Obrázky stránek

166-preliminary measures, ib.
-its objects, 167—to secure
the independence of the states
against Spain, 168-against the
holy alliance, 169-against Bra-
zil, 170-to secure permanent
peace, 171-to guaranty the se-
curity of the governments, 172
-influence on commerce, 173–
subjects of attention in the con-
gress, ib.-inexpedient for the
United States to join, 174-yet
representatives might well be
present, ib.
Allston, extract from Percival's
poem in his praise, 324—influ-
ence of his works, 326.
American continent, aboriginal an-
tiquities of, 70-animals peculiar
to, 124-claims of the Europe-
ans to the possession of, 461.
American philosophical society, its
history and objects, 1-distin-
guished members, 2-second
vol. of Transactions reviewed, 3
-Dr Drake's geological ac-
count of the valley of Ohio, ib.
-quoted, 6-Mr Hamilton on
navigating the Gulf stream by
the thermometer, 7-Hassler's
survey of the coast of the United
States, 9-Wallenstein's meteo-
rological observations at Wash-
ington, 9-language of the Ber-
bers, 11-researches respecting
the North American Indians, 64.
American Revolution, served to
excite and call forth talent, 375
-distinguished men appeared
in every part of the country, 377
their biography should be writ-
ten, ib.-history of yet to be
written, 399- -importance of
preserving the MSS. of the lead-
ing men, ib.-greatness and in-
terest of the theme, ib.
Animals, peculiar to the old con-
tinent, 124-to the new, 126-
to New Holland, ib.-to the
arctic regions, i.-remarks of
Dr Prichard, ib.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Choteau, his letter concerning J.
D. Hunter, 106.

Cicero, 35.

Civil law, has imparted a spirit of
strict morality to the laws of in-
surance and the courts of equity,
260-its doctrines sometimes too
high and refined for practical
use, 268-its wide spread influ-
ence, 269.

Civilisation, in what it consists,

Claim of France on the United

States, its origin and amount,
147-renounced, 148.

Claims on Denmark, stated by Mr
Cushing, 456-history of the
spoliations, 456, 457-Mr Erv-
ing's mission, ib.

Claims for French spoliations, their

great amount, 136-divided into
two classes, 137-those exclud-
ed from the Louisiana conven-
tion, 137-under decree of 9th
May 1793, 137-twice revoked,
and finally restored, 138-em-
bargo at Bordeaux, 139-Mr
Monroe appoints an agent, who
reports, 139-obtains partial re-
lief, 140-new decree, of 2d
July 1796, 141-decree of the
Directory to the Windward Isl-
ands, 141-case of the Patty,
142-decree of 27th November,
142-other decrees, and their
oppressive operation, 143-case
of Capt. Martin, ib.-negotia-
tions, 144-convention of 1800,
146--mutual renunciation of
claims between France and the
United States, 147-origin and
nature of the claim on the U.
States, 147-application to Con-
gress by American citizens for
relief, in 1802, 148-in 1807,
149-in 1818, and 1822, 150—
under more favorable circum-
stances in 1823, 24, 151-argu-
ments against the claim consid-
ered, 152-redress not sought
by war, 152-character of the
hostilities of 1798, 152—argu-


ment that the claim was worth-
less, answered, 154-not worth-
less, 155 to 157-compared with
the Spanish claim, 157-value
set upon it by the governments
of both countries, 158.
Clark, Gen. W. his letter con-
cerning J. D. Hunter, 105.
Clinton, De Witt, his discourse on

the history of the Iroquois, 60.
Clymer, Geo. 190.

Colombia, form of government, 462
-will probably be changed from
the central to the federal, 463—
history of, prepared for publica-
tion, 464.

Committees of Correspondence, at
the commencement of the Amer-
ican revolution, 381, 382, note.
Common law of England, its origin
and character, 261--remarks of a
French writer, quoted by Bar-
rington, 262, note.
Confucius, 290.

