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trades, 94-95; Miners, 102.

Label, The, Chap. IX; defini-
tion of, 129-130; where suc-,
cessful, 131-132; demand a
duty, 132; difficulties of, 133;
an ethical proposition, 134;
United Garment Workers,
131; Cigar Makers,
Boot and Shoe, 131; Metal
Polishers, 133; Musicians,


Ladies' Garment Workers, 75.
Lawrence strike, 188-189, 205.
Leather Workers' Union, atti-


tude towards class action, 18.
Legislation, Labor, Chap. XII;
attitude towards, 162; A. F.
of L. indorsement of, 171-
179; attitude towards Aus-
tralasian, 163; minimum
wage, 164, 178; opposition to
interpretation of trusts, 142-
144, 165-170; immigration,
170; workmen's compensa-
tion, 175; employers' liability,
175; on health, 176;
safety, 170, 176; convict la-
bor, 176; "loan shark," 177;
on mining, 177; on hours,
177; on women, 164, 177,
178; child labor, 178; wage
payments, 178; employment
bureaus, 178; trades disputes,
178; arbitration boards, 178;
labor bureaus, 179; anti-in-
junction, 179; direct legisla-
tion, 179.

Light, Heat and Power Coun-

cil of California, 99-100.
Limitation of output, Chap.
XVII; by capital, 222-223;
Textile Workers' experience,
223-225; regulation of ap-
prentices, 225-228; Brick-
layers', 226; Typographical,

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Machinists' Union, Socialist
sentiment, 13; sympathetic
action, 95.

McNamara brothers, 188, 190-

Metal Polishers' Union, label
position, 133; sympathetic
action, 92.

Metal trades councils, 92-94.
Metal trades department, 22,

Militia in strikes, 201, 203;
Lawrence strike, 189, 205;
Calumet strike, 209-210; in
Colorado, 212-213.
Minimum wage, 164, 178.
Mining department, 23, 97-98.
Molders' Union, on union shop,
123; failure in strike, 93-94.
Montana Federation of Labor,

Musicians' Union, use of label,

National Erectors' Association,
185-186, 191, 194-195, 197.
National Manufacturers' Asso-
ciation, 137, 191.

Newlands amendment, 154-155.

Open shop. See Union shop.
Order of Railway Conductors.
See Railroad brotherhoods.
Partnership relations, II, 18,
134; union shop, 120; Rail-
road brotherhoods' identity
of interests, 31-32; boycott,

136; see also Wage agree-
ments; in opposition to, see
Class action, Sympathetic ac-


Paterson Silk Workers' strike,

Philanthropy, Chap. I.
Picketing, Chap. XV; the right
of, 200; as disturbance," 201-
203; mass, 205; police and
military interference, 198-
201, 203-206, 209-210, 212; in
Paterson strike, 203-204; in
Lawrence strike, 188-189,
205; in New York, 206; atti-
tude of Railroad brother-
hoods, 46.

Police officers in strikes, 201,

203; arbitrary arrests in Pat-
erson, 204; in clothing
trades, 206.
Political action, Chap. XIX;
attitude of I. W. W., 56;
A. F. of L. and the S. P.,
243-244, 246; A. F. of L. in
practical politics, 245-246;
Washington State Federa-
tion, 247; see also Direct ac-

Preferential shop, 128.
Printing Pressmen, strike, 14,

Railroad brotherhoods, Chap.
III; opposition to class ac-
tion, 29-32; conservatism of,
30-32, 35; insurance feature,
33-35; 'protective policy,"
34-38; territorial divisions,
39-40; federation, 42-45;
standardization, 40-41; arbi-
tration, 36-38, 149-155; Erd-
man Act, 37-38; Newlands'
Act, 155; picketing,
strikes, 35, 36, 44-45.
Railroad employees' depart-


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Sabotage, Chap.
tion, 215-217;
vocacy, 219.
San Francisco L

