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Armandia thaitina.

Vein iv, leaves the radius at the junction of the cross-vein. Vein i, is well removed beyond the cell. In these characters Armandia attains the specialization of Zerynthia, but on secondaries the humeral cell is much extended. Vein iv, of secondaries is extended, forming a long and slightly spatulated "tail." The extension to vein v, is shorter, and that to v, is still more abbreviated. The internal vein reaches the anal angle, but it is curved as in the preceding genera, thus more specialized than Sericinus, in which it is straight. The long primaries and the tailed secondaries strongly remind one of the Papilionidæ. The pattern of ornamentation and the neuration are those of its group.

Mr. Scudder (l. c., 121) spells the name of this butterfly "thaidina," but Staudinger (in litt.) gives the spelling which I have above adopted.

Sericinus telamon.

In this type the sexes differ greatly in color and markings. In the two specimens examined (det. Staudinger) it is, strange to say, the female which shows the more advanced type. But I infer that the differences noted are individual. In both, vein iv, leaves the cross-vein, a generalization as compared with Armandia, as is also the still larger humeral cell of the secondaries. But in the white male, vein iii, leaves the radius before, in the yellow, black-striped female just after, the point of jointure of the cross-vein. The internal vein on hind wings is straight, and this is a generalization as compared with all preceding generic types. The prolongation to vein iv, is very long and quite even in width, not spatulate. In this genus and Armandia the cubitus shows a slight scar, the relic of the vanished cross-vein.

So far as I am able to ascertain from accessible literature, I have here discussed the neuration of all the generic types yet proposed in the Parnassiidae. It becomes quite clear, I hope, that the neuration assumes a more specialized type in the Parnassiidæ, as compared with the Papilionidæ, while retaining the essential feature characterizing the entire group. So far as I am aware, no contradiction exists to the view that, commencing our lists with the more specialized members of any group, we should in this case allow the Parnassiidæ to take precedence.


Specialization has carried this family, which consists of but a single type, entirely beyond the range of generic differentiation in the Papilionidæ. The neuration has submitted to changes similar to those characterizing the Parnassiidæ, changes of which I find no more than an indication in the Papilionidæ, so that in some respects it affords an intermediary type. The disintegration of the series of the median veins on primaries has progressed far beyond the present condition of any generic type in the Papilionide which I have been able to examine. Vein iv, has become radial, vein iv cubital, and the latter has abandoned its approximately central position and forms an unbroken curve with the cubitus. Thus the whole shape of the cell and cross-vein has undergone an important modification and the proper papilionid type of these parts has been abandoned. The cross-vein is much degenerate across the wider interspace which now intervenes between veins iv, and iv. The wing also recalls in its present condition that of Charaxes, except that iv, is cubital, while the long furcation of iii, and iii, accentuates the resemblance. The cubital cross-vein has practically vanished. There is a feeble notch on the lower edge of the cubitus and a clouding or thickening of the tegument as far as the submedian fold (vein vi). This submedian fold is always stronger at base, and, as we shall see in genera of Papilionidæ, the cubital cross-vein first disappears between it and vein vii, fading upwardly. The internal vein of hind wing is continued to anal angle and is straight. The "tail" to vein iv, is narrow and even (9). Studying this type, it becomes clearer how the wing of the Papilionida may have given rise to the wing of the Parnassiidæ. It may be regarded as a lateral offshoot from the Papilionidæ.

With regard to the propriety of making Teinopalpus Hope a family type, there can be no question from the neuration, and when we add to this the peculiar structure of the mouth parts and body it should remove doubt. For, as I tried to show in 1883 (Papilio, 3, 36), it appears certain that our categories are quantitative. The quantity assigned to the Papilionidæ is here in all respects exceeded. Alone the shape of the wing, a “superficial” character, remains papilionid, but this is approached by some Parnassians and shared by other Lepidoptera. With regard to the name, it has been proposed by Felder to change it on account of

its hybrid character. It seems to me safer to keep the original term proposed by Hope, the discoverer of the insect, since this course avoids all philological discussion, with which zoologists are not primarily concerned and perhaps not always competent to enter upon. It seems likely also that in the future all rules limiting the action of the law of priority upon the published name will of themselves fall from lack of authority, and that preoccupation will remain the only bar to the use of the original title.

