Annual Report, Svazek 86The Library, 1903 From 1889 to 1918 the reports consist of the Report of the director and appendixes, which from 1893 include various bulletins issued by the library (Additions; Bibliography; History; Legislation; Library school; Public libraries) These, including the Report of the director, were each issued also separately. |
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03 Minn Acad ADMINISTRATIVE LAW agriculture Amending 99 Amending G. S. 02 Amending R. S. 99 amendment to Constitution Amer annual appointed by governor Ass'n assessment attorney auditor banks Board of Health bonds Com'rs commission corporations Creating Board criminal Dep't district election enacted examination exempt fees formerly fund GOVERNORS MESSAGES 1903 Hosp insane inspection inspector Inst institutions justice of peace La Follette labor lands LEGISLATION 1903 Legislature LIBRARY GOVERNORS MESSAGES LIBRARY SUMMARY license Louisiana Purchase Exposition Massachusetts MELVIL DEWEY ment Misdemeanor N. Y. STATE LIBRARY Normal Sch officers penalty person poll tax Prohibiting providing railroad railway recommend regulations relating Repealing Rhode Island salary secretary South Carolina statute Submitting amendment SUMMARY OF LEGISLATION Supreme Court taxation tion town Univ Vote November 1904 York
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Strana 177 - Federal constitution providing for the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people, and we favor direct legislation wherever practicable.
Strana 167 - An Act to provide for a State Board of Arbitration for the settlement of differences between employers and employes, to define the duties of said board, and to appropriate the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars therefor.
Strana 167 - Every railroad corporation owning or operating a railroad in this State shall be liable for all damages sustained by any agent or servant thereof while engaged in the work of operating such railroad...
Strana 183 - There is appropriated annually to the common school fund income an amount equal to seven-tenths of one mill for each dollar of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the state, as determined by...
Strana 177 - He shall be appointed by the Governor with the approval of the Senate for a term of four years...