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to these societies the regret of the American Philosophical Society, that the coincidence of the date of reception of the invitation with that of the fête prevented the Society from sending a delegate, as it otherwise would have felt honored in doing.

From the von Mueller Monument Fund.

From the Franklin Institute of Pennsylvania, expressing its sympathy with the Society in the loss sustained by the death of its Vice-President, Dr. William Pepper.

The Librarian announced a number of donations to the Library, for which thanks were ordered to be sent to the donors.

Dr. Morris presented a Hawaiian newspaper sent by Prof. Boyé, which contained a notice of the hoisting of the American flag.

Dr. Morris read an obituary notice of Prof. Henry D. Gregory.

Announcement was made of the decease of the following


Dr. Friedrich Müller, of Vienna, on May 25, 1898, aged 64 years; elected to membership December 17, 1886.

Dr. William Pepper, of Philadelphia, on July 29, 1898, aged 55 years; elected to membership July 15, 1870.

Dr. James Hall, of Albany, on August 8, 1898, aged 87 years; elected to membership July 21, 1854.

Dr. George M. Ebers, of Tutzing, near Munich, on August 8, 1898, aged 61 years; elected to membership May 17, 1895.

Prof. Henry Trimble, at St. David's, Pa., on August 24, 1898, aged 45 years; elected to membership, February 19, 1897.

Dr. Francis Pulzsky, of Buda Pesth, on September 9, 1897, aged 82 years; elected to membership, May 21, 1886.

Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, of Wilmington, Del., on September 28, 1898, aged 69 years; elected to membership October 15, 1897.

Dr. Frazer offered the following resolutions, in regard to the death of Dr. Pepper:

Resolved, That a Committee of five members be appointed by the President to arrange for a memorial meeting in reference to the death of Dr. William Pepper, with authority to confer with the Committee appointed by the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, and the representatives of other institutions and societies with which he was connected.

Resolved, That as a mark of respect to the memory of Dr. William Pepper, a Vice-President of this Society, the office which he filled remain vacant until the annual election on January 6 next.


Dr. Frazer, Dr. DaCosta, Mr. Edmunds, General Wistar and Dr. Tyson were subsequently appointed members of this Committee.

On motion the President was requested to appoint a member to prepare a biographical notice of the late Prof. Henry Trimble. Prof. Sadtler was subsequently so appointed.

Dr. Caspar Réné Gregory made a communication on "Greek, Manuscripts in Europe, in the East, and in America."

Dr. Daniel G. Brinton read a paper on "The Linguistic Cartography of the Chaco Region."

Prof. Smyth read a paper on "The Apollonius Saga and Shakespeare's Pericles Prince of Tyre."

A paper was presented by Dr. G. A. Miller and read by title, "On the Quaternion Group."

Pending nominations Nos. 1432, 1464, 1469; and new nominations Nos. 1470 to 1472 were read.

Dr. Morris, as Curator, offered a correction of the printed record of the meeting of April 1, 1898, PROCEEDINGS, p. 83, as follows: In the sentence in which " Dr. Hays asked 'Is this [a framed copy presented at that time] the facsimile copy which Dr. Morris took out of the Librarian's desk last autumn, etc.?" " "Dr. Morris replied that it was." Dr. Morris claimed that this should read: " . . which had been taken out of the old desk used by Mr. Phillips," which was the form in which the question was put, and replied to in

the affirmative by him. Dr. Hays expressed regret that any misunderstanding should have occurred as to what was said, but it was naturally accounted for by the fact that an old desk, which had been used by the late Mr. Phillips when Librarian, had been recently assigned to one of the members of the Society for the custody of his papers. Finding this facsimile of the copy of the Declaration of Independence in one of the drawers, he assumed that it should be handed to the Curators, to be deposited in the Cabinet, instead of to the Librarian. This difference of opinion as to the proper disposition of the paper had led to the original discussion of which a brief abstract was given in the minute referred to. The rough minutes were then read, and the Society was adjourned by the presiding officer.




(Read October 7, 1898.)

CONTENTS.--Introductory-Recent Contributions to the Linguistics of theChaco-The Mataco Linguistic Stock-The Guaycuru Stock-The Tupi Stock-The Samucu Stock-The Ennima Stock -The Arawack Stock-The Quechua Stock-The Lule StockGroups of Uncertain Affinities-The Lenguas (Timbues)-The Chanas-The Charuas and Querandies-The Payaguas―The Cacanas and Calchiquis - Other Unidentified Tribes - Bibliographic Note-List of Ethnographic Maps.


In mapping the areas of American aboriginal languages there is a vast region in South America which has been peculiarly perplexing, and in several respects so remains.

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