Subject. ANNUAL MEETINGS: of boards of supervisors, proviso as to Wayne county. Michigan dairymen's association to hold...... ANNUAL REPORTS: (see reports.) protection of squirrel in..... APARTMENT HOUSES: APPEALS: from school examiners to probate courts... from orders of R. R. commission, burden of proof, etc. act to regulate practice on, from chancery courts... APPLICATION: for license for use of tugs, launches, etc., in fishing.. for renewal of registration of motor vehicle.... for chauffeur's license... form of, for co-insurance rider clauses.. for allotment of state reward for roads. for laying out of temporary highway.... APPOINTMENT: of administrator of deceased incompetent person, repealed.... evidence of, of agent of foreign corporation, where filed of temporary fire wardens..... APPORTIONMENT: of tax in good roads district. of state into senatorial districts. of cost of drains between villages, cities and townships APPRAISAL OF PROPERTY: to determine amount of inheritance tax.... APPROPRIATIONS: for Michigan state agricultural society.... for Jamestown ter-centennial exposition commission, how used, etc.... additional, for administration building, etc.. for state prison, rebuilding shop... for state library... ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING: majority vote at, to organize as graded school district,| board of education..... 4746 ANTRIM COUNTY: Elk lake, when may spear white fish, unlawful to sell.. ANTWERP TOWNSHIP: Van Buren county, unlawful to spear fish in.. employment of labor in ... for Michigan traveling libraries.. 43 for state board of library commissioners 44 for Michigan soldiers' home, deficiency for sewer 47-8 for state sanatorium, supplemental, transfer of funds.. for Michigan reformatory at Ionia. 118 133 149-150 for bacteriological department in state board of health for state public school... special purposes, for state house of correction and Public and local acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan Michigan, Michigan. Dept. of State for state board of geological survey. for Michigan home for feeble minded and epileptic.. |