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It was rare to find an Austrian officer who had not taken part in pillage. A special train left each week for Austria and Germany filled with stolen goods.

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Private belongings of deported and interned civilians taken 1915-1918. from them



Rapport de la Commission Interalliée, p. 20.




Besides local levies, the German authorities by successive de- 1914-1918. crees extorted from Belgium a series of contributions totalling 2,390,000,000 fr., in cash. This sum represents 2,000,000 fr. per

Belgium (various places)..

German authorities.

Wavre (Belgium) alone had to contribute 3,000,000 fr., payable by Aug. 22, 1914. Wavre. September 1, on a false pretext. The Burgomaster was ordered to hand over 2,000,000 fr. in gold, under the threat: "The town of Wavre will be set on fire and destroyed unless payment is duly made. No exceptions will be made, and the innocent will suffer with the guilty"


Eighty-three communes were forced to issue notes to the value of 60,000 fr. per day for the maintenance of Germans; the total issue in the district was 1,600,000 fr.

A levy of 138,450 fr. was imposed, which was obvoiusly beyond
the resources of the neighbourhood

An order given stated that: "The circulation of communal notes
issued in the district occupied by the First Army is compul-
sory German soldiers are instructed to pay only with
such notes. . . Sums paid to the German Army must be in
cash, or German, French, or Belgian notes"
At Nesle the electric light installed for German officers was
charged by them to the inhabitants.

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Memorandum drawn up by the Belgian Delegation.

German military authori- 6th Report of Belgian Commission of ties Enquiry, No. 6.

German military authori- 8th Report of French Commission of ties

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Enquiry, No. 202.

Officer in command.

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Date unspeci- Nesle (Somme). fied

German military authorities


No. 235


Abusive requisition of victuals.


Eastern Macedonia..

Bulgarian authorities..

Greek Memorandum, p. 5.

Contributions on pretext that they were to be used for philan- 1916-1917..

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thropic purposes.



By means of requisitions,2 of so-called "free purchases," and of 1915-1918... expropriation, an institution known as the "Kriegsrohstoffstelle" drained the country systematically and completely of all raw materials and manufactured articles. It thus reduced the population to poverty, and increased the death rate very considerably

Ruin of Bessarabia (formerly a very rich province) by methodical Unspecified.. Bessarabia.
exploitation; deprived of cattle, horses, cereals, wood, &c.

Great economic exploitation; population reduced to misery.
New and heavy taxes imposed; Bulgarian assessment substituted
for Serbian

Contributions levied as fines.

Contributions levied as "voluntary gifts".

In some places no receipts given; in others, the sums indicated on them were less than those obtained.

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The Austrians seized all the provisions and supplies they could find, not leaving even the minimum indispensable for the native population. They seized every article made of or containing copper



Order issued forbidding any transactions in roubles, on pain of 5
years' imprisonment, a fine of 100,000 marks, and confiscation.
Issue of 862 millions of new coin under the name of "Polish
marks," current only in that part of Russian Poland ruled by
the Governor-General of Warsaw. All requisitions were paid
for by this means

Issued a new rouble, at a vlue of 2 marks, whilst the real rate was 24 marks.

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Russian rouble declared equal to 1 mark-a measure that put the March, 1918.
population at the mercy of German agents and speculators


Depreciated Serbian currency artificially. Serbian population 1915-1918. had to exchange all Serbian money for Bulgarian banknotes, and the official rate of exchange was 2 dinars for 1 lev. After a time Serbian banknotes were declared to be valueless The Austrian authorities decreed that Serbian banknotes were to - to be accepted, even in private transactions, only at 50 per cent. of their nominal value


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Various districts. Minsk.

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Serbia generally.


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1 Various examples are also given under other heads, c. g., Nos. 10, 13, 18, 29.

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Bulgarians (ordered by Rapport de la Commission Interalliée, the authorities). p. 28 (and Annexes au Rapport).

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Families held responsible for the escape of Belgians liable to mili- Jan. 26, 1915.. Belgium... tary service.



German military authorities.

Grey Book, p. 503.

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France was systematically laid waste for no military reason, es-
pecially: (1.) During the German advance in 1914 (destruction
of Gerbeviller, Audun-le-Roman, &c.) (2.) Before the German
retreat in March, 1917. During the last-mentioned period,
most of the numerous districts evacuated by Germany were
deliberately and scientifically reduced to a mass of ruins. We
will give only a few examples, viz.:


Before the German evacuation, the town of Chauny (population March 3-18, Chauny (Aisne).
11,000) was completely looted and then destroyed by fire and
dynamite, although no fighting had taken place in the neigh-
bourhood. The destruction began on March 3, 1917, and lasted
a fortnight. During that time the inhabitants were quartered
in the suburb of Brouage, which was not destroyed; it was,
however, bombarded by the Germans on March 20, soon after
their departure.

The districts of Flavy-le-Martel and Ourscamps are models of de-

A strictly secret order from the German authorities reads as fol-
lows: "The captain of the pioneers will direct the destruction
The final wholesale destruction in Grevillers, Bief-
villers, Aubin, and Avesnes will begin at X 2.... Fires
will be started about 5 o'clock on the third day of our march
It is important that all wells should be destroyed

Feb. - March| Flavy-le-Martel (Aisne)..


February to
March 1917

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Ourscamps (Oise).
Grevillers, Biefvillers, Au-
bin, Avesnes, Pas de

German troops.

9th Report of French Commission of Enquiry, p. 29.

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There is documentary proof of the existence of special incendiary
equipments brought from Germany (pumps, concentrated
cubes, &c.). The districts mentioned here were destroyed in
this manner

Agricultural Implements carried off or destroyed.

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Such implements were frequently carried off or destroyed, as, for Mar. 1917. example, in the districts mentioned opposite

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Great number of Greek houses devastated and many Greek villages destroyed by Bulgarians


Serres, Drama, Cavalla, and

Bulgarian authorities.


On the Italian front the Austro-Hungarian Army perpetrated Various dates Italian front. general and systematic acts of devastation and pillage


A town unlawfully bombarded and then set on fire by means of petrol. The most prosperous part was completely looted and then destroyed




A province ruined.

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Unspecified.. Bessarabia.

Methodical destruction of buildings, especially those relating to Unspecified.. Various places..
judicial institutions

Destruction of bridges, railways, depôts, works of art.

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After the con

Various places.

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clusion of
the Armi-

Houses and villages entirely rased to the ground, on pretext of 1915-1918.
military reasons or suppression of insurrection, and sometimes
even without any pretext at all

The Austrians, at the time of their first invasion, destroyed nu- 1914. merous villages and set fire to houses

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