CASES ARGUED AND ADJUDGED IN ۱ The Supreme Court OF THE UNITED STATES, DECEMBER TERMS, 1869 AND 1870, REPORTED BY JOHN WILLIAM WALLACE. VOL. X. WASHINGTON, D. C. : W. H. & O. H. MORRISON, Taw Publishers and Booksellers. 1871. ALMA 45 000 13382.4 U.S.84.8. Doc1813.7 HAK, AN COLLEGE MAR 5 1888 Minot fund. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. VIAS ON SINE PULVER RECT CAXTON PRESS OF SHERMAN & CO., PHILADELPHIA, 23-100 10 ALLOTMENT, ETC., OF THE JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, AS MADE APRIL 4, 1870, UNDER THE ACTS OF CONGRESS OF JULY 23, 1866, AND MARCH 2, 1867. NAME OF THE JUDGE, AND STATE NUMBER AND TERRITORY OF THE DATE AND AUTHOR OF THE JUDGE'S HON. SAML. NELSON, NEW YORK, VERMONT, New York. HON. WM. STRONG, HON. N. CLIFFORD, AND CONNECTICUT. THIRD. PENNSYLVANIA, NEW JER SEY, AND DELAWARE. FIRST. MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE ISLAND. FIFTH. 1845. February 14th. PRESIDENT TYLER. 1870. February 18th. PRESIDENT GRANT. 1858. January 12th. AND PRESIDENT BUCHANAN. HON. J. P. BRADLEY, GEORGIA, FLORIDA, ALA 1870. March 21st. PRESIDENT GRANT. 1862. January 24th. PRESIDENT LINCOLN. MEMORANDA. THE HONORABLE ROBERT COOPER GRIER, late an Associate Justice of this Court, who, on account of increasing physical infirmities, retired from this Bench on the 31st of January, 1870, departed this life at his residence in the city of Philadelphia, on Sunday the 25th of the September following. THE CHIEF JUSTICE did not participate in any of the judgments reported in this volume after page 141. Nor did Mr. Justice NELSON participate in those reported between pages 141 and 410. Both were detained by indisposition from their seats when the cases were heard or adjudged. (v) |