Congress at Panama, suggested
by Bolivar, 165-how constitut-
ed, 166-its objects, 167-sub-
jects to be discussed, 173. See

Congress of U. States, register of

debates in, by Gales & Seaton,
Constitution of the U. States, ex-
tends the principle of represen-
tation to the executive and ju-
dicial, as well as the legislative
branch, 446-hence secures the
highest advantages of the re-
presentative system, 447-oper-
ation of that part which relates
to the election of President, 448
--of that which relates to the
treatymaking power, 449-to
transfer of allegiance, ib.-to
internal improvement, ib.-writ
of habeas corpus, 450-works
on the constitution recommend-
ed, ib.
Contracts, Verplanck's essay on
the doctrines of, 253-confusion
and uncertainty in the subject,

260-incongruities in the sys-
tem of England and the United
States, and difficulty of recon-
ciling them, 261-common law
and courts of equity, 262, 263—
doctrine of insurance, 264-dif-
ference between the law in this
case, and in the case of other
bargains, 265--illustrated by
example, 266-doctrine of the
civil law and French code re-
specting warranty, concealment,
and inadequacy of price, 267-
the reverse of the English, 268
--quaint expressions of the
Scotch law, ib.-Mr Verplanck's
doctrine respecting price, 270-
and when and how far may posi-
tive law differ from the strict
honesty and good faith required
by conscience, 271.
Convention with France, of 1800,
146, 157.

Cook, Capt. James, 335-particu-
lars of his death, as related by
the natives of Hawaii, 345-la-
mented and worshipped by the
islanders, ib.

Counsel, in certain cases, not al-
lowed to the accused in Eng-
land, 254.

Crawford, Col. his reported con-
versation with Wingenund, 72.
Cubi's new and practical System
for Translating the Spanish Lan-
guage, recommended, 451.
Cushing, C. Examination of the
claims of the United States on
Denmark noticed, 456.

Cuvier, 123-success of his inves-
tigations in natural history, 132
likely to mislead ordinary men,

Dana's, J. F. Epitome of Chemical
Philosophy, noticed, 455.
Dane, his MS. reports, 181.
Dante, 323.

Dawes, Mr, his lines entitled The
Spirit of Beauty, quoted, 441.

Declaration of Independence, pro-
ceedings in Congress prior to,
385--circumstances attending
it, as related by John Adams,
386-the original draft compar-
ed with the form adopted, 388.
De la Viga's narrative of the ex-
pedition of Ferdinand de Soto,
not trustworthy, 108, note.
Delaware Indians, their language,
history, 68.

Delaware language, no preposi-
tions, 79.

Demosthenes, character of his elo-
quence, 35--less known, and
less easily understood than Ci-
cero, ib. argumentative, for-
gets himself in his subject, 36-
not to be appreciated by ex-
tracts, nor from a translation,
38-character of Leland's, 39-
extract from the second Olyn-
thiac, ib.-remarks upon it, 40-
extract from the third Philippic,
41-two defects in his oratory,
42-the oration on the Crown,
his masterpiece, 43-three pas-
sages quoted, 44, 45, 46-his
works should be particularly
studied in this country, 48-
prolixity of American speakers
in Congress compared with the
British parliament, ib.--taste
for ornament, ib.--businesslike
style of Demosthenes wanted,
49-students in our seminaries
should be taught to debate ex-
tempore, 50.
Denmark, claims of the U. States
on, 456. See Claims.
Deuteronomy, whether it differs in

style from the preceding books,
293-more diffuse, 294.
Dey, original meaning of the word,

Dickenson, J. author of the Farm-

er's Letters, 189.
Divan, in the Algerine govern-
ment, has only a nominal exist-
ence, 415.
Drake, Dr, on the geology of the
valley of the Ohio.

Dunn, John, his letter concerning
J. D. Hunter, 106.
Duponceau, his arrangementof the
Library of the American Philo-
sophical Society, 2--disserta-
tion on the language of the Ber-
bers of Africa, 11, 430.


Eagle, method of killing by the
Indians, 118, note-its feathers,
in what esteem among the In-
dians, ib.

