Jamy, Nym, Officers in King Henry's Army. Bardolph, Formerly Servants to Falstaff, now Soldiers in Piftol, Boy, the King's Army. Conftable, Ifabel, Queen of France. Catharine, Daughter to the King of France. CHORUS. Lords, Meffengers, French and English Soldiers, The Scene, at the beginning of the Play, lies in England; but afterwards, wholly in France. For a Mufe of fire, that would afcend (1) A kingdom for a stage, Princes to act, And let us, cyphers to this great accompt, Suppofe, within the girdle of thefe walls Think, when we talk of horses, that you see them Who, prologue-like, your humble patience pray, (1) O for a Mufe of Fire,] MILTON, who was a zealous Admirer, and ftudious Imitator of our Author, feems to have had the fine opening of this Prologue in his Eye, when he began the 4th Book of his Paradife Loft. O for that warning Voice, which he, who faw Th' Apocalyps, heard cry in Heav'n aloud, The |