Scab, The, 121;
bing, 100.
Scientific manage
W. W. attitude
principles of,"
workman's capit
tiative, 238-239;
239-240; increas
tion, 240-241.
Sherman Anti-trus
plication to unic
in Hatters' cas
proposed revision
Social reform. S
Socialism, in A. F
243-244, 246; rel
W. W. to, 51;
Unions, 109.
Strikebreakers, prof
Calumet strike,
Colorado strike,
thugs, 206; as priv
203; importation
agents of emplo
anarchy of guard
militiamen, 189,
Sympathetic action, C
and amalgamatio
building trades,
miners' experience,
Colorado strike, 118
industrialism, III-
115; I. W. W. pur
55; Light, Heat, an
Council, 99-100;
trades, 89, 92-95, II
ing trades failure, 98-
road employees, 95;
class action; for oppo
see Autonomy; Ar
of labor; Wage agre
Railroad brotherhood
Syndicalism, 51-52.


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2. 100


les of

Aman's cap

40, increase

to unions

ters' case
Crm. Se

in A. F. c
46; relation

51; in


ike, 209-210
ke, 212-23
private gu
tion of

ards, 212;

Chap. VI

88; co
2, 114-115
3-119; and
112, 11

pose, 53



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trust law.

Typographical Union, attitude
towards class action, 14; in
Colorado strike, 118; in

Pressmen's strike, 98; union
shop, 123.

Union membership, preface iii.
Union recognition, Chap. VIII;

definition of, 120; Miners'
demand in Colorado for, 124-
Union shop, Chap. VIII; defi-
nition of, 120; the scab, 121;
attitude of Railroad brother-
hoods, 122; attitude of I. W.
W., 122; demand for, varies
in A. F. of L., 123.
United Hatters; boycott case,

United Mine Workers, So-
cialist sentiment in, 13; as
an industrial union, 101-102,
106; jurisdiction, 102; Colo-
rado strike, 210-213; union
recognition, 124-127; sym-
pathetic strike experience,
114, 118; indicted under trust
law, 165-166; West Virginia
strike, 207, 210, 212.
Unskilled labor, I. W. W. con-
cerned with, 56, 63; lack of
sympathy between skilled
and, 115-118; position of
craftsmen weakened, 110;
women as, 68; and perma-
nent unions, 69-70.
Violence, Chaps. XIV, XV;
relation of I. W. W. to, 188-
190; McNamara brothers,
188, 190-191, 193, 195-198;
Bridge and Structural Iron
Workers, 190-197; Na-

tional Erectors' Associa-
tion, 191, 194-195, 197; Na-
tional Manufacturers' Asso-
ciation, 191; attitude of A. F.
of L. towards, 191-193; of
capital, 189, 191, 193-194,
198; police and militia, 189-
190, 198-199, 201, 203-206,
209-210, 212-213; Paterson
strike, 203-204; Lawrence
strike, 189, 205; West Vir-
ginia strike, 207, 210, 212;
Calumet strike, 207-210;
Colorado strike, 210-214.

Wage agreements, A. F. of L.
statistics of, 27, 255-266; A.
F. of L. attitude towards, 14,
88-89, 93-94, 98-99, 107-108;
Western Federation, change
of policy, 109; and Brother-
hoods, 38-42; and industrial-
ism, 88, 110-111; conflict with
sympathetic action, 88, 113-
114; label agreements, 130-
131; see Partnership rela-
Washington State Federation,
Welfare work, attitude of labor
towards. See Philanthropy.
Western Federation of Miners,
Socialist sentiment, 13; in-
dustrialism, IOI-102, 106;
change in policy, 109; Calu-
met strike, 207-210.
Women, Organization


Chap. V; question of dis-
crimination, 65-67; relation
of women as unskilled work-
ers to, 68-70; influence of
domestic attitude, 71-73;
women as strikers, 74; I. W.
W. attitude towards, 68, 70,
74; A. F. of L. attitude to-
wards, 65-67, 69, 77.
Women's Trade Union League,
75, 76.

Yellowstone Trade and Labor
Assembly, 145.


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