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Mississippi. But this will be done gradually, as their circumstances may require, and as their safety may permit. Others will remain, and perhaps become incorporated with our population.

The whole subject, however, is involved in great doubt and difficulty, and it is better to do nothing, than to hazard the risk of increasing their misery. For ourselves, we think, that the efforts of the government should be limited to certain general objects and regulations. That the laws, regulating trade and intercourse with them, should be revised, and their injunctions and prohibitions rendered more plain in execution. That the officers of the Department should be increased, and stationed at every important point of the frontier, to soothe and encourage the Indians, to enforce the observance of the laws, and to watch the conduct of the traders. That neither expense nor exertions should be spared, to prevent the introduction of whiskey into the country, and that the Indians should be persuaded to pass the boundary line, as seldom as possible. That the acts of Congress should be extended to them, under that provision of the constitution, which allows the general government to regulate our intercourse with them, when in our settlements, where they are now lamentably exposed, and left without protection. That hunters and trappers should be excluded from their country. That, as the failure of any of their ordinary articles of subsistence is attended with frightful calamities, provisions should be sent to them occasionally, when suffering from want; that seed corn, domestic animals, and farming utensils, should be distributed among them, and that honest, zealous men should be employed to labor for them and with them. That they should be encouraged to hold separate property, and to divide their lands among families and individuals. That ten thousand dollars should be annually added to the appropriation for civilising them, until a satisfactory judgment can be formed, of the probable result of this experiment. And that, after all this, we should leave their fate to the common God of the white man and the Indian.

ART. VI.-Fauna Americana; being a Description of the Mammiferous Animals inhabiting North America. By RICHARD HARLAN, M. D. Philadelphia. 1825. A. Finley. 8vo. pp. 318.

THE object of this work is to present, under a systematic arrangement, a scientific history of all the mammiferous animals of North America, and it is probably the first attempt of the kind. The object, however, which is professed in its title, is not wholly followed up in the body of the work; the animals of Mexico being avowedly excluded from the description and arrangement, although, in the preface, an enumeration is given of those known to exist in that country. The number of animals, described within the region embraced by Dr Harlan's plan, is greater than we should have at first supposed to be now known to naturalists. He has been able to distinguish, he remarks, one hundred and fortyseven species, with considerable accuracy. From his preface we quote the following


'A work, having for its object the illustration of the natural history of our country, cannot fail to prove interesting, and has long been a desideratum to naturalists. However unqualified for the task, I have nevertheless found ample room for additions, alterations, and improvements. On the utility of the undertaking it will be unnecessary to insist, when, on referring to the latest authorities who have treated of this subject, we are struck with the confusion, the errors, and the deficiencies, which still prevail. In the very latest work, Desmarest's Mammalogie, published in the year 1820, which professes to describe all the species of Mammalia hitherto known, the number inhabiting North America is limited to one hundred species. Of these many are described as uncertain, and his accounts of the manners and habits of most of them are at best deficient.'

What these additions, alterations, and improvements are; in what manner confusion has been reduced to order, errors corrected, and deficiencies supplied, may appear in the sequel. Meantime, to exhibit the author's labors within a small compass, we have prepared, and think proper to insert in this place, a catalogue of the animals described in his work, in their systematic order as marshalled by him. This will serve at once to show the field over which his labors have been

spread, and give those, who seldom consult books of this description, an opportunity of taking in, at a single view, the whole of the animals of this class, found in this part of North America. In order to assist in the discrimination of the names belonging to genera and species, those of genera are printed in small capitals, those of species in the common small type. Those genera and species introduced by Dr Harlan, as being first noticed, described, or named by him, are in italics, and those which have been only known in the fossil state, have an asterisk prefixed.

[blocks in formation]

Номо. 1 sapiens. American Variety."


Family Cheiroptera. Tribe Vespertilio.

RHINOPOMA. 1 caroliniensis.

VESPERTILIO. 1 caroliniensis, 2 noveboracensis, 3 pruinosus, 4 arquatus.

TAPHOZOUS. 1 rufus.

Family Insectivora. First Division.

SOREX. 1 constrictus, 2 araneus, 3 parvus, 4 brevicaudatus. SCALOPS. 1 canadensis, 2 pennsylvanica.

CONDYLURA. 1 cristata, 2 longicaudata, 3 macroura.

TALPA. 1 europea.

Family Carnivora. First Tribe, Plantigrada.

URSUS. 1 arctos, 2 cinereus, 3 americanus, 4 maritimus.
PROCYON. 1 (URSUS) lotor.

