Obrázky stránek

1. 16. discovering, showing.

11. 16, 7. upon... face, when this monstrous face was displayed before us.

1. 23. conjuring, earnestly desiring; literally solemnly imploring, from Lat. conjurare, to swear together, to combine by oath. 11. 24, 5. composed my countenance, put on a serious look.

1. 26. That much... sides, wittily reproducing Sir Roger's own. words when deciding between Will Wimble and Tom Touchy.


P. 67, 1. 10. bias, inclination; the term is taken from the game of bowls, in which the 'bias' is a weight inserted in the bowl to make it take an indirect path when bowled.

1. 11. draw too much, incline them too much in this direction or the other.

1. 15. savage philosophy, rough affectation of gravity and philosophical temperament.

1. 16. a thoughtless gallantry, an empty-headed levity and freedom of manner.

1. 24. tempered, mixed, blended.

1. 25. wants, lacks.

1. 31. covering her eggs, sitting upon her eggs to hatch them. P. 68, 1. 13. common, belonging to both.

ll. 14, 5. as if... reciprocal, as though each at times had not to act the part more properly belonging to the other.

1. 25. carries ... them, wins the day, prevails with them, captivates their fancy.

1. 28. flutter, boisterous mirth.

1. 31. self-love... object, the love of herself turned upon an object resembling her in character.

P. 69, 1. 1. the sex, the fair sex, women; a complimentary way of speaking of them.

1. 2. joins them, sc. in marriage. their own thoughts, the thoughts of the husbands.

1. 4. inflame, fan them into further blazes, more extravagant outbursts.

11. 15, 6. accomplish themselves, perfect themselves.

1. 16. sublime perfections, said ironically.

1. 18. her gallant, the admirer who was always paying court to her.

1. 20. Faustina, daughter of Faustina, the profligate wife of Antoninus Pius, and herself of an equally abandoned character; she was married to M. Aurelius in A.D. 145 and died in Syria in 175 lively, apt, pertinent.


11. 21, 2. Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor, A.D. 161-180, commonly called 'the philosopher,' renowned for his victories over the Germans, in consequence of which he assumed the title of Germanicus, and still more for his devotion to philosophy and literature.

1. 23, 24. prettier gentleman, finer fellow.

1. 25. Commodus, L. Aurelius, son of Marcus Aurelius and Emperor 180-192. Notwithstanding the great care which his father had bestowed upon his education, he turned out one of the most sanguinary and licentious tyrants that ever disgraced a throne. In the combats in the arena in which he took part, he made sure of an easy victory by allowing his opponent no more dangerous a weapon than a foil of lead.

1. 29. the fighting of prizes, the contending for prizes in gladiatorial combats, in which he sought to win popular applause.

1. 36. hankering after, eagerly longing for.

P. 70, 1. 2. over-run with affectation, wholly given up to assuming graces that do not naturally belong to her.

1. 4. your, used colloquially, but put into her mouth with a sarcastic emphasis. Those summer days of which you people talk so much, but which to me are so tedious.

1. 5. purling, running with a gentle murmur.

1. 8. essenced fops, scented dandies: taudry courtiers, men of fashion decked out in gaudy finery; taudry, or 'tawdry,' is a corruption of St. Awdry, which again is a corruption of St. Etheldrida; and tawdry goods were such as were sold at St. Awdry's fair, held on St. Awdry's day, October 17th.

1. 13. a clown, a boor, an uneducated, ill-mannered fellow.

1. 13, 14. no better... be, scarcely to be regarded as a woman of virtue.

1. 15. Aristus and Aspasia, merely fanciful names given to imaginary persons; Aristus is the Gk. aptoTos, best, noblest, and Aspasia was the name of the accomplished mistress of Pericles.

1. 23. complacency, good humour.


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P. 71, 1. 1. gipsies, or more properly gypsies,' a nomad race whose original home was in India, though the earlier supposition was that they were Egyptians, whence the word, which is merely a corruption of the M.E. Egypcien, an Egyptian.

1. 2. exert ... peace, exercise the powers which as justice of the peace he possessed of arresting them.

Il. 3, 4. his clerk, without whose advice he did not like to act. The clerk of a justice of the peace being trained to the law was, like the clerk to the magistrates in the present day, the person on whose advice his superior acted in all cases in which a legal difficulty presented itself.

11. 5, 6. fearing... it, sc. by the depredations of their fellow gypsies in case any legal steps should be taken against them.

1. 10. to have it, to find it out and carry it off.

1. 11. ten to one, i.e. long odds.

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1. 15. so agog, in a state of such eagerness. Gog signifies eagerness, desire; and is so used by Beaumont and Fletcher; 'you have put me into such a gog of going, I would not stay for all the world'; Wit Without Money, iii. 1. To set agog' is to put in eagerness, to make one eager or anxious to do a thing”. (Skeat, Ety. Dict.).