Ellis, Rev. William, visits the
Sandwich Islands, and aids the
Missionaries, 343-his conver-
sation with a priestess, 351.
Erving, W. his mission to Copen-
hagen, 456.

Eve of St John, a tale of the Gre-
cian islands, 445.
Exmouth, Lord, bombards Algiers,

Extemporaneous debate, tends to
create a good delivery, 51—
should be matter of instruction
in our schools, 50.


Federalist, study of the, recom-
mended, 450.
Foxes, characteristic tradition of,
respecting the separation of the
Indian tribes, 93.

Franklin, founder of the American

Philosophical Society, 1--noti-
ces of in England, 194, 197, 204

-his return to America, 206.
French spoliations. See Claims.
Frothingham v. Dutton, in the
Maine Reports, noticed, 31.

Gadsden, C. E. sermon on the
death of General Pinckney, no-
ticed, 222-quoted, 223.
Gaetano, said to have discovered
the Sandwich Islands, 335.
Gage, General, 206.

Gales & Seaton's Register of De-
bates in Congress, noticed, 224.
Gesenius, his works on the Sama-

ritan Pentateuch, &c. 274-his
decision respecting its value,
278-his thorough examination
of it, 280-his argument that
Moses did not write the Penta-
teuch drawn from the prophetic
passages, 204-other arguments
300-his account of the cases in
which the Samaritan and Sep-
tuagint agree in differing from
the Hebrew, 304, 305-his visit
to England, 314-discovers and
publishes Samaritan hymns, 315,

Gordon, respecting committees of
correspondence, quoted, 382,


Gould's Edition of Adam's Latin
Grammar, noticed, 228 --defects
of Adam, 233-excellences,

Gower, Lord, speech of, quoted,

Greece, character of its ancient
liberty, 163.

Greenleaf's Reports of the Su-
preme Judicial Court in Maine,
27-increase of law books, 28
-character of the work, 30—
cases cited, 31.

Gulf stream, use of the thermom-
eter in its navigation, 8.


Habeas corpus, writ of, recognised
in the constitution of the United
States, 450.

Hadad, a dramatic poem. See Hill-

Halkett, John, his work respecting
the North American Indians,
reviewed, 53--its character,

Hamilton, J. on the Gulf Stream, 7.
Hardwicke, Lord, on the adminis-

tration of justice, 254, note.
Harlan, Dr R. his Fauna Ameri-
cana, reviewed, 120-object of
the work, ib.-its subjects class-
ed, 121-his carelessness, 123-
confusion of names, 124-ani-

mals peculiar to the old and new
worlds, ib.-to New Holland,
126-faulty in the connexion
and arrangement of species, 127
-confusion in the subdivisions,
128 to 131-faults of style, 131
-want of clearness from inat-
tention to typographical ar-
rangement, 132-too ready to
erect new genera and species,
134-danger to American sci-
ence from this propensity, 135
-confusion arising from it, ib.
-his controversy with other
naturalists, 136.

Hassler, on the survey of the Unit-
ed States coasts, 9.

Hawaii, Journal of a Tour round it,
reviewed, 334-size and popu-
lation of the island, 335-its
condition when visited by the
Missionaries, 339-overthrow of
idolatry, 340-causes leading to
this event, ib.-missionary sta-
tions, 344-its volcanoes, 349-
affecting scene among the na-
tives, 353.

Hawaiian dialect, 354-one of the
five Polynesian, 355-its sounds
expressed by few letters, ib.-
every syllable ends with a vow-
el, 356-specimens of the writ-
ten language, 357, 358—no
words equivalent to many lead-
ing terms in the Scriptures, 360.
Hayradin See Barbarossa.
Heckewelder, his character, 64-his
representations of the Indian
character partial, 65-errors no-
ticed, 68.

Heiau, idol temple of the Sand-
wich islands, 347-one built by
Tamehameha described, ib.
Hillhouse, J.A. his Hadad, review-
ed, 13-the scene favorable, 14
-the subject bold, 15-several
passages cited, 17 to 23-high
character of the work, 25-a
few faults, 26.

History of the United States, no-
ticed, 229.

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