TAXUS. 1 (MELES) labradoria, 2 jeffersonii.

GULO. 1 arcticus.

MUSTELA. 1 vulgaris, 2 erminea, 3 lutreocephala, 4 vison, 5 canadensis, 6 martes.

MEPHITIS. 1 americana.

LUTRA. 1 brasiliensis, 2 marina.

CANIS. 1 familiaris, 2 lupus, 3 lycaon, 4 latrans, 5 nubilus, 6 vulpes, 7 argentatus, 8 decussatus, 9 virginianus, 10 fulvus, 11 cinereo-argenteus, 12 velox, 13 lagopus.

FELIS. 1 concolor, 2 onca, 3 pardalis, 4 canadensis, 5 rufa, 6 fasciata, 7 montana, 8 aurea.

Tribe. Carnivorous Amphibious Animals. (Carnivora pinnipedia.) PHOCA. 1 cristata, 2 vitulina, 3 groenlandica, 4 fetida, 5 barbata, 6 (OTARIA) ursina.

TRICHECUS. 1 rosmarus.

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[blocks in formation]

*OSTEOPERA. 1 *platycephala.

FIBER. 1 zibethicus.

ARVICOLA. 1 amphibius, 2 xanthognatha, 3 palustris, 4 hortensis, 5 floridanus, 6 pennsylvanica.

LEMMUS. 1 hudsonius.

Mus. 1 rattus, 2 sylvaticus.

PSEUDOSTOMA. 1 bursarius.

GERBILLUS. 1 canadensis, 2 labradorius.

ARCTOMYS. 1 monax, 2 empetra, 3 ludoviciani, 4 tridecem-lineata, 5 franklinii, 6 richardsonii, 7 pruinosa, 8 parryii, 9 brachyura, 10 latrans, 11 rufa.

SCIURUS. 1 cinereus, 2 capistratus, 3 rufiventer, 4 niger, 5 magnicaudatus, 6 quadrivittatus, 7 lateralis, 8 grammurus, 9 striatus, 10 hudsonius, 11 ludovicianus.

PTEROMYS. 1 volucella.

HYSTRIX. 1 dorsata.

LEPUS. 1 americanus, 2 glacialis, 3 virginianus.

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*MASTODON. *giganteum, 2 *angustidens.

Second Family. Pachydermata, properly so called.

Sus. 1 scrofa.

DICOTYLES. 1 torquatus.

TAPIRUS. 1 *mastodontoides.

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CERVUS. 1 alces, 2 tarandus, 3 canadensis, 4 virginianus, 5 macrotis, 6 *americanus.

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Bos. 1 americanus, 2 *bombifrons, 3 *latifrons.


MANATUS. 1 latirostris.


First Family. Cetacea Herbivora, Sirenia.

RYTINA. 1 (STELLERUS) borealis.

Second Family. Ceta or Whales proper. First Division. DELPHINUS. 1 coronatus, 2 delphis, 3 canadensis, 4 phocoena, 5 gladiator, 6 grampus, 7 leucas, 8 anarnachus.

MONODON. 1 monoceros, 2 microcephalus, 3 andersonianus. Second Division.

PHYSETER. 1 macrocephalus, 2 trumpo.

BALENA. 1 mysticetus, 2 glacialis, 3 nodosa, 4 gibbosa, 5 gibbar, 6 boops, 7 rostrata.

Unless there is some oversight in making out this catalogue, which we presume there is not, the following table exhibits the number of species in each order; and, by way of comparison, we place by the side of it, a table given by the author, in his preface.


1. Primates, 3. Carnivora,

Number of Species.

Author's Table.

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[blocks in formation]

It will be perceived, that, if this enumeration is to be trusted, and great care has been taken to make it accurate, the author's table is wrong in five orders out of seven. Two of these errors may, however, be attributed to an accidental transposition of numbers, viz. orders 5 and 6. For the rest, there seems to be no such excuse. He speaks, also, in the preface, of eleven fossil species; only ten are contained in the above list. He must, therefore, intend to include a fossil species of Manatus, which is neither named nor numbered, and which, if admitted, will make the number of the last order 23, and the total of all the orders 149.

In the construction of his orders, Dr Harlan appears to have followed the Règne Animal of Cuvier, and we have numbered them accordingly. The names, however, are adopted, partly from that author, and partly from Linnæus. Thus, for the first order, he retains the Linnæan denomination, Primates; although he excludes from it the bats, and, we presume, the monkeys also, which originally belonged to it. To the fourth order he gives the name Glires, instead of

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