Obrázky stránek

October, 1907.

1 CHINA. Decree for the protection of missionaries. Enunciates equal rights of all men and introduces principle of general toleration. North China Herald, 85:24; Missionaries and the imperial decree, id., 85:49.

1 BOLIVIA CHILE. Chile's denouncement of postal agreement of July 12, 1897, takes effect. Mem.....rel. ext., La Paz, 1907. 1 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION signed at Rome May 26, 1906, 7. v., takes effect. Ga. de Madrid, November 10 and 11; J. O.,

October 3; Lagemans: Recueil des traités, 16:92; Staatsb., 1907, No. 239; Diario oficial (Salvador), October 24, 25; Cd., 3556, 3558; B. de statistique et de législation comparée, 31:546. The Chinese imperial postoffice has published a tariff of postage, which came into force October 1, 1907, and which provides for the relations with the countries of the postal union the reduced rates fixed by the Rome convention. In the relations with Japan, Hongkong, Macao and Tsingtau rather lower rates have as a rule been fixed. L'union postale, 33:15.

1 TURKEY. Communication of Austria-Hungary and Russia to Bulgaria, Greece and Servia concerning affairs of Macedonia. For text Ann. dipl. et cons., 6:103, and Q. dipl., 24:546. Text of Greek reply Ann. dipl. et cons., 6:130; Macedonia, The Nation, 85:557; Times, October 1, 2, 3; Henry: Macedoine et Balkan, Q. dipl., 24:809; Ann. dipl. et cons., 6:148; Arch. dipl., 104:118; Mem. dipl., October 27, November 10; Focief: La justice turque et les reformes en Macedoine, Paris, 1907; Kasasis: Grecs et Bulgares aux dix-neuvième et vingtième siècles, Paris, 1907; R. dipl., December 15.

5 ECUADOR. Opening session at Quito of arbitration tribunal that is to settle differences between Government of Ecuador and the Guayaquil and Quito Railway. B. A. R., November.

5 GREAT BRITAIN SWEDEN. Agreement by exchange of notes at London respecting the estates of deceased seamen. Treaty ser., 1907, No. 37.

7 PERSIA. Shah approves at Teheran fundamental principles elaborated by parliament, additional to constitution granted by Muzaffer-ed-din. Text, Mem. dipl., November 17, 24, and December 1.

7 INTERNATIONAL COTTON TRADE CONVENTION opened at Atlanta, Ga. Adjourned October 9. With exception of China, Japan and India,

October, 1907.

every cotton manufacturing country was represented by delegations of spinners. For recommendations adopted by the Convention, see Times, October 25.


Convention restoring to China all her former rights to telegraph lines in Russian Manchuria. R. of R., November.

8 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Customs and commercial treaty signed at Budapest, with appendices-a veterinary convention, a railway and tariff agreement, and excise arrangements. Hungary consents to raise her share of the sum jointly contributed to the expenses of the common ministries of war, finance and foreign affairs, from 34.4 to 36 per cent, in consideration for being formally represented in all future commercial treaties with foreign states. Austria is to take steps for the liquidation or separation of the Joint State Bank, unless Hungary expresses a desire for its maintenance within the next six months. The protection of the rights in industrial property under the compromis is discussed in Dr. d'auteur, November. A court of arbitration for settlement of differences between the two States is to be created; Austria selecting four Hungarian, and Hungary four Austrian, judges, the presidency being decided by lot. Each government will be represented before the court by its own delegates. Louis-Jaray: La question d'Autriche-Hongrie, Q. dipl., 23:465; Times, October 8, 9, 10, 18; Il dissidio austro-ungerico in Gray: Questioni diplomatiche e sociali dell'anno 1905, Torino, 1906; Apponyi: The juridical nature of the relation between Austria and Hungary, Congress of arts and science....St. Louis, 1904, 1906, 7:529; Spectator, 99:51, 473. Takes effect January 1, 1908, and endures until December 31, 1917.

10 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Decree approving postal convention and annexed protocols signed at Rome, May 26, 1906. B. A. R., December.

11 NICARAGUA. Accession to the declarations signed at The Hague, July 29, 1899, respecting (1) expanding bullets, (2) asphyxiating gases. Treaty ser.. 1907, No. 40. For table of prior accessions see June 15, 1907, vol. I, p. 1003.

11 SPAIN. Deposit at Berne of ratification of Geneva convention signed July 6, 1906.

October, 1907.

12 FRANCE-SERVIA. Ratifications exchanged at Belgrade of treaty of commerce and navigation signed at Belgrade January 5, 1907, q. v. J. O., July 14, November 10. French decree promulgating, November 7, 1907.

TIONS opened at London. Times, October 17.

16 BELGIUM-GERMANY. Treaty signed respecting literary and artistic property. Identical with Franco-German treaty signed April 8, 1907, q. v.

16 ITALY-MEXICO. Treaty of general arbitration signed at The Hague. Term, ten years from exchange of ratifications.


commentary by G. Fusinato on recent treaties of general arbitration concluded by Italy, see R. di dr. int., vol. II, No. 6.