1. 18. crosses their hands, with a piece of silver which thereby becomes their property.

11. 25, 6. Sweethearts... upon, i.e. by promising lovers to the men and maidens they lure money out of them.

1. 28. jades, properly tired horses, then applied contemptuously to women; here used in a good-humoured way. sluts, properly slovenly women, but here again used in a good-humoured way.

1. 34. communicated... them, held out our hands for them to examine. A Cassandra, a prophetess; Cassandra was a daughter of Priam and Hecuba on whom Apollo conferred the gift of prophecy.

1. 35. crew, company, gang; generally, except of the crew of a vessel, used, as here, in a contemptuous sense: my lines, the lines running across the palm of the hand.

1. 36. in a corner, where I could have her to myself.

P. 72, 1. 3. exposing his palm, holding out his hand with the palm of it turned upwards; Gk. Tadáμn. "The sense of 'flathand' is the more original, the tree being named from its flat spreading leaves which bear some resemblance to the hand spread

out. Yet it is remarkable that the word was first known in England in the sense of palm-tree" (Skeat, Ety. Dict.).

1. 7. line of life, this line, which is supposed to indicate the length and character of the life of a person, runs in a curve from the ball of the forefinger across the whole palm or 'table' of the hand.

1. 8. an idle baggage, a silly piece of goods,' as we also say, a hussy; but used good-humouredly.

1. 17. roguish leer, wicked smile.

1. 18. for nothing, without its indicating a fascinating character. 1. 19. uncouth, odd, strange. The literal sense is 'unknown,' from A.S. un-, not, and cúð, known, past participle of cunnan, to know: gibberish, nonsensical talk; formed from 'gibber,' to gabble.

11. 19, 20. like... oracle, like the ambiguous terms in which an oracle was delivered.

1. 26. jocund, merry, in high spirits.

1. 29. palmistry, the so-called science of reading the destiny of a man from the lines in the palm of his hand, but here meaning sleight of hand.

1. 30. vermin, properly such insects as lice, fleas, etc., engendered by dirt, and thence used of any obnoxious creature.

P. 73, 1. 2. Trekschuyt, from Du. trekken, to draw, and schuyt, boat; the Dutch schuyts still bring eels from Holland up the Thames to London.

1. 3, 4. putting off, starting from the wharf.

1. 11. speak readily in, we now omit the preposition.

1. 18. gave him for drowned, assumed that he had been drowned; we should now say, 'gave him up for drowned.' 1. 21. laying together, comparing.

1. 32. our linguist, the boy who was so skilled in various languages.

P. 74, 1. 2. with great reputation, expressing the result of his being so employed.


1. 19. of the moon, of the lunar month.

1. 22. Bagdat, more properly Baghdad, one of the principal cities of Asiatic Turkey, formerly the residence of the Khalifs. 11. 24, 5. airing myself, taking the air.

1. 29. habit, dress.

P. 75, 1. 2. wrought, worked up.

11. 8, 9. My heart... raptures, my heart seemed to be dissolved in ecstasies to which it could not give utterance.

1. 11. a genius, a genie, a spirit.

1. 15. taste, to appreciate duly.

11. 22, 3. familiarized... imagination, made him appear to me like one from whom I need not stand aloof as something supernatural.

P. 76, 1. 8. several broken arches, which indicated that the length of the bridge had once been much greater; "The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away," Psalms, xc. 10. Cp. the bridges in Tennyson's Gareth and Lynette, 11. 903, 1098. 11. 10, 1. consisted... arches, i.e. that men before the Flood lived to a thousand years.

11. 16-8. dropping ... it, i.e. dying prematurely from accidents, etc.

1. 19. trap-doors, secret causes of death.

11. 22, 3. at the entrance of the bridge, in infancy.

1. 24. the cloud, in which eternity was veiled; for eternity as a state of pre-existence, cp. Wordsworth, Ode on Intimations of Immortality, etc., 58-65,"Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting; The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star, Hath had elsewhere its setting And cometh from afar; Not in entire forgetfulness And not in utter nakedness But trailing clouds of glory do we come From God, who is our home."

1. 25. thinner, less numerous."

11. 28, 9. that continued... arches, i.e. wearily dragged out their existence to extreme old age.

P. 77, 1. 3. baubles, the fleeting joys of earth.

11. 6-10. I observed... them, i.e. saw men inciting to war and bloodshed; scimitars, curved swords; probably a corruption of the Persian shamshir, a sword, literally the lion's claw; to lie in their way, to be in their direct path.

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1. 11. indulge myself, occupy myself longer than was well for me, morbidly dwell upon the subject.

1. 17. harpies, literally the Robbers or Spoilers; in later Greek literature represented as hideous birds with the heads of maidens and long claws, sent by the gods to torment the blind Phineus, and carrying off or defiling every meal set before him. cormorants, sea-crows, voracious gulls.

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