selections. And to render these useful, he should be required, to give of each one, as he advances, a general view of its rhetorical character, its seats of emphasis, and the rules proper for reading it; and then to exemplify the rules by his own reading. By pursuing this course, he will improve alike in Rhetoric and Elocution, and become, at once, graceful, scientific and effective in his delivery.

It is not intended the selections here presented shall be used in the exact order they are printed: for it was our design mere. ly to give a copious variety of Reading Lessons, leaving the instructer full liberty to make those selections the talents, acquirements, and circumstances of his pupils shall demand. In this respect, no compiler can select as properly as a teacher. To him, therefore, the business of arrangement is entirely committed.

In teaching Elocution, certain great and prevailing faults must be assiduously corrected. Some of these I shall here notice.

1. Indistinctness of Articulation, is one. This, arising chiefly from the sound of hissing letters, the obscure enunciation of unaccented vowels, the dropping of final consonants, and the improper blending of elementary sounds, may, perhaps, be best cured, by a slow, separate, and frequent repetition of the letters and the words in which it occurs. And cured it must

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