Obrázky stránek

Stamens united at base in a hypogynous ring, with intermediate teeth. Capsule globose, 10-celled, 10-valved. Seeds solitary, compressed, ovate. ORD. XXXI. LINACEAE. p. 21.


a. Perianth mostly Corolla-like. † Flowers with a Spathe. ALL'UM. Spathe membranaceous: Flowers in a dense terminal umbel, or head. Perianth 6-parted. Filaments sometimes tricuspidate (i. e. in threes, the anthers on the lateral ones abortive).— Capsule 3-celled, 3-valved. ORD. CLII. LILIACEAE. p. 195.

tt Flowers destitute of a Spathe.

ASPARAGUS. Perianth 6-parted; segments linear-oblong, erect. Stigmas 3, subsessile. Berry 3-celled; cells 2-seeded. ORD, CLII. LILIACEAE. p. 198.

ORNITHOGALUM. Perianth deeply 6-parted; segments spreading above the middle. Filaments dilated at base. Capsule roundish, somewhat trigonous, 3-celled. ORD. CLII. LILIACEAE, p. 195. TILLANDSIA. Perianth deeply 6-parted,-the outer verticil nearly distinct and calyx-like; segments of both lanceolate and of equal length. Capsule 1 to 3-celled. Seeds crowned with a tuft of hair.


b. Perianth calyx-like. † Flowers on a Spadix.

ACORUS. Spadix terete, sessile on the side of an ensiform leaf-like scape. Perianth of 6 glumaceous oblong subcucullate sepals, thickened at apex. Capsule angular, 3-celled, indehiscent. Ord. CXXXVIII. ARACEAE. p. 190.

tt Flowers more or less Paniculate.

JUNCUS. Perianth of 6 glumaceous persistent sepals, bibracteate at base. Stamens sometimes 3. Stigmas 3, subsessile. Capsule mostly 3-celled, 3-valved, loculicidal. ORD. CLV. JUNCACEAE. p. 198.

[Sabbatia angularis. ORD. CI. GENTIANACEAE. p. 132.1


[Polygonum Persicaria, Pennsylvanicum, and arifolium. ORD. CXI. POLYGO NACEAE. p. 144.]

[Oryza sativa, and Zızania aquatica. ORD. CLX. GRAMINEAE. p. 206.]


SABAL. Flowers on a branched Spadix, with numerous incomplete Spathes. Calyx 3-parted. Corolla of 3 petals. Ovaries 3, at first distinct, finally united. Drupe simple and subglobose or 2 or 3-lobed. ORD. CXXXIV. PALMAE. p. 188.

RUMEX. Flowers sometimes DIOICOUS. Perianth calyx-like, persistent, deeply 6-parted, the outer segments smaller. Stigmas many-cleft. Seed (Akene, Nut, or Caryopsis) triquetrous, ORD. CXI. POLYGONACEAE. p. 142.

[Sambucus Canadensis. ORD. LXXI. CAPRIFOLIACEAE. p. 71.]


AESCULUS. Calyx tubular, somewhat ventricose. Corolla of 4 or

5 unequal petals. Stamens sometimes 6 or 8. Capsule 3-celled, mostly 1-seeded by abortion. Seed large. ORD. XLII. HIPPOCASTANACEAE. p. 27.

[blocks in formation]

OENOTHERA. Calyx tubular, 4-cleft; limb reflected, and with part of the tube caducous. Petals 4, obcordate or obovate. Stigma 4lobed, or spherical. Capsule 4-celled, 4-valved. Seeds not comose. ORD. LIV. QNAGRACEAE. p. 55.

tt Fruit a Berry.

OXYCOCCUS. Calyx 4-toothed. Corolla deeply 4-parted; lobes linear-lanceolate, revolute. Stamens connivent; anthers bifid, tubular. Berry globose, 4-celled, many-seeded. ORD. LXXVIII. ERICACEAE. p. 103.

b. Ovary superior. † Flowers perfect.

TROPAEOLUM. Calyx colored, 5-parted,-the upper segment spurred at base. Petals 5, unequal,—the 2 upper ones sessile-the 3 lower ones unguiculate. Fruit composed of 3 connate carpels, fleshy or subcoriaceous; carpels, 1-seeded, indehiscent. ORD. XXXV.ThọPAEOLACEAE. p. 22.


tt Flowers mostly polygamous. DIOSPYROS. DIOICOUSLY POLYGAMOUS: Calyx 4-parted. urceolate, 4-cleft. STAMINATE FL. Stamens often 16. Ovary abortive. FERTILE FL. Stamens 8 to 12, mostly abortive or imperfect. Ovary 4-angled. Berry subglobose. ORD. LXXX. EBENACEAE. 2. 105.

ACER. FLOWERS POLYGAMOUS, or sometimes DIOICOUS: Calyx 5cleft or 5-parted-sometimes truncate with the limb entire. Petals 5, or none. Stamens about 8,-but ranging from 3 to 12. Samarae in pairs, winged at apex, diverging. ORD. XLI. ACERACEAE. p. 26.

