Obrázky stránek

November, 1907.

3 INTERNATIONAL. Closure at Brussels of procès-verbal of deposit of ratifications of the convention signed at Brussels November 3, 1906, revising the duties imposed by the Brussels convention of June 8, 1899, on spirituous liquors imported into certain regions of Africa. J. O., November 3, 10, and 13, 1907; Ga. de Madrid, May 1; Staatsb., 1907, No. 279; Cd., 3264; G. B. Parliamentary debates, 170:52; Treaty ser., 1907, No. 46; B. de statistique et de législation comparée, 23:437. Ratifications deposited: Great Britain, February 9, 1907; Spain, April 4, 1907; Kongo, April 6, 1907; Sweden, June 7, 1907; Russia, June 11, 1907; Belgium, June 19, 1907; Italy, July 11, 1907; Germany, October 16, 1907; Portugal, October 30, 1907; Netherlands, November 2, 1907; France, November 3, 1907. The convention enters into effect December 2, 1907. See May 11, 1907.

4 BELGIUM-HOLLAND. Joint committee in session at Brussels to seek means of establishing closer relations between the two countries. The delegates were divided into six subcommittees on (1) unification of postal rates, means of transportation, customs regulations, etc.; (2) labor legislation, execution of foreign judgments; (3) intermediate and higher education, correspondence of diplomas; (4) maritime question; (5) middle classes; (6) agriculture. Sauvé: Le rapproachement hollandobelge, Q. dipl., 24:661; Mem. dipl., November 10.

6 HONDURAS NICARAGUA-SALVADOR. Act signed at Amapala by presidents of the three republics. Stipulates that a Central American peace congress he held at Amapala after the Washington conference (see November 14); invites Guatemala and Costa Rica to adhere; declares in force all treaties which uphold their international friendship and harmony. Diario de Centro-América (Guatemala), November 14; Manifiesto....presidente provisional de Honduras ante la asamblea nacional constituyente 1908, Tegucigalpa.

6 BRAZIL URUGUAY. Brazilian decree approving protocol signed at Rio de Janeiro, December 12, 1906, modifying article 4 of agreement of February 14, 1879. Letters rogatory. B. A. R., January, 1908; Mensagem.... pelo presidente (Rio de Janeiro, 1907). BRAZIL. Congress approved international radiotelegraphic convention signed at Berlin, November 3, 1906. B. A. R., January.

November, 1907.


GERMANY-ITALY. Treaty signed respecting literary and artistic property. This treaty, like that between Belgium and Germany of October 19, is in pursuance of the resolution of the Paris conference of 1896 in favor of simplification of particular literary arrangements between union states; Germany, Belgium and Italy being members of the international union for the protection of literary and artistic property. Dr. d'auteur, January, 1908. 12 GUATEMALA. Executive order. Prohibiting entry of Chinese even though possessed of Guatemalan passports. Due to abuse of passports. El Guatemalteco, November 13.

14 RUSSIA. Third Duma opened at St. Petersburg. Times, November 14, 15; Mem. dipl., November 17; R. of R., 37:91. COSTA RICA-GUATEMALA


HONDURAS-NICARAGUA-SALVADOR. Opening of peace conference in Washington. Adjourned December 20. Eight treaties signed on the latter date providing for (1) general peace and amity, (2) additional articles to same, (3) the creation of a Central American court of justice, (4) uniform extradition laws, (5) annual conferences for uniformity in monetary systems, tariffs, weights and measures, (6) the establishment of better means of communication and transportation, (7) the establishment of a pedagogic institute in Costa Rica, (8) the establishment of a Central American Bureau similar in its functions to the Bureau of American Republics. Proceedings and treaties in B. A. R., December. B. oficial de la secretaría de relaciones exteriores (Mexico), October, 1907.

15 FRANCE GREAT BRITAIN. Arrangement signed at London to prevent as far as possible evasion of duties on successions. Ratifications exchanged at London, December 9, 1907. J. O.. December 14; Times, December 14. French decree of ratification, December 13, 1907. Text in B. de statistique, 31:585; also in R. de dr. int. privé, 3:976; study on same by Wahl, id., 1908, No. 1.

16 PRUSSIA-SWEDEN. Convention signed at Berlin for establishment of ferry service for transfer of trains between Sassnitz and Trelleborg. Mem. dipl., November 24.

16 BELGIUM. Invitation to foreign powers to participate in Brussels Exposition in 1910.

November, 1907.

18 BELGIUM-GERMANY. Promulgation at Berlin of convention signed at Berlin August 13, 1903, for bettering railway communication between Prussia and Belgium. Preuszische Gesetzsammlung, 1907, No. 43; Reichs-G., 1907, No. 47.