16 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. First Philippine Assembly inaugurated. Charlton: The Philippine assembly in Proceedings of the 25th annual meeting of the Lake Mohonk Conference of friends of the Indian and other dependent peoples, 1907, p. 77; and other addresses on American relations with the Philippine Islands in the same volume and reports of previous meetings; Times, October 17; Doherty: The Philippines Assembly, Independent, 64:357; Special report of Wm. H. Taft, Secretary of War, to the President on the Philippines, Washington, 1908; Munro: The introduction of representative government in the Philippine Islands, Zeitschrift für Volkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht, vol. 2, No. 2.

18 SECOND INTERNATIONAL PEACE CONFERENCE adjourned. See June 15, 1907. Documents, post; Westlake: The Hague Conference, Quarterly R., 208:225; Charteris: The second peace conference, Juridical R., 19:223; Hague conference of the future, Spectator, October 26; Cd., 3857; Davis: The second Hague conference. Independent, 63:1094; d'Estournelles de Constant: The results of the Second Hague Conference, id., November 21; Lémonon: La seconde conférence de la paix, Q. dipl., 24:596; Hazeltine: The second peace conference, N. A. R., 186:576; Hill: Second peace conference at The Hague, Am. J. of int. law, 1:671; Ernst: La deuxième conférence de la paix, La R. Générale, 43:636; The second Hague conference, Edinburgh R., 207:224; Elliott: The second Hague conference, South Atlantic Quarterly, 7:42; Stead: Impressions from The Hague, Contem

October, 1907.

porary R., 92:721; Barclay: Problems of international practice and diplomacy, London, 1907; Stead: Notes from The Hague, R. of Reviews (London), 36:463; Stead: Brazil at The Hague, R. of Reviews (London), November; 1907; Lémonon: La seconde conférence de la paix, R. politique et parlementaire, 55:320; von Schleinitz: Der seehandel, das Seekriegsrecht und die Haager Friedenskonferenz, Deutsche R., 32:129; Hill: The net result at The Hague, R. of R., 36:727; Reinsch: Failures and successes at the Second Hague conference, Am. pol. sci. R., 2:204; R. di dr. int., 2:408; text of final act, dated October 16, and conventions in R. de dr. int. et de législation comparée, 9:599, Cd., 3857, Document, post, and R. di dr. int., vol. 2, No. 6; Times, October 24. For the results of the conference so far as the international law of war is concerned, see Westlake: International law, Part 2, pp. 267-331.

23 FRANCE HAITI. Ratifications exchanged at Paris of commercial convention signed at Port au Prince January 30, 1907. French decree promulgating, October 30, 1907. J. O., November 1; Le Moniteur (Port au Prince), February 20; B. A. R., May; Ann. dipl., 5:100; B. int. des douanes, No. 108, supplement 4; J. O., March 31, July 31, August 3. Reciprocal tariff concessions. 23 FRANCE GREAT BRITAIN. Agreement signed at Paris to facilitate accomplishment of formalities provided by article 6 of the convention of commerce and navigation signed February 28, 1882, respecting patterns or samples liable to duty. Decree of France promulgating, December 27. J. O., December 28; Treaty ser., 1907, No. 45.

23 FRANCE GREAT BRITAIN. Ratifications exchanged at Paris of agreement signed at Paris June 30, 1906, supplementary to money order convention of September 21, 1887. Treaty ser., 1907, No. 41; J. O., November 27, 1907; French decree promulgating, November 2, 1907.

23 FRANCE GREAT BRITAIN. Ratifications exchanged at Paris of convention signed at Paris June 30, 1906, for exchange of money orders between the United Kingdom and various French colonies. Treaty ser., 1907, No. 42; J. O., November 27, 1907; French decree promulgating, November 2, 1907.

October, 1907.


28 COLOMBIA, by note of this date, announced to Switzerland her adhesion to the Geneva convention of July 6, 1906.

November, 1907.

1 BELGIUM-GERMANY. Arrangement to prevent spread of contagious diseases takes effect. Supersedes arrangement effected by exchange of notes June 7 and 19, 1889. B. Usuel, September 11; Monit., September 11.


BRITAIN NORWAY. Declaration signed at Christiania concerning abrogation as regards Norway of the treaty between France, Great Britain and Norway and Sweden, November 21, 1855 (State Papers, 45:33), under which the integrity of Norway and Sweden as against Russia was guaranteed by France and Great Britain. Q. dipl., 24:694.

2 FRANCE GERMANY-GREAT BRITAIN-NORWAY-RUSSIA. Treaty signed at Christiania concerning the integrity of Norway. The integrity of Norway, North China Herald, 85:365; Mem. dipl., November 24. "If the integrity of Norway is threatened, the contracting powers engage, after communication received from Norway on the subject, to lend their support to Norway to safeguard its integrity by the means that shall be judged most appropriate." Term, ten years and until denouncement. Europe's guarantee of Norway's neutrality, R. of Reviews, January, 1908. 2 GREAT BRITAIN. Order in council providing for the exercise of British jurisdiction in the New Hebrides in accordance with the terms of the convention signed at London, October 20, 1906, as amended by notes exchanged at London, August 29, 1907. London Ga., November 15.

2 GREAT BRITAIN-ROUMANIA. British order in council under subsection (1) of section 234 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, declaring that deserters from Roumanian merchant ships shall be liable to be apprehended and conveyed on board their respective ships. London Ga., November 5.

2 SWEDEN. Adhesion to international convention of October 14, 1890, respecting railway freight transportation. J. O., November 22, 1907.

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