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Till God released her from her pain;
And then she went away.

13. "So in the churchyard she was laid;
And, when the grass was dry,
Together round her grave we played,
My brother John and I.

14. "And when the ground was white with snow, And I could run and slide,

My brother John was forced to go,
And he lies by her side."

15. "How many are you, then?" said I,
"If they two are in heaven?"
Quick was the little maid's reply,
"O master! we are seven."

16. "But they are dead; those two are dead! Their spirits are in heaven!"

"T was throwing words away: for still
The little maid would have her will,
And said, "Nay, we are seven."

William Wordsworth.

DEFINITIONS.-1. Clus'tered, hung in bunches. 2. Rus'tie, country-like. 10. Ker'chief, handkerchief. 11. Pŏr'rin ger, a small dish for soup or porridge. 12. Re leased, freed, relieved.



1. There! I have drawn the chairs into the right corners, and dusted the room nicely. How cold papa and mamma will be when they return from their long ride! It is not time to toast the bread yet, and I am tired of reading.

Somehow, I can't

2. What shall I do? help thinking about the pale face of that little beggar girl all the time. I can see the glad light filling her eyes, just as plain as I did when I laid the dime in her little dirty hand.

3. How much I had thought of that dime, too! Grandpa gave it to me a whole month ago, and I had kept it ever since in my red box upstairs; but those sugar apples looked so beautiful, and were so cheap-only a dime apiece that I made up my mind to have


4. I can see her the beggar girl, I meanas she stood there in front of the store, in her old hood and faded dress, looking at the candies laid all in a row. I wonder

what made me say, "Little girl, what do you want?"

5. How she stared at me, just as if nobody had spoken kindly to her before. I guess


she thought I was sorry for her, for she said, so earnestly and sorrowfully, "I was thinking how good one of those gingerbread rolls would taste. I have n't had anything to eat to-day."

6. Now, I thought to myself, "Mary Williams, you have had a good breakfast and a good dinner this day, and this poor girl has not had a mouthful. You can give her your dime; she needs it a great deal more than you do."

7. I could not resist that little girl's sorrowful, hungry look so I dropped the dime right into her hand, and, without waiting for her to speak, walked straight away. I'm so glad I gave her the dime, if I did have to go without the apple lying there in the window, and looking just like a real one.

DEFINITIONS.-1. Toast, to scorch until brown by the heat of a fire. 3. Cheap, low in price. A pieçe', each. 4. Hood, a soft covering for the head. Faded, having lost freshness of color. 5. Stâred, looked earnestly. Sor'row fully, full of sadness. Gin'ger bread, a kind of sweet cake flavored with ginger.



1. "Come in, little stranger," I said,
As she tapped at my half-open door;
While the blanket, pinned over her head,
Just reached to the basket she bore.

2. A look full of innocence fell

From her modest and pretty blue eye, As she said, "I have matches to sell, And hope you are willing to buy.


3. "A penny a bunch is the price,
I think you'll not find it too much;
They are tied up so even and nice,

And ready to light with a touch."

4. I asked, "What's your name, little girl?" "'Tis Mary," said she, "Mary Dow;"

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