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Billiard Tables



Protected by Letters Patent, dated Feb. 19, 1856; Oct. 23, 1856; Dec. 8, 1857; Jan. 12, 1858; Nov. 16, 1858;

March 29, 1859; and Sept. 25, 1860.

The recent improvements in these Tables make them unsurpassed in the world. They are now offered to scientific Billiard Players as combining speed with truth,—never before obtained in any Billiard Table.

Salesroom-Nos. 786 and 788 Broadway, New York. Manufactory-Nos. 63, 65, 67, and 69 Crosby Street. PHELAN & COLLENDER,

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Just published, by D. APPLETON & CO.,



Fourth edition, enlarged, revised, illustrated with additional diagrams and a portrait on steel of the author. Price, one dollar, elegantly bound; sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price. PHELAN & COLLENDER,

63, 65, 67, and 69 Crosby Street.

A Political, Literary & General News Journal.

Daily, Semi-Weekly, and Weekly,

Is published in the States Building, corner of 7th and D Streets,
Washington, D. C.

In the POLITICAL DEPARTMENT, the "States and Union" gives not only editorials on all the current topics of public interest, but largely indicates the movements and projects-the sayings and doings-of the prominent statesmen and political personages at the Seat of Government.

During the Sessions of Congress, in addition to the usual daily notice of the proceedings of the Senate and House of Representatives, the States and Union " presents racy and reliable sketches and criticisms of the men who take part in the debates,-their antecedents, present position, and character; thus presenting a great variety of sound information, as well as pleasant reading.

In the LITERAry Department, Reviews and Notices of all new Books and the Periodical Press are given, with original and well-selected poetry, piquant reading-matter, &c., &c., forming all that is necessary to keep one au courant with the world of Belles-Lettres. FINE ARTS and the DRAMA, also, on suitable occasion, command the attention of able and impartial criticism in the columns of the "States and Union."

The General News DEPARTMENT embraces, daily, a condensed record of all interesting topics throughout the States, latest telegraphic intelligence, European news, personal gossip, and all matters of interest.

The transactions of the various DEPARTMENTS of the Government are regularly chronicled, and condensations of their most important papers given.

The LOCAL DEPARTMENT gives all the news of the city, in a pleasant and palatable style, eschewing all approach to vulgarity; hotel arrivals, police reports, municipal intelligence, &c.

In addition, there is a large variety of matter, which, with the above, renders the "States and Union" indubitably the most varied, interesting, and readable journal issued at the NATIONAL CAPITAL.

The DAILY is mailed to subscribers at Four Dollars a year; two copies, Seven Dollars; served to District subscribers at Six Cents per week.

The SEMI-WEEKLY, containing all the reading-matter of the Daily, mailed to subscribers at Three Dollars per year; two copies for Five Dollars.

Postmasters and others, who will take the trouble of getting up a club of ten subscribers, at the rate of One Dollar per year for each subscriber, will be furnished with a copy of the Weekly States and Union for one year gratis.

The WEEKLY, a large-size sheet, containing nearly all the reading matter of the Daily, is furnished to subscribers at the low price of One Dollar per


Payment in all cases required in advance.

Current money in the different States received in payment for subscriptions. All letters should be addressed to

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Editors and Publishers "STATES AND UNION,"

Washington, D. C.

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The most comfortable and most magnificent hotel in the world.




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