COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE HARLEY O. STAGGERS, West Virginia, Chairman SAMUEL N. FRIEDEL, Maryland JOHN JARMAN, Oklahoma JOHN E. MOSS, California JOHN D. DINGELL, Michigan PAUL G. ROGERS, Florida LIONEL VAN DEERLIN, California FRED B. ROONEY, Pennsylvania DAVID E. SATTERFIELD III, Virginia ВОВ ЕСКHARDT, Texas WILLIAM L. SPRINGER, Illinois SAMUEL L. DEVINE, Ohio Burton, Sam B., assistant general manager, Southern Pacific Co.... Charron, Edward A., counsel, Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Co---- Chesser, Al H., national legislative director, United Transportation Union, and chairman, Committee on Safety, Railway Labor Corcoran, Lee, Chief Counsel, Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation.. Coughlin, Charles J., grand chief engineer, Brotherhood of Locomotive 177 Denton, William R., attorney, Southern Pacific Co--- -- 92 Feighan, Hon. Michael A., a Representative in Congress from the 121 Fraser, Hon. Donald M., a Representative in Congress from the 95 Goodfellow, Thomas M., president, Association of American Rail- 244 Co... Greer, H. E., director of research, National Railway Labor Conference_ 207 Hilsinger, Henry L., Acting Chief of Safety Programs, Federal Rail- Hiltz, J. P., Jr., chairman, National Railway Labor Conference-- Homer, Winfield M., Labor Bureau of the Middle West, United Horton, Hon. Frank J., a Representative in Congress from the State of 161 257 Lee, E. P., general attorney, National Railway Labor Conference.. McCulloch, E. L., national legislative representative, Brotherhood of McGuire, W. S., local chairman, Division 92, Brotherhood of Loco- 96, 118 Manion, R. R., vice president, Operations and Maintenance Depart- 123 Olsen, Hon. Arnold, a Representative in Congress from the State of Price, Hon. Melvin, a Representative in Congress from the State of Ross, Harold, attorney, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers 70, 104 Sage, Marshall, legislative research assistant, United Transportation Schofield, Albert M., assistant vice president-operations planning, Skutt, W. E., assistant grand chief engineer, Brotherhood of Loco- 197 70, 104 197 197 Sperry, Jack, Operations Planning Department, Penn Central Co---- Welsh, Philip F., counsel, Association of American Railroads Whitman, Hon. Reginald N., Administrator, Federal Railroad Ad- ministration, Department of Transportation--- Additional material submitted for the record by- American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organiza- 276 American Short Line Railroad Association, P. Howard Croft, presi- Appendix A-Nature of railroad industry and railroad opera- Appendix B-Employment, average hours and compensation; train and engine service employees, class I railroads, year 1968- Appendix C-Employment, average hours and compensation; train and engine service employees, class I railroads, year 1964- Appendix D-Summary of systemwide cost estimates under the Letter dated July 17, 1969, to Chairman Staggers re operation of freight train crew on the October 22, 1962, run between Fre- mont and Superior, Nebr., effect of removal of mileage limita- tions on flexibility of railroad operations; and nonrailroad pursuits and sources of revenue of railroad operating employees. National Railroad Labor Conference, summary of 25-railroad survey Olsen, Hon. Arnold, a Representative in Congress from the State of Montana House Joint Resolution No. 3, to the Congress of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Co.: letter dated July 14, 1969, to Chairman Staggers, re man-failure accidents showing kind and time on duty prior to accident, etc., information; statistics relating to lodging and meal allowances; average gross earnings of train crew on the Waycross to Brunswick, Ga., daily run; and information re accidents attributable to reduction of number of trainmen on vari- ous read and yard assignments--- Sierra Railroad Co., F. R. Egan, vice president and general manager, letter to Chairman Staggers...... 275 215 90 91 277 Additional material submitted for the record by-Continued Transportation, Department of, Federal Railroad Administration: Page Attachment A-Total train accidents; monthly averages....... 263 264 264 Attachment D-Total casualties, 1963-68 265 Attachment E-Employee casualty rate per million man-hours 265 Attachment F-Instances of excess service reported by carriers Hours of service of motor carrier drivers and airline pilots...... United Transportation Union: Attachments to Mr. Chesser's prepared statement: Exhibit No. 1-Changes in statutes relating to collective Table 2-Selected statistics in railroad operations---------- 265 274 274 266 32 32 33 Table 4-Number of train accidents caused by other than 33 Appendix 5-Effects of carbon monoxide on human 33 Table 7-Average hou Table 6-Trips of engineers by hours on duty per trip..... 34 34 35 37 64 local freight engineers- Dual system of pay, a summary description prepared by Winfield Technical matters arising in the use of railroad accident and 243 13 64 ORGANIZATIONS REPRESENTED AT HEARINGS Association of American Railroads: Goodfellow, Thomas M., president. Manion, R. R., vice president, Operations and Maintenance Department. Welsh, Philip F., counsel. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers: Coughlin, Charles J., grand chief engineer. Kraushaar, Richard H., attorney. McCulloch, E. L., national legislative representative. McGuire, W. S., local chairman, division 92. Ross, Harold, attorney. Skutt, W. E., assistant grand chief engineer. National Railway Labor Conference: Greer, H. E., director of research. Hiltz, J. P., Jr., chairman. Lee, E. P., general attorney. Penn Central Co.: Schofield, Albert M., assistant vice president-operation planning. Sperry, Jack, operations planning department. Wells, Hermon M., assistant general counsel. Railway Labor Executives' Association: Al H. Chesser, chairman, committee on safety. Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Co.: Charron, Edward A., counsel. Hastings, D. C., vice president, transportation and maintenance. Southern Pacific Co.: Burton, Sam B., assistant general manager. Denton, William R., attorney. Transportation, Department of, Federal Railroad Administration: Corcoran, Lee, Chief Counsel. Hilsinger, Henry L., Acting Chief of Safety Programs. United Transportation Union: Chesser, Al H., national legislative director. Homer, Winfield M., Labor Bureau of the Middle West. |