Teinopalpus imperialis.

Radius five-branched, generalized; iii, at or just beyond the point of juncture of cross-vein; iii, and iii, a long furcation. Vein iv, radial, nearing radius; cross-vein between iv, and iv, inwardly curved, degenerate. Vein iv, distinctly cubital, continuous. Submedian fold (vein vi) indicated, strongly so at base; between the fold and cubitus obliquely placed and faint traces of the vanished cubital cross-vein. On secondaries humeral cell narrow, elongate; the marginal veins subequally strong, the upper slightly thicker, a Parnassian character. Cell entire on secondaries, vein iv, cubital. Internal vein straight, continued to anal angle. Contrary to what has seemed to me elsewhere the almost general rule, the primaries appear here, as also in the Parnassiidæ, more specialized than the secondaries. The falcate fore wings, the sharp outlines, while imparting to this butterfly an artificial look, remind one of the Charaxinæ. The movement of the media in disintegration is Parnassian, while the presence of vein ix on primaries decides at once its position as a member of the Papilionides.

Stated Meeting, February 3, 1899.

Vice-President SELLERS in the Chair.

Present, 19 members.

A letter was read from the President announcing the appointment of the Standing Committees for 1899, as follows: Finance.-Messrs. Philip C. Garrett, William V. McKean and Joel Cook.

Publication. Messrs. Daniel G. Brinton, Henry C. Baird, Patterson DuBois, I. Minis Hays and Joseph Willcox.

Hall.-Messrs. Horace Jayne, Joseph M. Wilson and Harold Goodwin.

Library.-Messrs. George F. Barker, T. Hewson Bache, Samuel P. Sadtler, Albert H. Smyth and Joseph G. Rosengarten.

To fill vacancy on Michaux Committee, Prof. Joseph T. Rothrock.

Announcement was made of the death of Mr. J. Blodgett Britton, at Warrenton, Va., January 19, 1899.

Vice-President Sellers then delivered the Annual Address, his subject being "Electrical Transmission of Energy." Prof. Keiser made a communication "On a Liquid Acetylene Diodide," which was discussed by Dr. Sellers.

The Society was adjourned by the presiding officer.

Stated Meeting, February 17, 1899.

Vice-President SELLERS in the Chair.

Present, 11 members.

Minutes of stated meeting held February 3 were read and approved.

The minutes of January 20 were amended to show that nominations 1488 and 1489 were then read for the first time. Donations to the Library were announced.

A letter from Dr. Frazer was read, presenting the obituary notice of Prof. E. D. Cope, which was also read to the Society. Remarks on the same were made by Messrs. Sellers and Cleemann.

On motion of Dr. DaCosta, the thanks of the Society were voted to Dr. Frazer for the great care he has taken in the preparation of the obituary notice of Prof. Cope.

The Clerk of the Council reported that, no quorum being present on February 10, no business was transacted.

Dr. Hays offered a resolution that a Conversazione be given

by the Society at a date to be subsequently fixed, and that a Special Committee of seven members be appointed by the President to arrange for the same. Carried.

The Society was adjourned by the presiding officer.

Stated Meeting, March 3, 1899.

Vice-President SELLERS in the Chair.

Present, 15 members.

A letter was read from Dr. Cyrus Adler, on behalf of the American Committee of the Second International Conference on a Catalogue of Scientific Literature, requesting the Society to appoint a Committee to study the various questions relating to the Catalogue and to give its counsel on or before April 1, proximo. On motion, the President was authorized to appoint the Committee as requested, and he subsequently appointed Prof. Barker, Dr. T. II. Bache, Prof. Sadtler, Prof. Smyth, Mr. Rosengarten and Dr. Hays.

Prof. W. B. Scott presented for the Transactions a paper by the late Prof. Baur and Dr. Case, entitled "The History of the Pelycosauria, with a Description of the Genus Dimetrodon, Cope," which was discussed by Dr. Sellers and Messrs. Wistar and Morris, and was referred to the following special Committee: Prof. Scott, Dr. Jayne and Mr. Arthur E. Brown. The Society was adjourned by the presiding officer.

Stated Meeting, March 17, 1899.

Vice-President Dr. SELLERS in the Chair.

Present, 23 members.

Mr. Henry S. Pancoast, a newly elected member, was presented to the Chair, and took his seat.

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