[Ulmus Americana.



POLYGONUM. Perianth mostly 5-parted, persistent, often colored. Stamens 5 to 9, mostly 8. Styles 2, or 3. Akene solitary, compressed or triquetrous according as the styles are 2, or 3. ORD. CXI. POLYGONACEAE. p. 144.

FAGOPYRUM. FLOWERS SOMETIMES POLYGAMOUS: Perianth deeply 5-parted, persistent, colored. Stamens alternating with 8 hypogynous glands. Akene triquetrous. ORD. CXI. POLYGONACEAE. p. 146.


SASSAFRAS. DIOICOUSLY POLYGAMOUS: Perianth 6-parted, colored. STERILE FL. Stamens 9, in three series, all perfect,-the 3 inner ones with a gland on each side at base. Ovary wholly abortive. FERTILE FL. Stamens 6, imperfect. Ovary ovoid, acuminate; stigma discoid. Drupe ovoid-oblong. ORD. CXIII. LAURACEAE. P. 147.

BENZOIN. MOSTLY DIOICOUS: Perianth 6-parted, colored. STERILE FL. Stamens 9 perfect, and 6 to 9 imperfect in an inner series. Ovary a mere rudiment. FERTILE FL. Stamens 15 to 18, imperfect, filiform, acute. Ovary subglobose; stigma 2-lobed. Drupe oval. ORD. CXIII. LAURACEAE. p. 148.


RHEUM. Perianth colored, narrowed at base, 6-parted, persistent. Ovary triquetrous; stigmas multifid, reflexed. Akene triquetrous,― the angles membranaceously margined. ORD. CXI. POLYGONACEAE. P. 142.


a. Ovary inferior: Corolla monopetalous.

VACCINIUM. Calyx mostly 5-toothed. Corolla campanulate or urceolate, mostly 5-cleft. Berry globose, 4 or 5-celled, many-seeded, crowned with the persistent calyx-teeth. ORD. LXXVIII. ERICACEAE. p. 102.

b. Ovary superior. † Corolla monopetalous.

ANDROMEDA. Calyx 5-parted, persistent. Corolla tubular, subcylindric or ovoid; limb 5-cleft, reflexed. Anthers awnless or awned at summit. Capsule 5-celled, 5-valved, loculicidal. ORD. LXXVIII. ERICACEAE. p. 103.

tt Corolla pentapetalous.

CHIMAPHILA. Calyx 5-cleft. Petals 5, roundish-obovate. Ovary depressed-globose, umbilicate; style very short, immersed in the umbilicus of the ovary; stigma peltate, orbicular. Capsule depressed-globose, 5-celled, 5-valved, loculicidal at apex. ORD. LXXVIII. ERICACEAE. p. 104.

MELIA. Calyx 5-parted. Petals linear-spatulate. Stamineal tube subcylindric, 10-cleft at summit, bearing the anthers in the throat. Stigma 5-rayed. Drupe globose; nut 5-celled. ORD. XXIX. MELIACEAE. p. 20.

[Cercis. ORD. XLVIII. LEGUM NOSAE. p. 40.]


SAXIFRAGA. Calyx 5-parted, persistent, often adnate to the base of the ovary. Petals 5, entire, with short claws. Capsule 2-celled, 2beaked (or rather 2 acuminate connate carpels), opening between the beaks. ORD. LXV. SAXIFRAGACEAE. p. 61.


LYCHNIS. Calyx tubular, 5-cleft, naked at base. Petals 5, with slender claws, often crowned. Capsule 1-celled, or 5-celled at base, opening with 5 teeth at summit. ORD. XXI. CARYOPHYLLACEAÉ p. 15.



Perianth corolla-like, deeply 5-parted. Ovary superior, vertically depressed, orbicular. Berry 10-celled, 10-seeded. ORD. CXII. PHYTOLACCACEAE. p. 146.


[For the Genera of this Class, See ORD. XLIX. ROSACEAE. p. 41.]



Ovary mostly superior.

CITRUS. Calyx urceolate, 3 to 5-cleft. Petals 5 to 8. Filaments dilated, united in parcels. Stigma hemispherical. Fruit a pulpy berry, with a subcoriaceous coat. ORD. XXVIII. AURANTIACE E. p. 19.

TILIA. Calyx 5-parted, deciduous. Petals 5, naked within, or each with an internal scale or accessory petal (staminodium). Filaments distinct, or somewhat united in parcels. Ovary globose, villous. Nut coriaceous or bony, by abortion 1-celled. OLD. XXVI. TILIACEAE. p. 18.

PORTULACA. Calyx adnate to the base of the ovary, 2-parted, finally circumscissed near the base and deciduous. Petals mostly 5, inserted on the calyx. Stamens 8 to 15. Stigmas 3 to 8. Capsule subglobose, circumscissed, 1-celled, many-seeded, ORD. XXIII. PORTULACACEAE. p. 15.

