A Leap from the Method: An Organic Approach to ActingAuthorHouse, 2007 - Počet stran: 151 "The book is a wonderful guide to an actor building a mind. Simple yet very complete." -- Jamie Lee Curtis "I now understand what makes [Rich] the great actor that he is. He transcends technique, re-digesting and transforming life experience, knowledge and wisdom into a pool of resources from which the actor can draw." -- Fran Drescher "Allan introduced me to the craft of acting. He inspired, educated and encouraged. I shall be forever grateful." -- Rene Russo "The book presents an organic method that is filled with inside information. And, there is an added plus: it's fun to read." -- Jack Lemmon "A very clear and readable introduction to the nuts and bolts of acting and I think a really down-to-earth look at the art." -- Robert Redford "Allan Rich has found a way to put into words the insights and techniques that have made him such a fine and interesting actor." -- Alan Alda "Allan Rich's book should be on every actor's bookshelf." -- Din Luboviski, Owner of Larry Edmunds Theatrical Book Shop "I was fascinated by its simplicity, common sense and its wisdom. It's also very comfortable reading." -- Walter Matthau "Plain and simple, this book is terrific." -- Arthur Friedman, Producer of "Beyond The Sea" the Bobby Darin story |
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A Personal Outline | 1 |
The Method and the Group Theater | 49 |
The Three Myths of Acting | 59 |
The Discipline | 75 |
Developing the Senses | 81 |
Contrast and Conflict in Comedy and Drama | 87 |
Struggle Support and Success | 99 |
Some Letters From Students and Casting Directors | 107 |
Conclusions | 131 |
Běžně se vyskytující výrazy a sousloví
acting coach acting teachers agent Alan Thicke Allan Rich Antioch Arnold Artwork by Sid asked audience audition author's Axel Bahnsen back-story began believe Broadway called career casting director character Claude Rains Clifford Clifford Odets comedy craft create Darkness at Noon David Hooks drama Elaine emotional essence of behavior experience fantasy feel film Fran Drescher girl Group Theater Hamlet Harold Clurman Hayman Hollywood imagination important John Crosby knew Konstantin Stanislavsky learned look magic memory Milton Berle needed never night performance person Pete Antico Photo by Axel production Quiz Show read the play Redford rehearsal remember Rene Russo Robert role scene script Serpico Shakespeare Sid Maurer Sidney Kingsley Spielberg stage Stanislavsky stars Strasberg success talent technique television tell the story thank things told truth wanted weeks wonderful words young actor