18 MEXICO. Ratification by president of international convention signed at Rio de Janeiro, August 13, 1906, extending until December 31, 1912, the treaty on pecuniary claims signed at Mexico January 30, 1902. B. A. R., December. Approved by Mexican Senate October 23, 1907.

19 GREAT BRITAIN-UNITED STATES. Commercial agreement signed. at London. Provides for the application of the minimum rate under the third section of the tariff act of the United States approved July 24, 1897, to works of art, being the product of the industry of the United Kingdom, in return for the free admission of samples of dutiable goods brought into the territory of the United Kingdom by commercial travelers of the United States. President's proclamation, December 5, 1907. Treaty ser., 1907, No. 44; Stat. at L., vol. 35.

26 BULGARIA-GREAT BRITAIN. Ratifications exchanged at Sofia of commercial convention, protocol and declaration signed at Sofia, December 9, 1905. Treaty ser., 1908, No. 1.

26 MOROCCO. Beni-Snassen cross Algerian frontier. For details, Mem. dipl., December 1. On indemnity for injuries to property of foreigners at Casablanca July 31, q. v., see J. du dr. int. privé, 34: 1257. Mem. dipl., November 10; de Pressensé: France, Morocco and Europe, Contemporary R., 92:731; Sabatier: L'erreur d'Algésiras, R. politique et parliamentaire, 55:248; Brown: The bombardment of Casablanca, Cornhill Magazine, 23:748; de Caix: L'affaire du Maroc, Le livre jaune, Q. dipl., 24:629; id., 24:785; Duschesne-Fournet: Quelques reflexions sur le problème marocain, Q. dipl., 24:637; Doc. dipl.: Affaires du Maroc 1901-1905, protocoles et comptes rendues de la conférence d'Algésiras, affaires du Maroc III, 1906-1907; Leroy-Beaulieu: La France dans l'Afrique du Nord. Le Maroc, R. des deux mondes, 43:5; Delafosse: The problem of Morocco, National R., 50:869; France and Morocco, Spectator, January 18, 1908; The position of France, Spectator, February 1, 1908. For terms of amnesty to the BeniSnassen, see Q. dipl., 25:53.

November, 1907.

29 BELGIUM-KONGO. Treaty signed at Brussels for cession of the Kongo Free State to Belgium. Text, Times, December 7. Deibel: Het Congovraagstuk, De Gibs, October, 1907; Lorrand: Le Congo et la Belgique, La Grand R., 46:43; Goffart: La mise en valeur de l'état du Congo, La R. générale, 86:40; Taylor: The Congo Free State, American Law R., 41:102; Spectator, January 4; Times, October 26, November 7. The December, 1907, number of the Official Organ of the Congo Reform Association contains a map showing concessions in the Kongo Free State; text, Q. dipl., 24:845; A new era for the Congo, Nation, 85:558; Lorrand: Belgian opinion on the Congo question, Contemporary R., February, 1908.


Ratifications exchanged at Berlin of

treaty signed at Berlin, August 27, 1907. Accident insurance. Reichs-G., 1907, No. 50.




Continental Congress, Journals of the, 1774-89. Vol. 9. Library of congress. Cloth, $1.

Japanese and Korean laborers, regulations relating to transit of, through the continental territory of the United States, Oct. 31, 1907. 2 p. Bureau of immigration and naturalization.

Naturalization laws and regulations, Sept. 23, 1907. 26 p. Bureau of immigration and naturalization. Paper, 10c.

Newfoundland, modus vivendi between the United States and Great Britain in regard to inshore fisheries on the treaty coast of Newfoundland, agreement effected by exchange of notes at London, Sept. 4-6, 1907. 3 p. Dept. of state.

Wireless telegraph, international. Message from the President, transmitting an international wireless telegraph convention, with service regulations annexed thereto, a supplementary agreement, and a final protocol, all signed at Berlin on Nov. 3, 1906. 38 p. Dept. of state. (Senate confidential ex. A.)


American manuscripts in the Royal institution of Great Britain, Report on the. 1907. Vol. 3. Historical manuscript commission. (cd. 3669.) 1s. 11d.

Belgium, convention between the United Kingdom and, for the exchange of money orders. Signed at London, Sept. 17, 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3755.) 1d.

'When prices are given, the document in question may be obtained for the amount mentioned from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.

2 Official publications of Great Britain, India and many of the British colonies may be purchased of P. S. King & Son, Orchard House, 2 and 4 Great Smith Street, Westminster, London; cd. refers to papers presented to Parliament by


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