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3. Research and Promotion"

1. Office of Assistant to the Commissioner

1. Office proper of Assistant to the Commissioner

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Under this general head but unallocated as to specific activity are fiftyfour special collaborators at $1 per annum.

h This office is filled by the Specialist in Industrial Education who is paid as such.

'This office is filled by the Specialist in Industrial Education who is paid as such.

'Acts also as chief of Service Division and assistant to the commissioner.

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The Classifications of Activities in this series have for their purpose to list and classify in all practicable detail the specific activities engaged in by the several services of the national government. Such statements are of value from a number of standpoints. They furnish, in the first place, the most effective showing that can be made in brief compass of the character of the work performed by the service to which they relate. Secondly, they lay the basis for a system of accounting and reporting that will permit the showing of total expenditures classified according to activities. Finally, taken collectively, they make possible the preparation of a general or consolidated statement of the activities of the government as a whole. Such a statement will reveal in detail, not only what the government is doing, but the services in which the work is being performed. For example, one class of activities that would probably appear in such a classification is that of "scientific research." A subhead under this class would be "chemical research." Under this head would appear the specific lines of investigation under way and the services in which they were being prosecuted. It is hardly necessary to point out the value of such information in planning for future work and in considering the problem of the better distribution and coördination of the work of the government. The institute contemplates attempting such a general listing and classification of the activities of the government upon the completion of the present series.


1. Non-Administrative

I. Information and statistics

I. Collection

1. Correspondence

2. Exchange

3. Perusal

Printed volumes and reports

4. Surveys and investigations, by-products of
5. Research, by-products of

2. Digestion and analysis

I. Statistics

2. Briefing and resumé

3. Dissemination

1. Library service

2. Displays and exhibits

3. Addresses, speeches, and conferences

4. Correspondence

5. Distributing printed and mimeographed material I. Publications

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4. Promotion

1. Conference

2. Publication

3. Correspondence

4. Addresses and speeches

5. Consultation with individuals

5. Research

1. Collection of data

2. Analysis and digestion

3. Report

2. Administrative


1. Administration funds of "land-grant institutions " 1. Reporting upon expenditures of funds derived by states from land-grants" to institutions of learning

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2. Approving disbursement of funds from United States Treasury direct to colleges of agriculture and mechanic


2. Natives of Alaska, education

I. School instruction

I. Formal (" book ") subjects

2. Manual and practical

2. Home instruction

1. Hygiene

2. Sanitation

3. Supervision of local self-government

4. Acting for attorney-general (as agents)

5. Census taking

6. Observation of tides and currents

7. General social service

I. Destitution

2. "Emergency" medical and surgical aid

3. Natives of Alaska, support of

1. Reindeer herding

1. Breeding

2. Sale

3. Coöperation in experimentation

2. Supervision of coöperative native enterprises 4. Medical relief

1. Visiting

2. Hospitals

3. General (coöperation, Public Health Service)

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