PAPAVER. Calyx of 2 concave caducous sepals. Petals 4. Stigmas sessile, radiated. Capsule obovoid, opening by small valves under the crown formed by the stigmas. Seeds numerous, affixed to placentae which form incomplete dissepiments. ORD. XI. PAPAVERACEAE. p. 5.

CIMICIFUGA. Calyx of 4 or 5 caducous sepals. Petals (or staminodia) 3 to 5 or 8, caducous,-sometimes 0. Carpels 1 to 8, follicular, many-seeded. ORD. I. RANUNCULACEAE. p. 3.

[Diospyros. CRD. LXXX. EEENACEAE. p. 105.].


HYPERICUM. Calyx deeply 5-parted. Petals 5. Filaments united in parcels. Styles 3 to 5. Capsule membranaceous, 3 to 5-celled, many-seeded. ORD. XIX. HYPERICACEAE. p. 14.

DELPHINIUM. Calyx of 5 irregular petaioid deciduous sepals,-the upper one spurred at base. Petals 4, irregular,―the two upper ones spurred and introduced into the spur of the calyx. Carpels 1 to 5, follicular, many-seeded. ORD. I. RANUNCULACEAE. p. 2. FOLYGYNIA.

t Carpels dehiscent.

MAGNOLIA, Calyx of 3 deciduous sepals. Petals 6 to 9 or 12, in concentric series. Carpels crowded in a strobile-like spike, persistent, opening on the back, 1-seeded. Seeds in a fleshy coat, suspended by a long funiculus. ORD. II. MAGNOLIACEAE. p. 3.

++ Carpels indehiscent.

LIRIODENDRON. Calyx of 3 somewhat petaloid caducous sepals.Petals mostly 6. Carpels samaroid, densely imbricated in a cone, deciduous, 1 or 2-seeded. ORD. II. MAGNOLIACEAE, p. 4.

RANUNCULUS. Calyx of 5 deciduous sepals. Petals 5 (sometimes 10), each with a nectariferous scale, or pore, at base on the inside. Carpels compressed, mucronate, striate, smooth or tuberculate, arranged in a head. ORD. I. RANUNCULACE E. p. 1.


[For the Genera belonging here, See ORD. XCIII. LARIATAE. P. 111.1


CATALPA. Calyx 2-parted. Corolla campanulate, with a ventricose tube; limb 5-lobed. Stamens 2 perfect, and 2 to 3 abortive (sometimes perfectly Didynamous). Capsule very long, terete, 2celled, 2-valved. Seeds flat, margined and fringed at each end. ORD. LXXXVIII. BIGNONIACEAE. p. 107.

MARTYNIA. Ca'yx 5-cleft. Corolla subcampanulate,—the limb 5lobed. Capsule oblong, much acuminate, finally woody with a coriaceous coating, 4-celled, 2-valved, the acumination splitting into two long incurved claw-like beaks. Op. LXXXIX. PEDALIACEAE. p. 108.

LINARIA. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla personate; upper lip bifid, reflexed; lower lip trifid,—the throat closed by the prominent palate; tube inflated, spurred at base. Capsule ovoid, 2-celled, opening with several valves at apex. Seeds numerous, margined. O.D. XCI. SCROPHULARIACEAE. p. 110.

VERBENA. Calya tubular, 5-toothed. Corolla tubular, somewhat funnel-form, the limb 5-lobed. Capsule thin and evanescent, 2 or 4 celled; cells 1-seeded. ORD. XCII. VERBENACEAE. p. 111.


[The Genera of this Class all belong to CBD. XIII. CRUCIFERAE, P. 5.]

[Lobelia. CRD. LXXXVI. LOLELIACEAE. p. 101.]

7 [For the Genera belonging here, See ORD. XXV. MALVACEAE p. 16.]


POLYGALA. Sepals 5, irregular, the 3 outer ones smaller, bractlike the 2 inner ones wing-like, petaloid. Petals 3 to 5, somewhat cohering, united with the stamens,-the lower one keel-shaped. Capsule compressed. Seeds pubescent. O&D. XLVII. POLYGALACEAE. p. 30.


[For the Genera belonging here, See CRD. XLVIII. LEGUMINOSAE. p. 31.]


[The Genera of this Class belong to ORD. LXXV. COMPOSITAE. p. 74.]


ARIST LOCHIA. Perianth tubular, ventricose near the ovary,-the lib dilated, somewhat 3-lobed. Ovary inferior; stigmas 6, subsessile. Capsule 6-angled, 6-celled, many-seeded. ORD. CVI. ARISTOLCCH ACEAE. p. 137.


EUPHORBIA. Flowers naked, in involucrate clusters. Involucre monophyllous, subcampanulate, with 5 petaloid segments, which have externally 5 gland-like teeth, alternating with them. STAMINATE FL. numerous, each consisting of an anther with its filament articulated in the middle. PISTILLATE FL. solitary, central; ovary pedicellate; styles 3, bifid. Capsule 3-lobed, 3-celled cells 1-seeded, bursting elastically on the back. ORD. CXXII. EUPHORBIACEAF p. 152.

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