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Third: Taking note that there is no prescribed time of rendering accounts to the family or the absent physician. It has been suggested that a monthly accounting is the easiest way for the man doing the work and the manner in which the family will receive the greatest benefit.

I can assure you that from those direct reports that I have received, there is the greatest appreciation of the operation of the plan. It only needs the whole-hearted professional coöperation of those who stay at home to make it the success that it promised to be.

Respectfully submitted,



(18) Report of the Delegate to the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, by Dr. F. H. Barnes (Stamford):


Mr. President and Gentlemen of the House of Delegates:

I attended the meeting of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, which was held at the William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa., September 25th, 26th and 27th, 1917. The general meeting of the society was called to order at 10 A. M., Tuesday, September 25th, Dr. Codman of Philadelphia presiding. After an address of welcome by Dr. J. M. Thorn, President of the Alleghany County Medical Society, the delegates were introduced. It was my lot to be the only delegate from another state society. Was introduced as a delegate of the Connecticut State Medical Society. The programme was very interesting: the papers were scientific and well presented. Perhaps the best feature of the scientific programme was a symposium on Nephritis, which showed that the different members presenting it had spent much time in preparation. I was cordially received

and much was done to make my stay in Pittsburgh pleasant. The social side was not so prominent, due to the fact that our country was at war and many of the members of the society were getting ready to go to the front. Tuesday evening a patriotic concert was given with some splendid addresses and fine music. Thursday evening a banquet was served after which we had some very good speeches.

You will pardon me for suggesting that we cannot do too much to make pleasant the stay of any visiting delegates to our society. It seems to me that the State Medical Societies as a whole do not do as much as they should in the line of entertaining visiting delegates.

[blocks in formation]

(19) Report of Amittee on Medical Defense, by Dr. William R. Miller (Southington):


Mr. President and Gentlemen of the House of Delegates:

Owing to the death of Dr. McKnight and the absence of Dr. Miller, who is in the M. R. C., your Committee on Medical Defense have held no meetings, and therefore, have no report to present.

I would suggest that some one be elected in place of Dr. McKnight and that the Committee be continued.

Respectfully submitted,

Acting Chairman.

It was voted that the dues of the members of this Society now serving with the colors be remitted during the continuance of their service.

It was voted that the income from the Russell Fund for the current year be devoted to the general running expenses of the Society.

It was voted to authorize the Council to levy an assessment, not exceeding $2.00, on the members of the Society at any time during the coming year, if in their opinion it should be necessary. It was voted to accept the invitation of New London County to hold the Semi-Annual Meeting in conjunction with that Society at New London, October 3, 1918.

It was voted to hold the next Annual Meeting at Bridgeport, on Wednesday and Thursday, May 21 and 22, 1919.

Dr. Harvey Cushing of Boston, Mass., was elected an honorary member of the Society.

The following amendment to the By-Laws, Chapter 13, Section 2, was adopted:

"All papers read before the Society or any of the Sections shall become its property. Each paper shall be deposited with the Secretary before reading. No paper shall be read before this Society which has been previously published or read before any other organization."

It was voted to confirm the following War Committee, which was appointed by the President at the request of a meeting of the State Secretaries, held in Chicago on April 30, 1918: Chairman, D. Chester Brown, C. C. Godfrey, Edward K. Root, W. R. Steiner, F. H. Wheeler, George Blumer, M. M. Scarbrough, the President, the Secretary.

It was voted to endorse the Owen-Dyer bill in its entirety, and the Secretary was instructed to officially notify the senators and representatives from this State that such action had been taken.

It was voted to refer the question of the violation of the Medical Practice Act, by nurses in factories and industrial establishments, to the Committee on Public Policy and Legislation for action and report.

A letter from the Secretary of the Stamford Medical Association in regard to the question of the Society taking up the question of community automobile insurance, was read.

It was voted that the question be laid on the table.

Dr. Segur presented the following resolution:

WHEREAS, The Connecticut State Medical Society in convention assembled, at Hartford Conn., May 15th and 16th, 1918, is cognizant of the deleterious effect of infectious diseases (or of venereal infection) upon the absolute efficiency of the United States Military Organization and upon our civilian population, and

WHEREAS, Said Society has acquainted itself with the efforts now being made by the Federal and State authorities to coöperate in controlling infectious diseases, especially venereal diseases, in this great crisis of the world's history; be it

Resolved, That the Connecticut State Medical Society express its approval of the efforts of the Public Health Authorities to keep both soldiers and civilians "fit to fight."


It was voted to refer this resolution to the General Assembly of the Society at the meeting on Thursday afternoon. resolution was taken up at that meeting, and adopted.

On motion of Dr. Carmalt it was voted to refer to the Committee on Public Policy and Legislation the question of the propriety of the enactment of a law providing that a physician convicted of a criminal abortion should lose his license to practice.

It was voted that the operation of the Maryland Plan be entrusted to the War Committee and that the Maryland Plan Committee be discontinued.

The House of Delegates adjourned at 1.03 P. M. to 9 A. M., Thursday, May 16, 1918.


The second meeting of the House of Delegates was held at the Hunt Memorial Building, Hartford, at 9 A. M., on Thursday, May 16, 1918. The following officers and delegates were present during the meeting: Vice-President, C. C. Godfrey; Secretary, J. E. Lane; Councilors, F. H. Barnes, Fairfield County; W. R.

Steiner, Hartford County; G. N. Lawson, Middlesex County; W. H. Carmalt, New Haven County. Delegates: Fairfield County, J. D. Gold, W. H. Donaldson, W. C. Watson, J. W. Avery; Hartford County, E. R. Lampson, G. C. Segur; Middlesex County, F. K. Hallock; New Haven County, L. M. Gompertz, F. G. Graves.

No change in the nominations made at the previous session was made except that Dr. Robert L. Rowley was substituted for Dr. C. C. Godfrey as nominee for delegate to the American Medical Association, as Dr. Godfrey explained that he could not attend.

DR. HALLOCK: Mr. President, I do not want to make any other nominations as I am sure the Council has given careful consideration to the matter, and, as a rule, its recommendations should be followed, but I cannot let this occasion pass without saying a word in reference to Dr. Calef. You know he has been on the Committee on Medical Examinations ever since it was established. I believe he has fulfilled the duties of his office to the best of his ability and has been a faithful servant of this Society.

I feel as if I wanted to bear witness to this fact and express this opinion because of my life-long friendship with him, and because I know that his motives and purpose have always been to work for what he conceived to be the best interests of our Society.

On motion of Dr. Hallock it was voted that the House of Delegates express their appreciation and thanks to Dr. J. Francis Calef for his past services as a member of the Committee on Medical Examinations and Medical Education.

The officers and committees, of which a list will be found in the first pages of the Proceedings, were unanimously elected, after an opportunity had been given for other nominations.

A telegram from Dr. Samuel M. Garlick, who was attending the meeting of the New Hampshire Medical Society as delegate from this Society, was received. He sent the greetings of the New Hampshire Medical Society to the Connecticut State Medical Society.

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